Newly formed Aubane Drama Group Presents Darby O’Gill and The Little People

The Newly Formed

Aubane Drama Group Presents

Darby O’Gill & The Little People


Aubane Community Centre, P51 EP49


Friday January 31st & Saturday February 1st, 8pm


€15, Under 18s – €5

Booking Essential

To Book Tickets,

Phone 085 784 7879

Aubane Community Alert Group Crime Prevention Meeting happening on Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Crime Prevention Meeting on  Tuesday Evening November 5th at 8pm in Aubane Community Centre, A Member of An Garda Siochána will be in attendance.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.

The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Vintage/Classic Car Run on Tomorrow Saturday September 21st in Aubane from 12 Noon

The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Lady Members are Running a Vintage/Classic Car Run on tomorrow Saturday September 21st starting at 2pm from Aubane Community Centre Eircode (P51 EP49), Sign on for the Event will be from 12 noon and the beneficiary will be Cullen and District Special Needs Association who do great work in the Locality while the Route for the Event will take in a Scenic Format that will make it’s way to the Finish at the Farm Grenagh where you can avail of Refreshments along with Musical Entertainment provided by Vy Ha and Mahilet O’Leary in Aubane before the start of the Event while Sheila Fitzgerald will provide some Musical Entertainment in Grenagh where you will have the opportunity also to see the exhibits in the Farm.
The Groups Lady Members Mairead Ita and Breeda would love to have on the day All the Ladies out there who own any Vintage/Classic Cars Bikes Vans etc come out and join us for the spin (and we wont forget the Gentlemen as well of course also)for further information you can Contact 
Breeda 086 0893405, Ita 087 9865217 or Mairead 086 1054921.
Check out the YouTube link below where The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Ladies talk to Willie Fitzgerald of Cork Music Station on his Thursday Evening slot to give an outline of what to expect on the Car Run they are running tomorrow from Aubane.

Dancing with Dan recommences from Thursday Night October 3rd in Aubane Community Centre

Notice here from Aubane Social Club to inform People that Dancing with Dan is back in Aubane Community Centre P51 EP49 from Thursday October 3rd and every Thursday after that from 8-10 pm.

Everybody Welcome.


Superb Turnout for the Inaugural Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Car and Tractor Run held in Aubane on Sunday

As the Dust settles on what was a fantastic Debut Event for Blackwater Valley Vintage Group on Sunday August 18th out of Aubane Community Centre which was all for a great cause in The Alzheimer Society of Ireland we would like to thank everyone who made our first Event a very memorable one,Luke Hurley and Jack Sheehan headed the Car and Tractor Runs yesterday and they wish to acknowledge the help they got in the lead up to the Event and on the day itself,to the Catering Crew in Aubane all we can say is that they looked after us so well with top class food and hospitality which they very kindly sponsored and supplied free of charge and also giving us the use of a top class venue in Aubane Community Centre,to the People of Aubane who helped on the day and made us so welcome and also allowed us the use of there properties for parking as well we thank you very much,also to Super Valu Millstreet who sponsored the Scones thank you for the generosity and support,The Pub Carriganima was a great ending point for the Run and we thank them for having us as well as the Yanks Chipper keeping us well fed and to Tim Joe and Ann and Barry O’Halloran and the Cullen Crew who provided fantastic music at the Finish we thank you for your help and support,to An Garda Siochana we thank you for your assistance in keeping the Event progress smoothly and safely on the Road and to our fantastic Bike Marshalls and all the Marshalls out on the Route we could not have done this without your help,to the hardworking sign on Crew who kept the paperwork all in order thanks for your help,a big thanks as well to John Tarrant and The Corkman for there coverage and support and to all the Photographers and Video people who came out on the day we thank you for your attendance and publicity of the days proceedings,also a big shout out to everyone who donated spot prizes for the draw and finally to the 111 entries from people who brough either a Tractor or Car yesterday from both from near and far we are very grateful for your support on our very First Event and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Photos Courtesy of Richard Norton and Rnc Rally-Pics.

Presentation made to St Johns Holy Well Committee following recent Vintage Car Run

Millstreet Vintage Club made a Presentation on Friday Evening last to St Johns Holy Well Committee at Aubane Community Centre following the Club’s recent Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run which was in Aid of the Well,an Impressive final Total Amount of €1,425.70 was collected and the Club would like to thank everyone who supported the Event for their Generosity, John Twomey Chairman of the Holy Well Committee thanked Millstreet Vintage Club for there support and said the money raised will be put to great use in the upkeep and maintenance of what is an iconic and beautiful place of worship and peace.

We thank Sean Radley and Danny Lane for the Photos on the Night.

Report by Bernard Crowley Club PRO.

Fantastic Turnout for the Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run in Aid of St Johns Holy Well Mushera last Sunday

Event Organiser Bernard Crowley and Millstreet Vintage Club would like to thank everyone who came along to the Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run last Sunday in Millstreet which was in Aid of St Johns Holy Well Mushera,over 80 Cars lined up for the Drive and a big thanks to each and everyone of you for making the Trip to Millstreet on Sunday,we would like to thank all the People that helped out which went to make the Event a great success,to all the Marshalls,Bike Marshalls,Registration/Sign On,Route Layout/Arrowing Crew etc many many thanks for all your help,also we wish to thank Millstreet Pipe Band, An Garda Siochana, Humphrey Healy and Caroline of the The Bridge Bar Millstreet for looking after us all so well,to Noel C Duggans for providing a Top Class Car Park Facility, and to all the Crew at Aubane Community Centre for looking after us brilliantly on our Halfway Pitstop and for providing parking,a big shout out must also go out to our Photographers and Media People for there great Promotion,special thanks to Sean Murphy of the Pub Carriganima for the Amplification System, and thanks to all our Sponsors for Spot Prizes who were as follows,Colemans Millstreet,Tony O’Brien Master Butchers,The Pub Carriganima, Mulcahys Pharmacy, Myra Sheehan, Dan Barry Crash Repairs,Willie and Ita Fitzgerald, Luke and Mairead Hurley and Bernard and Mary Crowley thanks for your generosity,and finally many thanks to the Hickey Family for there support and for donating the Johnny Hickey Memorial Cup to Millstreet Vintage Club and Congratulations to Jerry Hynes in his Saab 99 who was the winner of this most beautiful Cup,we hope you all Enjoyed the day and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
There is a great selection of Photos below Courtesy of Daniel Lane
Matthew Twomey Seán Radley and Ray Corkery.
Report by Bernard Crowley Club PRO.

Millstreet Vintage Club Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run happening today Sunday March 10th in aid of St Johns Well Mushera

The Annual Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run organised by Millstreet Vintage Club will take place on today Sunday March 10th, this year the Event will be in Aid of the Running Costs of Facilities for St Johns Holy Well in Mushera near Millstreet which is a very Worthy Cause.

There is  an opportunity to see some Cool Vehicles before they set out after 12 Noon today in Millstreet so why not come along to the Noel C Duggan Yard for a look.

Johnny was a founding Member and former Chairman of Millstreet Vintage Club and was a highly Respected Person both in the Club and beyond so its a pleasure for Millstreet Vintage Club to be holding the 6th Annual Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run, the Event will be based out of the Bridge Bar Millstreet Eircode (P51 H978) with Sign on from 10.30am and Take Off at 12 Noon,and as usual all Vintage/Classic Cars,Bikes,Vehicles are very Welcome to join the Run,Draw for the Johnny Hickey Memorial Trophy and Spot Prizes to be won on the Day, for more details Call Bernard Crowley on 087 7924406,or Willie Fitzgerald on 087 2229874.

Aubane Community Alert Crime Prevention Meeting happening this Tuesday Evening February 20th at 8.30pm in Aubane Community Centre

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Crime Prevention Meeting on this Tuesday Evening February 20th at 8.30pm in Aubane Community Centre, A Member of An Garda Siochána will be in attendance.

Everyone is very welcome to attend.


Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th

Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th at 6pm in Aubane Community Centre (P51 EP49) Entry €5 per Child/ Adults Free.



Day of Regions Aubane Community Walk on Sunday August 21st

The Day of Regions Aubane Community Walk is happening on Sunday 21st August, leaving Aubane Community Centre at 2.00 pm and heading to the Butter Road Monument.

We hope to see as many possible on the day. Refreshments afterwards at Aubane Community Centre.

This event is sponsored by IRD Duhallow CLG

Easter Egg Hunt making a Return to Aubane on Easter Saturday April 16th

To All Families.

Just to let you know that the Aubane Social Club Easter Egg Hunt makes a return on Easter Saturday April 16th from 11.00 am -1.30 pm

€5 per Child

All Welcome.

Annual Mushera Christmas Day Climb in Aid of Irish Community Air Ambulance Service


This year’s Christmas Day Mountain Climb of Mushera on next Saturday 25 December is in Aid of the Irish Community Air Ambulance based in Rathcoole. Commences at 10.30 am. Your Support would be welcome for this very Worthy Cause. 

Christmas Day Climb 2021 in Aid of Irish Community Air Ambulance

Aubane Social Club Annual Christmas Day climb of Mushera is going ahead at 10.30 am from Millstreet Country Park Gates. Proceeds in aid the Irish Community Air Ambulance.   We thank John F. Kelleher for this Notice.

Aubane and Kilcorney Parish are Hosting an Urgent Christmas Appeal of Support for Cork Penny Dinners on Sunday November 28th,Your Support would be very Welcome

Aubane and Kilcorney Parish are Hosting an Urgent Christmas Appeal of Support for Cork Penny Dinners on Sunday November 28th,

All Donations of the Items listed in the Poster below and Cash Donations would be very Welcome.

There will be Drop off Points for Donations at Aubane Cross or Kall and Dyne Restaurant in Millstreet on next Sunday November 28th between 10am and 2pm

For More information Contact Gwen Barrett on 087 2144371 or Seanie Barrett on 087 6827127.


Aubane/Kilcorney Parish Urgent Christmas Appeal for Cork Penny Dinners on Sunday November 28th

Aubane and Kilcorney Parish are Hosting an Urgent Christmas Appeal of Support for Cork Penny Dinners on Sunday November 28th,

All Donations of the Items listed in the Poster below and Cash Donations would be very Welcome.

There will be Drop off Points for Donations at Aubane Cross or Kall and Dyne Restaurant in Millstreet on Sunday November 28th between 10am and 2pm.

For More information Contact Gwen Barrett on 087 2144371 or Seanie Barrett on 087 6827127.



Aubane Tractor Run in Glorious Sunshine Today

We thank John F. Kelleher for a splendid selection of images recorded at today’s very successful Tractor Run at Aubane.   It even includes on this Sunday, 10th Oct. 2021 the excellent reversal of a tractor and trailer by Gerdi Buckley.  Some 110 Tractors with their enthusiastic Owners participated.   Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Aubane Tractor Run in Glorious Sunshine Today”

Aubane Community Centre Event on 10th Oct. 2021

John F. Kelleher shares the following:  “Aubane is calling Makes and Models for their Tractor Run on Sunday 10 October 2021. Registration at 11.45 am at Aubane Community Centre with Refreshments. Run commences at 12.30 pm.  Proceeds in Aid of Aubane Community Centre. All welcome!!”

Great Support for Petition lodged to Objection of Proposed Windfarm in Mushera

Yesterday an objection was lodged with Cork County Council to the continued use of an 80 Mtr. Meteorological Mast on Mushera Mountain. This of course is paving the way for a wind farm on Mushera. There were over 200 Signatures attached to the Objection……yes, that is correct…..OVER 200 SIGNATURES. What is even more gratifying is that the Communities from Ballinagree, Aubane, Kilcorney, Millstreet and the Surrounding Area plus further afield came together to achieve this.

Many Thanks to Everyone for the great showing of Support.

Those that worked so hard under difficult circumstances are to be congratulated on their achievement. Keep up the good work.

Movember Fundraising Project by St. John’s GAA Club

St John’s GAA Club is raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives.  Some of the dedicated Participants are photographed below and they will be growing a beard or a moustache during the month of November 2020.   They need your help. Please donate to support men’s health.  The link to Donate to this Movember 2020 Project is HERE.  We thank Jimmy Murphy of Carriganima for alerting us to the praiseworthy annual Project.  (S.R.)

Notice from Aubane Community Alert

NOTICE from Aubane Community Alert if you wish to Renew /Join up for the 2020/2021 Text Alert Service the closing date for Applications is FRIDAY NOV 27. Renewal Fee is 10 Euro.
Due to Covid 19 situation we wont be calling to Homes for renewal of Membership for 2021 so instead you can put the 10 Euro fee into an Envelope with your Name and Mobile Phone Number on it and place in the Post Box next to Noreen Kelleher’s House at Aubane Cross.
Any Queries Contact
Bernard Crowley (087)7924406,or any Member of the Committee.
Many Thanks.

Mike Kelleher, of Aubane Cottage – 8th Anniversary

Thinking Of My Father, Mike Kelleher, today, May 2nd, on his 8th Anniversary In Heaven.  My father was originally from Aubane Cottage, Millstreet.

I cannot believe eight years ago you were with us celebrating Kathleen’s Communion. I am a very lucky and a blessed daughter to have had my Dad also be my best friend.

Life has been so different without you in it and many days I shed a tear when I have to remind myself that you’re not here physically. But I do feel you and I know you hear us.

A huge part of our life is missing and that was you. I love you and miss you Daddy everyday!!

Thinking of you on your 8th Anniversary in Heaven Today and Mom is with you on your Anniversary. Love and Miss You, Margaret, James, Brian and Kathleen and Michael Kelleher

Millstreet Museum Archive Images from 2000

Here we share a selection of images from our Millstreet Museum Pictorial Archives from the year 2000.   Our pictures from 20 years ago refer to Ardfert, Aubane and Ballydaly.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Pictured at Ardfert Retreat Centre in 2000 – From left: Sr. Christina O’Sullivan, Peggy Twomey and Mary Dennehy.
Three special images recorded at the official unveiling of the very impressive monument in honour of Captain Con Murphy at Ballydaly in 2000. Many famous people were in attendance.

Time for refreshments at Aubane Community Centre in 2000.

FINAL NOTICE from Aubane Community Alert Group for the 2019/2020 Text Alert Service.

FINAL NOTICE from Aubane Community Alert Group if you still wish to Renew /Join up for the 2019/2020 Text Alert Service,the closing date for Applications is Friday November 29th,Price 10 Euro for 1 year Subscription,Text Alert Renewal Forms can be obtained by contacting either John F.Kelleher (086)1942161,Bernard Crowley (087)7924406,or any Member of the Committee,Renewal forms to be returned by Friday Nov 29th.


Kids Halloween Fancy Dress Disco in Aubane Community Centre on next Friday October 25th

Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Fancy Dress Disco in Aubane Community Centre on this Friday Evening 25th October between 7 and 9pm,there will be Face Painting and Fun.

Kids Come in Costume.

Admission Free.

Final Chance to get Tickets for Aubane Social Club Draw 2019

The next few days will be your final chance to get Tickets for The Aubane Social Club Draw 2019,some Tickets are still available.

Prize is a 1 night Bed / Breakfast and Dinner in the Luxurious Kinsale Hotel and Spa set on 90 acres with beautiful walkways and gardens with a Runners Up Prize of a Hamper

Tickets can be obtained from John F Kelleher Chairman 086 1942161 or Noreen Kelleher Secretary 087 9486673 or any Club member

Draw takes place on Friday Oct 18th 2019