Duth Aireagail: The Countryside of the Oratory
Duarrigle Castle was erected in 1806 by Thomas Justice, and incorporates remains of a towerhouse built by the O’Keeffes in the sixteenth century. Its remains stand by the edge of a steep cliff over the river Blackwater and are approached from the north west thruogh an imposing castellated entrance, guarded by a large gate lodge. Duarrigle castle consists of a two bay two storey block, and a three bay three storey block, linked by a tall round castellated turrett. The doorway is in the forst bay of the three storey block and lit by a fanlight in the shape of an ogee arch. A set of limestone steps with curved wrought iron railings leads to the entrance. The mullioned double windows with hood mouldings also have ogee heads and finely moulded limestone surrounds. A plaque in the east wall reads: “Thomas Holmes Justice Castelum Duaragil reparavit AD 1806”. Near the castle is a high wall with a castellated arch. Another curved, wall contains a cellar type room with a vaulted ceiling.
In older days is was one of the castles of the O’Keeffes, who also owned Dromagh and Dromsicane nearby, and they appear to have built it in the sixteenth century. In 1576 it was owned by Art O’Keeffe, chief of the clan, who was succeeded by Art Oge (died 1610): Manus (died 1636) and then Daniel. The latter lost the lands in 1654: recovered them on the Restoration, but unfortunately died before he could take them over. The lands were finally confiscated after 1692, and eventually disposed of by the Hollow Sword Blade Company. Abraham Dickson was the purchaser and in 1712 he left it to his grand-nephew Hugh Dickson (Bishop of Cloyne). By 1728 they were owned by Henry Bishop of Cloyne who made them over to James Maule. After that they passed to Henry Wrixon who gave a lease to Thomas Justice.
The castle and lands passed to Henry Chimmery Justice of Gurrane House, Derrinagree, who lived in and worked as a barrister in Dublin, and who died there in 1859. He left the castle to his sister Ellen ( Mrs Wallis) and she in time passed it on to her daughters, Mrs Moriarty and Mrs Crofts.
Eventually it passed to the Land Commission, who sold it to a daughter of the O’Callaghans of Kanturk. She had married a Greek and rejoiced in the name of Madame Halikiopolo. She died about 1950 but not before she had got a happy reputation for noteworthy tea parties. No other use could be found for the house so it was sold in 1955 to the Houlihans, who dismantled the castle roof and moved into the gate lodge.
Also referred to as: Dhuarigle Castle, Duarrigle Castle, Duarigle Castle
In Irish it’s name is Dubh-aireagal, meaning black habitation or oratory
You can see the walls of Duarrigle Castle on Google Maps below, amongst the woods overlooking the Blackwater:
View Larger Map

More Deatails:
Land Estates Database: Duarrigle Castle
Access / contact: The castle is on private property. We don’t currently have contact details for people wishing to visit the castle (please send it to us if you have details)
Getting There:
- Starting in the Square, Millstreet, go west for 200m (towards the church)
- Turn right at the bottom of the hill for the train station
- continue straight for 6km until you cross the River Blackwater
- take the next right (200m)
- The gate lodge (pictured above) is on your right
Dubhaireagal – (from the Schools Collection – 1930’s – )
Du-Aragil – Dubhairgeal nó Dubhargul
The dictionary translates “argul” nó “argal” “as” a deserted house. What this has to do with the name Dubhargul I cannot say.
As a possible explanation of the name one author says that there was a monastery there long ago and that the monks wore black habits, hence the name!
However this castle which stands west of Dromagh in the parish of Cullen was the dwelling place of the O’Keefe’s in the time of Cromwell. Ireton handed over this Castle to one of his officers (not sure of name) At this time also Drishane Castle got into the hands of the “Wallaces”. It is now owned by a Mrs Collins whose first husband was a Greek a Mr. Hoilikipolis. To these Wallaces is attributed the building of the town of Millstreet.
My Mother, Mary O’Connell, often told me that she and her sister Helen once attended a ball at Duaragle Castle. The year was 1932, shortly after they had returned home from the USA as “Yanks”
I am a direct descendant of the Justices who owned the mock castle. My great Granddad was Robert Nicholas Justice who either owned it or lived there, and his Dad was Thomas (possibly Thomas Chinnery) Justice who did own it at some point.
I am a descendant of Dr John Moriarty who married Ellen Wallis – whose mother (Ellen Wallis – nee Justice) was left the castle in 1859 when her brother Henry Chinnery Justice died.
Can you contact me at <email>
Brian Moriarty
Henry Chinnery Justice had a sister Harriett who was married to Robert J. Pomeroy from Millstreet. We know this because her son Nicholas refers to “my mother’s brother Henry Chennery Justice of Duarrigle Castle” in his memoirs. Harriett and Robert had six children born in the 1830’s and 1840’s. I wonder do ye know if Henry Chinnery and Harriett had other siblings?
I’ve seen these mentioned:
* Ellen Wallis is mentioned above.
* Charles Justice 1795–1879
* Marie Monica Justice –1870
Hi michaeld, I see a lot of the threads are old on this site but maybe you can help. I had written to Geoff a year or so ago but got no reply.
I am a descendant, on my mother’s side, of Maria Justice (b.1796/7) a sister of Henry Chinnery Justice QC.
I have a fairly well drawn family tree assembled by a cousin in 1985, I’d be happy to share that on the website or with you if you’d like.
One big piece I am missing is details of their parents, I have them listed as Thomas (Henry) Justice (1755-1815) and Ann(e) Chinnery (c.1760. m.c,1780 died maybe 1800 millstreet). I can’t seem to identify exactly who they are in any records.
Please let me know if you can help, as I mentioned I can share what I have which includes details of Maria’s siblings etc. Regards, john
Hi John
I have had a quick look and I can’t find the proof online that says Henry Chinnery Justice’s parents were Thomas and Ann via Birth/Baptism certificates. But looking at a few tree’s on Ancestry, it seems other members of the Chinnery-Justice family believe so. And I found this https://www.irishtimes.com/news/where-s-that-mallow-1364-1.322247 which mentioned ‘1778 Thomas Justice, formerly of Mallow, but of late of Mount Justice (Co Cork), made his will. He bequeathed to his wife, on condition that she remained a widow, his interest in the lands of east and west Nockagarrane and the lands called Castle lands of Duarrigle.’ I would say the timing fits and this could be his father.
I expect you have seen these links:
Also in January 1911 Mrs Annie Lane put the House and Lands of Duarrigle up for Auction – just wondering if this is the difference in the status in the 1901/1911 Census. Also if you do a Google Book search with Chinnery Justice a couple of items mention.
Hi Geoff,
My father Thomas John O’Shea a carpenter by trade used to talk about Duarrigle castle and the fine paintings, but as a child I did not really listen or ask questions.
I am very interested in family history and would like to know more, if you have any information
about Grace Justice who married the carpenter named O’Shea and their daughter Annie and whether they had any more children.
I will look forward to your reply.
With kind regards,
Elaine Brazier. (Nee O’Shea)
Bob Justice was my great uncle!
Hi Elaine, thanks for writing. 🙂
I’m looking at my family history information and have found a Grace Justice who married Thomas O’Shea. That can’t be your father though as he was born about 1812 (I don’t know the exact date). I also have their daughter, Annie, and have this note about her: “She was claiming the Castle and surroundings near the end of the 1800’s”.
The problem with having so many notes about so many people is that sometimes you don’t know where that information comes from! I often make a note of that too, but haven’t in the case of Annie O’Shea.
Grace and Thomas had 2 other daughters (Ellen and Elizabeth), and a Son (John). I also have Grace’s father, a Henry Chinnery Justice. Justice is where it connects to me, as that was my Grandmother’s maiden name. I seem to have lots of other names too but not too much information. I also don’t have a direct link to my own family, but I know there must be one.
I am aware that the O’Shea family owned several buildings/castles in the area, and I once wrote to someone who was a decedent of them and they visited Duarrigle Castle and sent me some photos.
I don’t think I’ve been very helpful but if you’d like to ask anything more, or give me some information about anyone in the Justice family, I’d love to hear from you again.
Thank you Geoff for your reply, I will be in touch.
Kind regards,
Hi Geoff,
I have been reading the “Recent Comments” with interest.
Thomas O’Shea married Grace Justice, as you stated they had three daughters Annie, Ellen and Elizabeth with one son John… Their Grandfather being Henry Chinnery Justice.
You mentioned, and I had heard this before that the O’Shea’s owned several buildings/castles including Duarrigle,
you also mentioned that you were in touch with a descendent and they visited Duarrigle, would that have been an O’Shea?
My father Thomas John O’Shea was born in 1918, and he moved to London in the 1940’s married and settled…
I am very interested in the O’Connor side – have you any information?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Regards, Elaine.
Thanks for the info Elaine. I’m getting so mixed up with who’s who that I need to think about it more and study all the information here. I’ve already swapped names around in my database as I seem to have got them in the wrong place, but I’m still mixed up. Once I’ve sorted that out I’ll go back to your post and try to fit all those names in with my database.
Yea it was an O’Shea I was in touch with before, but I’m afraid I cannot find a record of their first name and can’t remember, as it was several years ago. I could probably find some records somewhere, if you want to know more about who they were.
I cannot find anyone in my database with the name O’Connor so I can’t help with that unfortunately.
Keep reading the thread, I’m sure there’s more to come. 🙂
Hello Geoff,
I have not heard from you or seen any postings in a very long time. I hope all is well.
Kindest regards,
Elaine Brazier.
(Nee O’Shea)
Hi Elaine, I see your recent post to Geoff, I too tried to contact him as he seemed to have some interesting information.
I see from your posts that you are descended from Henry Chinnery Justice, I am a descendant on my mother’s side of his sister Maria (b. 1796/97, d. 17th May 1870).
On your side I have Grace Justice, daughter of Henry, marrying Thos Shea of Millstreet and having four children Thady b.6th Feb 1840, Eliz b.6th April 1842, Ellen b. 6th Jan 1846 and Anne b. 6th June 1848. ( all born on a 6th. day!)
Anne was widowed twice apparently, first to Carver (maybe in Gurrane) secondly to Lane.
Would you have any information please on Henry’s parents?
I have Thomas (Henry) Justice of Gurrane 1755-1815 and Ann(e) Chinnery born about 1760, married about 1780.
I’m finding it difficult to get anywhere with Ann(e) especially.
Thanks if you can help, Regards, John McNulty
Hi John, Thank you for your post/comment and the information. How interesting that the children of Thomas and Grace were all born on the sixth month! But I do have Thady down as John. I do not think I know much more than you. I did read that Annie claimed the castle at the end of the 1800’s and possibly sold it in the 1950’s. We were shown around the castle a few years ago (we were staying in the coach house at the time) and we were given a couple of pieces of stone to bring home. Even derelict it is stunningly beautiful. I believe also that I may have read of Henry Chinnery Justice parents and who they were, but sadly I did not record my findings. I have just written a post/comment to Adrian Farrell, which should be showing in a couple of days on here, so do look out for that. Adrian is very knowledgable and very helpful. I will look forward to your next post/comment. With kind regards and best wishes. Elaine
Please note: Error not 1950’s.
hi, i am one of the Justices that you speak of, I have seen the castle and am very interested it’s history
Hi Ceri. Would you tell us whereabouts in the Justice family tree you come please? Maybe your grandparents or great grandparents who had the name, and who they were married to? It might help me and others place you in the tree somewhere, or at least the line that is directly connected to you.
hi, my grandparents were john and jane justice of county cork, jane was formerly jane O’Connor,my grandmother who married john justice,my grandfather . . may I ask who you are Geoff? you are obviously very interested also
Hi Ceri,
Thomas O’Shea married Grace Justice and they had 3 daughters and a son. I was told by an aunt some years ago that the O’Shea’s were related to the O’Connors or O’Conners.
Elaine Brazier (Nee O’Shea)
Hi Ceri.
I’ve tried to find your relatives on my family tree, but no luck yet. I’m sure we must be related somehow though if we both have ancestors connected to the castle. I do have lots of gaps in my tree, which I’ve never been able to fill.
My Great Grandad was Robert Nicholas Justice, who lived in the castle at some point, and my Grandmother (his Daughter) lived there too. Robert married Maggie Foreman, but had moved to England at that point (to Greenwich). Robert’s Father was Thomas Chinnery Justice, born in Co. Cork in 1841. He married Mary Gibson.
I have lots of other names too. Do any of those mean anything to you or anyone else?
hi Geoff, Thomas Chinnery Justice does mean something, although I think I have seen it spelt “Chenery” too ?
Ceri – I have also seen it spelt that way. I’ve seen someone else in the family with that name too but I can’t link them to me yet.
hi Geoff, it’s quite an amazing ancestral line really
i’m a justice aswell & have recently been having a browse into my surname & i am surprised to be reading things like this. not sure if i’m the same family as this but my surname is from my dads side (paul) but we all born in england but family is from cork somewhere. i know extremely little. my grandads name was henry justice with his brothers being conrad & tighe. i know my grandad had a 1st wife (my gran) but i dont know her name or ever meet her. i think she went back to ireland from birmingham but thats all i know.
Hi Ray. When I read that name “Tighe” I thought we must be related, as I knew someone in my family was called that and it’s a name I’ve never heard before. However, after going through my family tree, I cannot see a connection. The Tighe I know of didn’t have any brothers called Henry or Conrad.
I bet there is a connection somewhere but it’s so hard finding enough details out to link people.
hello again, hi ray, your dad is my cousin, I am in touch with him quite often these days, my dad’s name was corneilius – not conrad – his brother was henry (me and my family call him hinky), your granddad . . I was over there in cork very recently . . a walk down memory lane you could say
Hello ceri. shows how much i know, he was always ‘uncle con’ to me so just assumed conrad & have done since i was little & also never heard my grandad called hinky before haha. my dad has mentioned names of people hes in touch with but tbh it’s all new to me. something i want to find out more about when i can….
hi geoff, yeah we probs are somewhere down the line but we seem to be an elusive family to tie down
Hello again Ceri and Ray.
Well reading both your further comments, I’m sure we are all related. The Tighe I have in my family had a brother called Hinky, but I didn’t know that was a nickname. I know of Cornelius but don’t have him listed as another brother. I think I have him listed in another lot of Justices that I’m not able to connect to my own family, but this could be where they fit together. I also have other siblings to Tighe and Hinky – Brian, Maureen, Betty (probably Elizabeth), Michael and Patsy.
Do either of you know of those other siblings? It could be that some of my information is wrong. There is too much similar here though to not have a link.
Ceri – Do you have a family tree on file that I could look through please?
Forget my last message, as I’ve found more information now. In another branch of my family I see another Tighe, with siblings Cornelius, Thomas and Charles. Hinky isn’t there so maybe I have him in the wrong place in my tree.
Ceri – You said before that your Grandparents were John and Jane. I have a note for the Husband of John (I think it must be the same John!) that his wife was Joan, which is something my Grandmother told me before she died. She was absolutely certain about that, but she was certain about other family connections that turned out to be wrong too. So I’m sure Jane is what it should be, and that makes John my Great Granduncle. My note also says that John and Jane were God Parents to my grandmother (Mary Kathleen). I have been told that Jane was Hanna, but that was by someone who knew a lot of information and a lot of it turned out to be wrong, and he never said who he actually was.
So Ceri, your grandparents were John and Jane, so your Dad is Cornelius? I have one note about him, which was almost definitely from my Grandmother, saying he was 6’6″ tall and 16 stone! Does that sound about right? If I have you in the right place in my tree Ceri, it makes you my 2nd Cousin, once removed. 🙂
Ray – You are possibly then the same relation to me?
It’s getting very confusing and I’d love to see the family tree from both of you, as you’ll both know for certain the names of your direct family and that’ll help me edit my tree to be more accurate. I have information for other people that I know are in my tree but I just cannot fit them in.
Looking forward to hearing from you both again, with as many names as you can come up with! 🙂
hello geoff.
tbh what i know is very limited. as far as i know my grandad (henry) had 2 brothers tighe & con. i remember uncle tighe being a big man in height & weight because i can remember him chucking a shot-put ball about like it was a tennis ball. i think uncle con was tall but not sure on weight (this is all from memory of 20+ years ago thou). not sure on what children either had apart from ceri. my dad has a half brother (same dad) called david. i have a brother called jamie-lee. i remember going to see relatives (justices) somewhere near liverpool when i was a bairn but dont know who till i speak to my dad & that is my knowledge of the justice family, i have no tree to speak of, just a few dangly branches. i moved away from where my dad & grandad are when i was small so never get to have the chit chats about family (apart when we’ve had a few jars, then some stories come out but normally too drunk by then to remember properly :()…. sorry i cant really help you geoff. i need to find out more on this.
Hi Raymond
Just to fill in some gaps for you. I am Maureen Justice, widow of Thomas Justice who was brother of your grandfather Henry Justice(always called Hinkie by the family. I remember you visiting us with your little brother and your sister Laura( who I know died very young in a tragic accident). I live in Southport, Merseyside about 17 miles from Liverpool so your memory is correct!
You probably know all this now but if interested in family history it might be helpful to see it written down. Your grandfather was one of 5 brothers born to John and Jane Justice who married in Co Cork in 1928. Jane’s name was actually Hannah I believe which also equates to Joanne, hence the confusion with names.
The eldest brother was my late husband Tom followed 13 months later by Con ( Cornelius) father of Sean and Ceri. Con died in Ireland about 2002. The next brother is Charlie who lives in California. I speak to Charlie every couple of months. He has 6 children -5 boys and a girl Sharon. I have met 3 of the sons John, Michael and Kevin. Hinkie your grandfather is next followed by Tadgh ( Timothy) who I am sure you know died a few years ago. My two daughters are Lisa and Siobhan.
hi geoff and ray, my dad was 6 feet tall, and big framed and tadgh was about 5 feet 11 inches, yes, he was very strong, he went to live in the usa, before he passed away, my dad’s cousins were/are the patsy and brian that you mentioned, tom lived near liverpool . . geoff may I ask who your parents are, whereabouts are you? not exact address obviously!! and ray, good to hear from you :-))
I have lots to reply to! 🙂
Firstly, to Ray. Thanks for your reply Ray. Ok no problem that you can’t tell me much. I think once I have got you placed in my tree in the right place, I’ll go back to these letters and look at the other names you gave me.
Ceri – It sounds like my Gran exaggerated your Dad’s height. 🙂 I keep switching between your details and my family tree, and I’m so confused (doesn’t take much!). The more I study it, the more confused I’m getting. I need some more time to study it all, and then I’ll get back to you on here and probably ask lots of questions. I’ll answer your questions first. My Parents and me live in West Sussex, near Littlehampton. They are Glenis and Trevor Smith. My Mother’s Mother was Mary Kathleen Cook, maiden name Justice, and according to my notes she was your Grandparent’s God Daughter. Her Father was Robert Nicholas Justice, who was your Grandfather’s Brother.
Elaine – I’ll reply in the other mini thread soon. 🙂
Thanks for your reply Geoff.
Ceri said that she was connected to the O’Connors (Jane O’Connor). I think I know a little about the O’Connor’s, but just wanted what I think I know confirmed!
If you can trace the O’Shea you were in touch with that would be great…all very interesting!
Many thanks.
You’re welcome Elaine.
Yes I read that about the O’Connor’s from Ceri just after replying to you before. I’m afraid that’s the only information I have about them – So not a lot! Sorry I can’t help more.
I have found who I wrote to about the O’Shea’s….but also found that it was the Keefe’s! Whoops. I’ve been confusing O’Shea’s with Keefe’s – Well they are spelt so similar! *giggles* I’m sure they are also known as O’Keefe, and they owned several buildings in the area. It was Brendan Keefe and his wife that went to Duarigle Castle and took some photos for me several years ago.
I’ve been going back through emails I have back to 2001 when I started my research. Many of my contacts stopped writing, and I fell out with one (I have no idea why now) called Nicky, who was related. I’ve found several people over the years who seem to be related, but after information is swapped I end up knowing very little more about my own family and don’t manage to connect myself and them.
Ceri and Ray – I’ll get to you both soon. 🙂
Thanks Geoff for your reply.
I did write to an O’Connor some years ago and I received a lovely letter back…he spoke about the beautiful paintings, and I believe he spent part of his childhood at the castle…I have a photograph (image) of him and he is identical in looks to my late uncle.
The O’Shea’s (so I was told) are connected to the O’Keefe’s…
Have a great weekend,
Hi Elaine.
My grandmother lived in the castle for some time too, but I don’t know the exact years. I’ve probably already written that somewhere in this thread. 🙂
I think it would be good if all of us with connections to the family wrote elsewhere, so our posts didn’t get moderated every time, and we were more free to share personal information, and the sum we have to do to send our posts didn’t keep saying we’ve done it wrong when we haven’t! I’m just not sure of the best way to do that at the moment to ensure others can also read it.
I have webspace of my own that maybe I could set up with a mini forum? Or we could just swap email addresses maybe. Any thoughts?
Have a great week,
hi geoff, comment moderation is only to filter out personal abuse, bad language, but mostly spam which would otherwise make comments unusable as people don’t like it when they have to wade through 90% spam to find something interesting. i understand there is a delay, but comments are allowed as soon as they’re seen, which is rarely more than a few hours (we do this on a voluntary basis), but feel free to do as you wish. michael (one of the admins)
Hi Michael. I understand the reasons and wasn’t complaining. I was just trying to come up with a better way to do things. 🙂
I have made and trying to send comment/post x 2 to Adrian Farrell, about my late father Thomas John O’Shea and his/my family with questions that Adrian had. Could you tell me possibly, why they are not showing and whether if indeed they reached the moderators? Many thanks and with kind regards. Elaine Brazier (nee O’Shea)
Hi Geoff,
We could exchange email addresses, if all agreed…
I would like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to Michael (admin) and his team for the work they do on a voluntary basis…Many thanks…
Hi Elaine,
I was trying to make life easier, plus I’ve found new cousins here and don’t want my only contact to be via the comments on a website. 🙂
I need more information to carry on my research on this line anyway, so I’ll wait for a reply from others and take it from there. If anyone wants to give their contact details, please do.
Have a good Weekend,
Hi Geoff,
My email address: <email>
Ceri – I think I’ve sorted my database out, and what I’ll do sometime is put it on the web so anyone can view it. I’ll post a link here when I’ve done that.
I have some questions please if that’s ok. Did your Dad, Cornelius, also have Brothers called Tom and Charles, as well as Tighe and Henry?
I have been told (probably by my late Gran) that Charles was 6’5″ and 15 stone, and emigrated to New York either during or after WW2, and became a NY cop. Years ago I investigated that and the NYPD didn’t have his name on record. So it’s all a big mystery. Do you know anything about that?
You already confirmed for me that Brian and Patsy were cousins of your Dad. Are you aware of other siblings Brian and Patsy had? My records have Maureen, Betty and Michael. Do you know if they are correct or not please?
My Mother has asked me to tell you how pleased she is that she has a 2nd cousin (you!). 🙂
Ray – Your Dad is my Mother’s 2nd cousin too, which makes you her 2nd cousin once removed.
Hope you’re all having a great Weekend.
Hi Geoff
Hope you are keeping well. Have not forgotten the photographs of Duarrigle.
The family history comments have been very interesting…
With kind regards
hi Geoff, I think it’s a little awkward because typing online is, by its nature, a bit difficult and also I am aware that family may not always want to be discussed online? therefore, it is a potentially awkward? hope that makes sense? I do understand your desire to find out more though,i did have an uncle Tom, and, no, my uncle Charlie wasn’t a NY cop . . ! he did go to America though, were he still resides, but not NY, and he wasn’t six feet five either, average height last time I saw him, hope that helps a little Geoff
Thanks for that Ceri. I can’t access my family tree database at the moment but from memory, Charlie wouldn’t be alive any more unless he was extremely old. I think we may be talking about a different person. I also think my Gran told me a lot of things that weren’t true! Oh well, the search continues.
Take care,
Hi Geoff,
I presume you have your family in 1901 and 1911 census. If not you will find them here.
Hi Mary,
Yes I have seen those pages before thank you. That’s likely where I got some of my information from.
Thank you very much anyway for taking the time to write and give me those links, it’s very kind of you Mary. 🙂
Have a great Weekend,
Hi Geoff, we used to correspond in early 2000s about Justice genealogy. I don’t have a current email for you. I was in America but I am in England now. Descendent of Holmes Bolton Justice of Millstreet. Email me at jonahmc at aol dot com (jonahmc@aol.com)
Hi Ceri
I have just found this thread.
My aunt, Gwendolin Mary Ward was Thomas Justice (your uncle)’s first wife. They had a daughter, Rosemary.
Best wishes
Hello caroline, yes, tom justice was my lovely uncle, i met rosemary a few years ago, thank you for your message
Hello, my name is Emmett, Ellen Justice was my great grandmother,the daughter of George Justice, I would appreciate any information you have on history of the family.
Please contact me on <email>
Thanks, Emmett
i stumbled across a register of a will by a William Hearn originally from Cork, but who died on 28th June 1862 on the island of Fernando Pó (off the coast of Cameroon). The will totalled £25,000 and was split between his brother and his sister Maria Elizabeth Justice of Mount Justice (Duarrigle).
£25,000 from 1862 worth almost 4 million euro these days. It’s a huge amount of money.
I wonder if it fits into the Justices of Duarrigle Castle because the names are not mentioned elsewhere above.
michael (the admin)
The source of the register of wills is from the national archives at:
There’s a new page on HistoricGraves.ie on families, and the Justices of Duarrigle Castle, Mount Justice, and Garrane are outlined there:
3rd Jan 1863
Married Maria Elizabeth HEARN in London.1,2,3,4
From the Cork Examiner :-
“At London, on the 3rd inst., by special license, at St. Peter’s Church, Pimlico, by Rev. J. Miller, and afterwards a St George’s Cathedral, by the Right Rev. Dr. Grant, Catholic Bishop of London, John Bolton Cooper, youngest son of J. B. Justice, Esq., Mount Justice, co, Cork, to Maria Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Edmond Hearn, Esq., Glounawillow, co. Waterford – (No cards).”
From the Marriage Register for St Peter Pimlico :-
1) By licence
2) Vicar – H C Fuller
3) Bride – Maria Elizabeth Hearn, spinster, Ebury Street
4) Father of the bride – Edmund Hearn, gentleman
5) Groom – John Bolton Cooper Justice, bachelor, gentleman, Ebury Street
6) Father of the Groom – John Bolton Justice, gentleman
Hi Michael: To add to your story on Maria Elizabeth Hearn Justice, this, I think, is the family in 1901 and 1911
Faith Justice
Hello to all my possible relatives. I am a descendant of John Bolton Cooper Justice and Maria Elizabeth Hearn Justice. Their son Edmund Henry Justice emigrated to Boston, MA US in the late
In the 1800s and Helen Cecile Stuart his wife-to-be emigrated from Cork to Boston MA a few years later.
I believe they met in Agawam MA and moved to Providence RI for a while before settling in Brooklyn NY. That is where their youngest son, my father, Charle Patrick Justice was born in 1921.
I’m researching the Hearn family and came across this. It’s where Maria Elizabeth Hearn marries John Bolton Cooper Justice
From the Cork Examiner :-
“At London, on the 3rd inst., by special license, at St. Peter’s Church, Pimlico, by Rev. J. Miller, and afterwards a St George’s Cathedral, by the Right Rev. Dr. Grant, Catholic Bishop of London, John Bolton Cooper, youngest son of J. B. Justice, Esq., Mount Justice, co, Cork, to Maria Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Edmond Hearn, Esq., Glounawillow, co. Waterford – (No cards).”
From the Marriage Register for St Peter Pimlico :-
1) By licence
2) Vicar – H C Fuller
3) Bride – Maria Elizabeth Hearn, spinster, Ebury Street
4) Father of the bride – Edmund Hearn, gentleman
5) Groom – John Bolton Cooper Justice, bachelor, gentleman, Ebury Street
6) Father of the Groom – John Bolton Justice, gentleman
I had a great visit at the castle this past September. My 87 year old dad and I were both present and thank you to Mr. O’Houlihan for the ride to the top of the hill on that rainy morning! If anyone has in formation about a Keefe reunion next summer could you please send me some details? <email>. Cheers, Paul
O’Keeffe Clan Rally 2016 (from: http://www.okeeffeclans.com/)
Calling the global O’Keeffe family to a major gathering.
Calling all members and decendants of the global O’Keeffe family to a major gathering at our principal home at Dromagh in County Cork, Ireland on the weekend of the 10th of September 2016.
We are planning a full programme of events and exhibitions to suit all interests:-
guided tours, lectures, historical and genealogical exhibitions, cultural and musical events,
all culminating in a full buffet banquet on Saturday evening (for which booking is required).
Where needed we will help in finding suitable accommodation and/or other services required by visitors.
We are open to suggestions made in good time and will gratefully welcome any help and expertise in organising this major event.
To contact us with your comments, suggestions and questions please click the ‘Contact Us’ button above.
Friday 9th September 2016
Opening the Gathering:
Dromtariffe Community Hall will be open to welcome and register visitors to the O’Keeffe Clan Gathering.
The event will be formally opened at 8.00pm on Friday evening with a reception including light refreshments where visitors may meet and greet each other and meet members of the organising committee.
Programme of all events, activities and exhibitions will be on display.
Bookings where needed will be taken.
Saturday 10th September 2016
Bus Tours:
Guided Bus Tours showing the geography of the Duhallow district with special emphasis on historical sites of interest to the O’Keeffe Clan.
We intend having two different routes of two hour duration available, running from 11.00am to 1.00pm and from 3.00pm to 5.00pm with a stop for light lunch.
People may join either or both tours.
History and Genealogy:
There will be a history exhibition in Dromtariffe Community Hall.
We plan to have a genealogist in attendance who will be able to undertake research for visitors wishing to know more about their Irish connections.
Banquet and Concert:
Buffet Banquet at 7.00pm followed by a Concert at 9.00pm.
Following the banquet there will be a night of music, song, dance and story telling.
The MC will of course facilitate audience members who wish to participate.
The Slieve Luachra distinct style of traditional Irish music will be much in evidence.
Sunday 11th September 2016:
Mass will be celebrated in Dromtariffe Church at 12.00pm.
Lunch 1.00pm to 2.00pm.
Group visit and commemoration at Dromagh Castle.
History Lecture and discussion:
After lunch and following the group vitit to Dromagh Castle there will be a History Lecture in the hall, intended to provoke a lively group discussion to follow.
This is fantastic information and I thank you very much! Many potential O’Keefe’s from the Seattle area as well as Keefe’s from the Boston/New England region will be seriously considering these events. Happy New year! Paul Keefe
I was always told Ann Justice was a cousin of ours and married and englishman~My relatives are Jeremiah Sullivan from Millstreet~they visited Ireland by boat and the castle in the 1930’s. Does anyone have any names matching this? Thanks Donna~
Hi – I am very interested in the discussion above about the Justice family, which is causing me a fair degree of difficulty in my family tree research. I’d welcome any help any of you can offer. My maternal grandfather was Ivor Andrews Speed, whose grandfather Henry Andrews Speed married a lady called Mary Jane Justice. Her father was Thomas Bolton Justice, apothecary, of Clonakilty (c1800-1858), and her mother was Jane Sharp of Glenlohane. Thomas Bolton Justice had two daughters (Ann and Sarah) from a second wife, Ann Wheeler, and a son (William Thomas) whose mother I’m not sure of. There was a lawsuit in the 1860s about a life insurance policy between three of the children. The problem I’m having is that I can’t for the life of me be certain who Thomas Bolton Justice’s parents were. I’m guessing that they were related to the Mount Justice Justices – not least because there is a John Bolton Justice of Mount Justice, but I can’t find any proof. Appreciate help from anyone who has it! Thanks, Simon
Hi Simon,
I would like to share information I also have as a direct descendent of Thomas Holmes Justice.
I have a whole book written by my great aunt Mable Justice in Australia.
Anne Fogarty
Hello Simon:
I am a descendant of John Bolton Cooper Justice and Maria Elizabeth Hearn Justice. Their son Edmund Henry Justice emigrated to Boston, MA US in the late 1800s and Helen Cecile Stuart his, wife-to-be, emigrated from Cork to Boston MA a few years later.
I believe they met in Agawam MA and moved to Providence RI for a while before settling in Brooklyn NY. That is where their youngest son, my father, Charle Patrick Justice was born in 1921.
Hello Faith, as above, I would be glad to see what you have. My email is simon at thecastleguy dot co dot uk. Apologies for the delay, health issues (long covid).
Thanks, Simon
Hi All,
I am the X3 great grandson of Grace Justice, who married the O’Shea. Her father was Henry Chinnery Justice and I believe he was the nephew of the first Baronet Chinnery MP for Bandon one of those in 1806 responsible for the dissolution of the Irish Parliament and act of Union. He claimed to be a direct descendant of the Chiefs of the O’Keefe in the Pedigree Published in Burke’s Peerage of the Irish Landed Gentry. The line ended with the Haldane Chinnery’s who died in the 1864 Abergele Train Disaster and I believe are the Haldane’s who occupied Gleneagles and are related to the Minister Haldanes Religious 18th C and Liberal Minister in Asquith’s early 20th Century Govt, in turn Walter Scott? The Chinnery’s were one of the 4 post Cromwellian planter’s of Munster and lived at Flintfield on N side of Blackwater closer to Drishane…..which was owned by the Wallis family and HCJs sister married the 4th son…hence when he died I presume occupied Duarrigle purchased by her Barrister brother from Thomas Holmes Junior. His father THJ Snr had built the castle with proceeds culm mining and quicklime prodn, which was not too far from his profession as an Apothecary. His son was a doctor trained in Edinburgh, the foremost European Medical school of the time, who practiced in Mallow. He was the Superintendant of the Mallow Spa in mid 19th Century (past heyday)and thus an early Rheumatologist. He could be considered to have been my professional forebear as well as I am a Consultant Rheumatologist in England. His grave is in St James’ COI in Mallow and he sold Duarrigle to HCJ the Barrister to house Grace and her wicked Aunt who married the Moriarty.
Whilst some call it a mock castle it is a castellated house. I suspect it meant more to HCJ as it was the site of the last O’Keefe Castle from which they were finally evicted by the Ascendancy Rule……and he despite being a member of the Protestant Asc Culture no doubt claimed his descent from the Chief’s of the O’Keefe.
I believe my Great GF Timothy O’Shea owned the Castle till his death, 1953 in England when it was sold. He lived in Fermoy,I believe served in the Gallipoli campaign with his brothers and was the Quartermaster of the Fermoy Garrison on his return from Gallipoli? until 1921 when he came to England. His role in 1918-21 would be interesting – never talked much about Ireland according to my mother who visited Duarrigle with my GF/GM in 30s by Charabanc from Cork and remembers the Greek named occupier describing them as their Landlords.
I believe my GGF owned houses in Millstreet? I suspect that one of his brothers ie O’Shea lived in Millstreet post WW1 and contrary to what local historians may have presumed were the O’Shea’s of Duarrigle.
So enough but there is more.
Geoff, Brian, Elaine you are relatives and Ceri, Ray, Maureen possibly. Mount Justice is different but they are same clan and only the very wealthy or nomadic married beyond their district in pre mid 19th Century.
The O’Keefe’s Clan gathering is of great interest to the rele
vant O’Sheas, Chinnerys and some Justices.
All the best Adrian Farrell
Hi Adrian
I found your comments on family history most interesting, and like Brian Moriarty, would like to know more.
If you would like to get in touch, my email address is: <email>
With kind regards
Mrs. Elaine Brazier (Nee O’Shea)
Hello Adrian, reading the Millstreet news recently I noted that you were looking for news re your Irish family and Duarigle Castle. i grew up in Cullen just down the road from Duarigle. my knowledge of your family is very limited. just to say that Duarigle was sold to a Tim Hooligan recently returned from the USA. His family still in the gatehouse. Re your grandparents visit to the castle, the lady they met was an Irish woman married to a Greek. She was noted for giving lavish tea parties. you also mention Mount Justice which is now Knocknagurrane where I grew up. The owner was Elizabeth justice. My great uncle David Curtin was her gardener and general all round helper which included driving her in a donkey and cart to Dromagh Church of Ireland on Sundays. Mount Justice is still there minus the 42 oak trees. perhaps you will visit one day.kind regards. Denis O’Sullivan
Thank you so very much for the information I appreciate the time you took to write it I hope someday to be able to visit your beautiful country warmest regards Donna
Hi Adrian,
That is really fascinating and now I am very keen to find out more about the “wicked Aunt who married the Moriarty”.
My understanding was that the castle was left by Henry Chinnery Justice to his sister Ellen Justice when he died in 1859. She was married to Capt. Henry (Harry) Wallis who died in 1829.
When Ellen Wallis died in 1865 she left the castle to her two surviving daughters – Ellen, who married Dr John Moriarty, and Mary Eliza, who married a solicitor named Thomas Hennessy Crofts.
I’d love to hear more about the “wicked Aunt”.
My email is <email>
Best regards to all from New Zealand
Hi Brian,
Essentially HCJ made his will on his deathbed I suspect with Sister in attendance…..which disinherited his Daughter Grace living with 4 children in Boherbue.
The will would have included Duarrigle, Gurrane House, Pearse St property? and 4 Ely Place. The latter had Chief Justice of Common Pleas and President Coll of Surgeons adjacent (College had key role in St Stephen’s Gn area of Easter Rising). Dowager Lady Powerscourt down the street.
The daughter’s in one who married your Moriarty relative had weddin announced as ….of Duarrigle Castle etc. I know later 1880s? less affluent though still owned Duarrigle and farmland around. The prestigous antecedence were recognised around turn of century when my GGFs sister eloped to avoid marriage to a Co Cork Judge. My GGF saw it as disgrace, he acquired Duarrigle around that time.
Of course niame Moriarty not well known England except for Prof Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes I think Conan Doyle used name of fellow Med Student Edinburgh as he based SH on lecturer…history/physical signs were all important given no blood tests or X-rays.
BW Adrian F
Hi Elaine,
I wonder who your father Thomas John’s parents were, when he came to England and where and his sibs?
Hi Adrian,
I apologise for not getting back to you until now.
In regard to my father Thomas John O’Shea, (who was born in Millstreet and died in 1990) I believe he came over in the 1940’s with his sister Grace and Mary (Chris) and with two brothers Michael who died 25 October 1999 and Denis (Babs) of whom also died on the 25 October 1999. They all lived in London. Their parents were John (Jack) O’Shea who died 3 August 1951 and Ellen his wife who died on the 1st February 1953. The siblings were Daniel Mary and Elizabeth of whom may have died very young. There was also William (Billy) who stayed and lived in Ireland. I am not sure about any other siblings… I remember my late aunt telling me that we were also related to the O’Connor’s. Kitty St. John-O’Conner was the mother of the late Lord Fawsley. Lord Fawsley wrote to me in March of 2007. (A copy of which is in the Millstreet museum) He said that his parents spent a great deal of their married life at the castle, and so were closely connected with Duarrigle castle. His mother was a close friend of Madam Collins. Best wishes, Elaine.
Hello Adrian, I did attempt to reply to this posting yesterday, although a little late! John’s went through, however, I do not know where yours went! I do not think that it even reached the Millstreet moderators! However, I will try again. Kindest regards, Elaine.
Hello Adrian
I posted a comment last night in connection to my father and his family.
Hopefully it will show soon.
Best wishes
Hello Adrian
Apologies for the long delay in this reply…
My father was Thomas John O’Shea. 1919-1990. (O’Shea’s of Minor Row)
His parents were: John (Jack) O’Shea. Born 6th June 1888. Died 3rd or 9th August 1951 and Ellen who died on the 1st February 1953.
Recorded on a family headstone in Millstreet graveyard are (children) Daniel, Mary & Elizabeth.
I can remember and met, Michael who died on the 25th October 1999 and Denis (Babs) Born 13th April 1932 – Died 25th October 1999. Grace and Mary (Criss) of whom all moved over from Ireland and settled in London.
My father left Ireland on the 18th September 1942. He died in Kent on the 1st March 1990. (He suffered glaucoma and rheumatoid arthritis) I have records of also Jackie? and Timmy who I believe married a Mary Kenneally (I do not know if that spelling is correct) Cornelius (Neily) Born 26th June 1915. Joan and Jimmy (James) also Patrick (Paddy) born 18th February 1930 and William (Billy) 1928-2003.
I had a letter from Lord Fawsley in 2007 where he talks about his connections to Duarrigle Castle, and his mother being a close friend of Madam Collins.
I do have a lovely book, Picture Millstreet 1880-1980. A Millstreet Museum Society Publication 1997. If you can source one, it is worth having.
The information above is provided in good faith, I do hope that it is all correct and that it might be helpful and useful in your family research.
I will look forward to any comments, anyone may have.
With kindest regards
Elaine Brazier (Nee O’Shea)
So sorry to be a bother in this conversation, but I have a question for you Elaine..
Your father, you said he passed in Kent. That wouldn’t be in the United States in Kent Washington would it? I’m trying to figure out my mother’s side of my family tree, the O’Shea’s, and her father’s name was the same as yours and he passed away in the same time frame only here in the states. If anyone can help me figure out my family tree please email me at <email>
I would really appreciate it. It was my mom’s dying wish that I know her side of my family.
Hi Adrian,
So the wicked aunt – Ellen Wallis (nee Justice) was not married to the Moriarty! One of her daughter’s was (Ellen Teresa Wallis). She married Dr John Moriarty who was the son of Dr Mortimer Moriarty – who graduated from Edinburgh in about 1809 and practiced in Killarney.
I did note that Ellen Moriarty and her sister’s husband (her sister Mary Eliza had previously died) sold a property in Westland Row (#37, 38 & 39), Dublin in 1875. This had probably been left to them by their mother.
Ellen Moriarty died in Cork in 1914. She retained some property in the early 1900’s around the Duarigle area – possibly from her father’s family, the Wallis’s.
Moriarty was a very common name in Kerry.
Hi Brian,
All my commentary was from memory…I will have to find all the data at some point.
The Westland Row property is I am sure the fourth of HCJs, it joins Pearse St,those 2 streets are essentially the back wall of Trinity College.
Brilliant, it establishes that Ellen Wallis left her property jointly to her daughters which I am not sure whether it is unusual? Have you come across her will?I obviously don’t know how much more you have found out re what Dr John Moriarty and Ellen were doing presumably your branch..have you got all the links in the line to yourself? or indeed what Mary Eliza was doing?
My understanding Censuses not available…for Cork 1861-1891 but Dr John could be in the Business Gazette’s etc or was he carrying on his father’s practice in Killarney? or in a Cork Hospital there would have been Mercy in centre and Southern Infirmary and St Finbarr’s may have only become Hospital later I think?
I believe either Ellen or Mary Eliza probably lived with their cousin’s daughter ie Annie Lane nee O’Shea in her house in Grand Parade or South Mall st Cork in mid to late 19th century…? Ellen still owning some of the farmland around Duarrigle is what I would have expected…I will have to check when 4 Ely Place was sold as this would have been a prime property but rental income may have been more important to forebears?
Yes Ellen Moriarty was living at the same address as Annie Lane in the 1901 and 1911 census. In 1901 Annie was listed as niece and in 1911 as Boarder. I haven’t known who she was or where she fitted in until your note above.
If you contact me off-blog I will give you more info about the Wallis/Moriarty family.
Hi, I am a Justice descendent living in England. I have a lot of information about the family history in Cork, Kerry, and in England. I am looking to speak with other descendents, especially Geoff (we used to converse over email in the early 2000s when I lived in America, but your old email stopped working). So anyone who would like please email me at <email> and get in touch.
I wonder if anyone could place a Charles Justice for me please within the Justice Family. I was wondering were his branch were from, and who his parents were.
He was born in Millstreet about 1834
Married Johanna Grace about 1855, and had they had 8 children, all born in Pennsylvania (from 1856 to 1873)
Civil War Veteran (1864-1867, Seaman & Steward, US Navy, USS Michigan)
Chief of the Erie Police Force & Erie County Detective 4,5
Died on May 28th 1898 and is buried in Erie, Pa.
There is some more information on him here:
Apparently he had two brothers, Henry and Nicholas, both of whom emigrated to New York.
thanks, Michael (the admin for millstreet.ie)
This is my first look into some of my family tree. And it is very intriguing. I am pretty sure that John Cooper Bolton Justice is my great grandfather which would make Maria Hearn my great grandmother. In the family census taken in 1911 it showed Maria’s youngest son as Ed H. My grandfather’s name is Edmund Henry Justice and his oldest child’s name was John Bolton Cooper Justice. John, or Uncle Jack to me was my grandfather’s first born. I guess it could be coincidence but certainly it makes me wonder.
Hello Cousin Ed:
I believe that you are spot on. These are our people.
I remember my dad saying that his grandmother on his dad’s side had the most Irish name
in his memory. He thought is was Ahern but this information confirms that it was Hearn.
Hi John,
Grace Justice is my x3 Great Grandmother.
Her mother is difficult to locate as she is described as Henry Chinnery Justice’s natural daughter …..
As to HCJs mother …..I also have not found the document or family tree/link but timewise and location wise I had presumed Ann Chinnery was a younger sister to Sir Broderick Chinnery of Flintfield which is close to Duarrigle and Drishane as well as HCJs 2nd Cork House ie I believe Manor house, just west off R583.
Henry was born in 1783 and died aged 76 in 1859.
Broderick 1742-1808, if Anne was born 1750-60 she would be 16-26 when Henry was her first born though there may be several other Chinnery families.
I have wondered whether the Haldane’s of Gleneagles have the relevant documents re their Irish link?
Annie Lane is a key player in the history of Duarrigle as she acquired and left it to my Great Grandfather.
All the best
Adrian Farrell
Hi Adrian,
Regarding the Haldane connection, John Healy (grandson of Maria CJ and my great grandfather) wrote to W.H.Welply the Genealogist about an annuity paid to his mother Anne (Callaghan) Healy from Anne Chinnery Haldene. After Anne’s death in 1898 it continued to John’s sister Ellen Murphy in Boherbui, Cork until her death in 1919. My cousin Aileen researched this early family history, she saw a short letter from James Broderick Chinnery-Haldane dated 1918 apologizing for a delay in sending a cheque.
It would be interesting to know what the annuity related to and the kinship of Anne to the Chinnery Baronets. Aileen wrote in May 1985 to the Laird of Gleneagles Estate, Perthshire-A.N. Chinnery-Haldane b.1907 (son of James Broderick) but he never replied. She adds that he never married though had a brother and two married sisters.
In a copy of the abstract of the Henry Chinnery Justice will he mentions natural daughter Eliza who received £7 pa. and land at Cloraghermore. No mention of Ely Place, my cousin believes it was a rented property.
According to W.H. Welply again (in a letter replying to John Healy dated 1918) Sir Broderick Chinnery the first Baronet (d.1808) had no sister Anne, he had a sister Barbara Anne who never married (d.1840). The second Sir Broderick had an only daughter Diana.
John Healy maintained that Anne was first and second cousin to Sir Broderick and second cousin to Sir Nicholas Chinnery. Welply suggests that that would be the first Sir Broderick, so Anne must have been a daughter of his uncle John or uncle Thomas. John married Sabina Weekes, Thomas married in 1718 Susanna Art and in 1721 Aphra McCarthy he had no information at that point of any children.
From what I can find a bit further back Sir Broderick 1st Baronet (b.1740. d.1808) was a son of Rev. George Chinnery(b.1676. d.abt 1754) and Eleanor Whitfield.
Rev. George had three brothers Nicholas (b. 1675) and the aforementioned John and Thomas, and one sister Margaret (b. 1679). Their parents were George Chinnery (b.1653 d.1712) and Margaret Lysaght (thepeerage.com/p21908)
If you would like I can scan some of my cousin Aileen’s research and send it on to you or any interested parties, I would need your email addresses for that.
Regards, John McNulty
Dear Adrian,
I hate to be a bother, but you seem so knowledgeable about the genealogy of these families….. I was wondering if I could trouble you for any information you may have on the O’Shea clan. My mother’s father was an O’Shea and I know next to nothing about that branch of my family tree!!
All I have to go on at the moment is that we are connected to a castle in Ireland. Yes, I know it’s a sad thing to not know one’s roots and I’m VERY ashamed of it. My mom’s dying wish was that I learn of my grandfather’s family, and I plan to do just that!! I just need a little help.
The will of Ellen Wallis (nee Justice) has some very useful information in it. I found it online and have a copy. If someone knows the old legal terms and is prepared to summarise it in more basic language that would be appreciated.
Ellen was one of Henry Chinnery Justice’s sisters and he left most of his property to her. Ellen had been widowed very early with three daughters.
The will was prepared in 1863 when she was living at Patrick’s Place, Cork.
She mentions her properties at Westland Row and 4 Ely Place in Dublin, and lands in Gurrane, Duharragle, Knocknarrane (sp?) and Claragh in Cork plus an interest in lands at Minehill.
The first person mentioned is Annie Shea – who was living with her at the time. She left an annuity of 20 pounds to Annie.
Dora, her youngest daughter, also received an annuity of 20 pounds.
Grace Shea, mother of Annie, was left 6 pounds plus the house at Duharragle (spelling as per will) in which she was living .
Charlotte Seymour, her sister, received 15 pounds, although that annuity wouldn’t commence until the death of Maria O’Callaghan and Charles Justice to whom annuities were bequeathed and charged on same lands by my late brother Henry Chinnery Justice.
Ellen left all her lands and houses to her three daughters – Mary Eliza Wallis (who married Thomas Hennessey Crofts), Ellen Teresa Moriarty (Ellen had married Dr John Mortimer Moriarty in 1860) and Dorinda Frances (Dora).
Annie Shea also benefited along with the three daughters in various other bequests.
She appoints her executors as Rev Daniel Healy, John Barret and Robert Pomeroy of Claragh (her brother in law I think).
Ellen died 4 Feb 1865.
Her youngest daughter Dora died 1866.
Mary Eliza married Thomas Crofts in 1868 but she died in 1870.
Ellen Teresa Moriarty lost her husband in 1875.
In 1901 Ellen Moriarty was living in Grand Parade, Cork with her niece (actually her first cousin once removed??) Annie Lane – both widowed.
In 1911 she was still living in a boarding house with Ellen Moriarty in Dyke Parade, both noted as having income from land.
Ellen Moriarty died in 1913, but I have found no will.
Annie Lane died in 1914.
Hope this is of some help.
Hi Brian
I was most interested in your posting/comment on Duarrigle Castle and the Will of Ellen Wallis (nee Justice).
The historical value of the information is what I love as I do take a great interest in our forebears, and indeed what we may have inherited from them in the way of our own existing characteristics.
It was nice to see that provision was made in the Will of Ellen Wallis (nee Justice) and that Annie Lane (nee O’Shea) was the first mentioned, and was left with an annuity of 20 pounds. But, also that Grace O’Shea was provided for and left 6 pounds plus Duarrigle Castle.
I do however wonder what Henry Chinnery Justice’s real thoughts were about the marriage between his daughter Grace Justice and the carpenter Thomas O’Shea. (My G.G. Grandparents).
And interestingly enough as John states in another recent previous post/comment that the four children of Thomas and Grace were all born on the sixth day! According to my records my grandfather John (Jack) O’Shea was also born on the sixth day! 6th June 1888.
My father Thomas John O’Shea was a master carpenter, but also our middle son has a passion and love for that area of skill, although not done for a living. Our younger son is an Architect but also has a passion for politics and the Law, as do I, particularly Law, as also does my elder son. So, we do have a lot to thank our forebears for.
And lastly Brian, what a wonderful surname you have! I will look forward to more of your postings in connection to our most interesting and in regard to our most wonderful family history.
With best wishes
Elaine Brazier (nee O’Shea)
‘We are born and live – but for a fleeting moment in in time’…EB. 2020