Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 16th February 2025



Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

16th February 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH: Sr. Juliana (Mary) O’Donoghue, Monaghan & Aubane; Eilish O’Connor, Gurrane.

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:                          

Saturday  15th February, 2025:     

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Dr. Pat Casey, Tullig;  Agnes & Tim Kiely, The Bridge.

Sunday 16th February, 2025:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Denis O’Brien, Ballydaly 

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Donal & Nora Murphy, Killarney Road;  The deceased members of the Murphy Family, Killarney Road;  Mary & Noel Horgan, Cork;  Michael & James Murphy.

ANNIVERSARIES: Kathleen O’Riordan, Church Street; Bridget Burke, Murphy’s Tce; Jerome O’Riordan, Dromsicane; James O’Byrne, West End; Ann O’Byrne, Blessington; Patrick Dineen, Knopogue; Hannah Mary Dennehy, Coomlogane; John & Kathleen Cashman, Inchileigh; Mary & Neily O’Sullivan, Lyreaune.

 Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 22nd February, 2025:     

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Jimmy Murphy, Drishane Road (Month’s Mind);  Abina & Johnny Sheehan, Knockbrack;  Pauline O’Sullivan, Killowen.

Sunday 23rd February, 2025:

Cullen 9.30a.m.   John Murphy, Lisnaboy;  Frank & deceased members of O’Leary Family, Lissaniska;  Kathleen Moynihan, Ballydaly;  Timmy & Mary Agnes Regan, Nohovaldaly.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Timothy & Nora Kelleher, Lislehane;  Andrew Hickie, his parents John A. & Jenny Hickie, The Square.

Rotas for 22nd & 23rd February, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Mary Ita Creedon Group D
  11.30 a.m. Jerry Doody Group D
Cullen 9.30a.m. Noreen Meade Irene Duggan

 Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (17th) for Sr. Florence O’Sullivan  at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (18th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (19th) for Bridget & James Burke, Murphy’s Tce & their daughters Sheila “Judy” Doocey, Noreen Keating &  Breeda Hickey at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (21st) for People of the Parish at 10.00am.

Mass on Saturday (22nd) for Jerry Collins, Liscahane (Month’s Mind) at 10.00am. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 16th February 2025”

“Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Features Glen Theatre at 10pm

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show relating to a wonderful Show Coordinated by Jim Lyons on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 11th Feb. 2025…..“Radio Treasures ” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm)…. At 10.00pm we visit Banteer’s Glen Theatre where we share highlights of “Roger’s Final Farewell” and we interview three very interesting people after the performance.   Lots of superb songs, music and chat.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

“Kaci” is delighted to meet one of her nine pups “Pumpkin” as a cheque is presented to Nadine Bohane from Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI) – the result of a special fundraising event held at Halloween 2024 in the School.

Today, 11th Feb. 2025, is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and of St. Gobnait.

“Roger’s Final Farewell” at the Glen Theatre – The Cast.

Admiring the hair (style) and the hare (brooch) when we met Pat Randles in Minor Row!
Friday, 14th Feb. 2025 is St. Valentine’s Day.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Features Glen Theatre at 10pm”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 9th February 2025



Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

9th February 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH:  Dennie Mulcahy, Knocknashinnagh

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 8th February, 2025:     

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Pat Joe Kelleher, Pound Hill & Mary Cronin, Main Street;  Paddy Murphy, Gurrane;  Nellie White, Tubber;  Johnny & the deceased members of the Cremin Family, Gortavehy.

Sunday 9th February, 2025:

Cullen 9.30a.m.   Jerry O’Donoghue, Cullen & the deceased members of the O’Donoghue Family, Doon;  Michael & Joan Herlihy, Knockanes;  Matty O’Leary, Milleens;  Paddy Duggan, Cullen (recently deceased).

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Dan Joe O’Connell, Murphy’s Terrace (recently deceased);  Mary & Patrick Kelleher, Clara Road;  Eileen & Con Dineen, Rathduane.

ANNIVERSARIES: Frank Thornton, Drishanebeg; Billy Murphy, Coole;  Pat Hogan, Ballydaly; Pauline Lyons Dooneen; John Mullane, Coolikerane; Maidie O’Keeffe, Knockduff; Matt & Hannah Murphy, Lisnaboy; Mary & Tade Murphy, Knocknagree; Denis O’Connor, Cloghoula & Dublin; Kathleen O’Mahony, Clonakilty. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 15th  February, 2025:     

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Dr. Pat Casey, Tullig;  Agnes & Tim Kiely, The Bridge.

Sunday 16th  February, 2025:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m.  Denis O’Brien, Ballydaly

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Donal & Nora Murphy, Killarney Road;  The deceased members of the Murphy Family, Killarney Road;  Mary & Noel Horgan, Cork;  Michael & James Murphy, Cork.

Rotas for 15th & 16th February, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Catríona Kelleher Group C
  11.30 a.m. Bernie Cronin Group C
Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Josephine Murphy Mary Murphy

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (10th) for Pauline & Dan Lyons, Dooneen at 7.30p.m.

Mass on Tuesday (11th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (12th) for James Maloney, Millstreet & London at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (14th) for James & Julia Cotter, Mill Lane and Patrick & Kitty McCarthy, Donoughmore at 7.30p.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 9th February 2025”

Aubane Social Club on the lookout for Photos/Memories for upcoming Anniversary Celebration

Aubane Social Club are on the lookout for photos from 1975 to present day from the local area for use at its upcoming Anniversary Celebrations,if you have any please contact Celeste on 083 313 5750.

Aubane Social Club will celebrate its 50 years anniversary on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22:June 2025 at Aubane Community Centre.

Stay in touch for more details to follow for this Event.

Millstreet Pictorial Update – 6th Feb. 2025

Pictured at the AGM of Millstreet Active Retirement Association held at the Canon O’Donovan Millstreet Day Centre on Wednesday, 5th Feb. 2025. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Not just one Phil but two present at the AGM of MARA – Phil Sheehan and Phil Twomey.
In fact there was another Phil present at the AGM….Phil McCarthy (on left) who was elected Assistant Chairperson of MARA.

Colourful 5th February evening at Millstreet Town Park…with Venus Star clearly visible.
First Daffodil of Spring seen at West End, Millstreet beside the Fountain!

[read more …] “Millstreet Pictorial Update – 6th Feb. 2025”

“Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets American Visitors & Marilyn Horan

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show relating to Farrenree in Cork on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 4th Feb. 2025…..“Radio Treasures ” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features at 9.30pm  a special chat with American Visitors tracing roots.   At 10.00pm we hear a wonderful Interview with Marilyn Horan from New York who has been annually visiting her favourite traditional home in Coolinarne for some three decades .   Lots of superb songs, music and chat.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Gene from Blarney pictured with Geri and Stephen from USA at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.  Listen to their Interview this Tuesday at 9.30pm.
Marilyn Horan from New York pictured at her much admired Coolinarne home in 2024. Listen to her very interesting Interview at 10pm.

The wonderfully talented Cast of “Darby O’Gill and The Little People” Concert recently held at Aubane Community Centre, Millstreet produced by Seán Dineen (pictured first from left).
The Cast of the hugely successful Comedy “Roger’s Final Farewell” at the Glen Theatre pictured on Monday, 3rd Feb. 2025 with Members of the Buckley Family related to the late gifted Writer of the Comedy, Seán Buckley of Ballydesmond.
Current construction of Millstreet’s new Bus Shelter at The Square.
Some of the many people who attended the superb January Millstreet Gramophone Circle presentation by Jim O’Sullivan of Laught (pictured holding the red speaker) at the Canon O’Donovan Millstreet Day Centre.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets American Visitors & Marilyn Horan”

Superbly Successful Lourdes Quiz at Corkery’s Bar

With a wonderful €2,066.00 raised for the Lourdes Project it was indeed a tremendously successful Table Quiz …with nineteen Teams participating at the very happy event held on Friday, 31st Jan. 2025 at Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet. A very special thanks is extended by Coordinator supreme, John Magee and his dedicated Helpers to Caroline and Patrick Corkery for so kindly providing the very welcoming venue.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Overall Winners of the Quiz who very kindly donated their prize money to the Lourdes Fund pictured with Evie O’Leary (first from left) and Ally Moynihan both of whom will be travelling to Lourdes as dedicated Helpers at Easter.  MC at the Quiz is Jennifer O’Donoghue of MCS.  Coordinator John Magee is pictured second from left.

Quiz Prizewinners from Millstreet Community School.


Members of the O’Leary Family with Lourdes Helper, Evie O’Leary.

[read more …] “Superbly Successful Lourdes Quiz at Corkery’s Bar”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 2nd February 2025



The Presentation of the Lord

4th February 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH:  Jerry Collins, Liscahane

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 1st February, 2025 – Feast of St. Brigid:     

Our Lady of Fatima monthly First Saturday Devotions: Rosary at 5.40p.m. and 15 minute meditation in Parish Centre after Mass.

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Meg Kelleher, Aubane & Jack Collins, Ballincollig;  John (Jackie) Murphy & his son Dan Joe, 12 Tanyard, Lackabawn.

Sunday 2nd February, 2025Candlemas Day:         

Ballydaly 9.30a.m.        Tom (Eoinín) O’Sullivan, Gortavehy & Banteer (recently deceased);  Willie Neenan, Ballydaly.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Dick Pomeroy, Clara;  Pat Buckley, Cahirbarnagh;  Con O’Sullivan, Claramore;  Catherine Fitzgerald (née Cotter), Killarney & Murphy’s Terrace (First Anniversary);  Timothy F. Kelleher, Shanakiel (First Annivesary).

ANNIVERSARIES: Morgan & Mai McSweeney, Keale Bridge; Johnny O’Keeffe, Main Street; Eileen Corcoran, West End; Mary & Patrick Kelleher, Clara Road; Betsy Murphy, Killarney Road; Daniel McSweeney, Murphy’s Terrace; Mary Corkery, Main Street & Douglas; Fr. Denis Manley, The Square & Hull; Billy O’Hanlon, Rathmore; Nora Creedon, Laught; Nora & Denis O’Sullivan, Inches; Joan O’Regan, Millstreet & Cork. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 8th  February, 2025:     

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Pat Joe Kelleher, Pound Hill &  Mary Cronin, Main Street; Paddy Murphy, Gurrane; Nellie White, Tubber;  Johnny & the deceased members of the Cremin Family, Gortavehy.

Sunday 9th  February, 2025:

Cullen 9.30a.m.   Jerry O’Donoghue, Cullen & the deceased members of the O’Donoghue Family, Doon; Michael & Joan Herlihy, Knockanes; Matty O’Leary, Milleens; Paddy Duggan, Cullen (recently deceased).

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Dan Joe O’Connell, Murphy’s Terrace (recently deceased); Mary & Patrick Kelleher, Clara Road.

Rotas for 8th & 9th February, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Eimear Buckley Group B
  11.30 a.m. Eileen O’Sullivan Group B
Cullen 9.30a.m. Gillian McCarthy Derry Morley  

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Tuesday (4th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m. Blessing of Throats for the Feast of St. Blaise will take place after Mass.

Mass on Wednesday (5th) for Donal O’Sullivan, Rathmore & Dublin at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (7th) for Private Intention at 7.30p.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 2nd February 2025”

Wonderfully Successful St. Brigid’s Cross Project in Library

A huge thank you to everyone who responded to our call for rushes to make St. Brigid’s Crosses at Millstreet Library.  Special thanks to Margaret, Mary, Catherine & her two sons Daniel and Conor, Liz, and Liam for their contributions.  We had a fantastic morning (Fri. 31st Jan. 2025) where lots of beautiful crosses were made, both for personal use and for the church.  It was wonderful to see the community spirit in full force.  Thanks again to everyone who came along and contributed. Happy St Brigid’s Day.  Tap on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

#CommunitySpirit #StBrigidsCross #Gratitude #MillstreetLibrary #CorkCountyCouncilLibraryAndArtsService #CorkCountyCouncil

 Seeking House/Apartment in Millstreet or Nearby

A family from Ukraine (two women and a teenage boy) are looking for house/apartment in Millstreet or nearby. The child studies at Millstreet Community School. We are a clean and decent family. No animals. We have a car. We will be grateful for any information and consider various offers. 

Contact information: Phone Number and WhatsApp 085 760 8327 

“Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets “Snow White”

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show relating to a very talented Folk Group on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 28th Jan. 2025…..“Radio Treasures ” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features  a special chat about Rathmore’s 2025 Pantomime “Snow White”.   At 9.45pm we hear a repeat of the superb combined sound of Cullen and Kiskeam Bands.   Lots of superb songs, music and chat.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets “Snow White””

Millstreet Juvenile GAA Celebrates Splendid New Jerseys

On Sunday afternoon, 26th Jan. 2025, in Millstreet GAA Community Hall,  Millstreet Juvenile GAA celebrated the presentation of sets of splendid new jerseys.  Coordinator Róisín Roche on behalf of the organising Team expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to the many very kind Sponsors.  We thank Organiser, Mag O’Connor, for alerting us to the uplifting, happy event.  Here we share a selection of images from the important occasion.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Millstreet Juvenile GAA Celebrates Splendid New Jerseys”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 26th January 2025



Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

26th January 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH:  Seán O’Connor, Liverpool; Michael Hickey, Fermoy & Millstreet; Elizabeth O’Doherty, Killarney; Ryan Daly, Portadown (grandson of Phil & Jerry Daly).

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 25th January, 2025:                

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   John O’Regan, Gortavehy (recently deceased);  Kathleen Corcoran, Dooneen; Eileen & the deceased members of the Moynihan Family, Ballydaly; Jerry & Nora Creedon, Laught; Noreen O’Brien-Barrett, Lackabawn.

Sunday 26th January, 2025

Cullen 9.30a.m. Eileen, Tommy & Larry Kelleher, Cullen;  Art O’Connor, Nohovaldaly, his parents Margaret & Jackie and his sister Norma and brother Seán (both recently deceased); Julie, Liam & Bill Mullane, Swindon; Ann O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Paddy King, Liscahane & his sister Bridget King, Church Street (both of whose First Anniversaries occur at this time); Peter & Nora Dineen, Cloghoula; Jack & Margaret Kelleher, Canon O’Donovan Centre;  Kathleen O’Sullivan, Gortavehy.

ANNIVERSARIES: Dan Joe Herlihy, Minor Row; Mary & Eddie Ambrose, Murphy’s Terrace; Joan Murphy, Knocknakilla; Theresa McCarthy, Kilmeedy; Daniel & Julia Guerin, Ballydaly; Billy & Kathleen Guerin, Ballydaly & Cloghoula;  Liz O’Sullivan, Coalpits; Dan Hickey, Knockduff; Andy O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy; James Hickey, Meenskehy; Kattie O’Mahony, Ballincollig; Mary Kiely, Cork; May Murphy, Watergrasshill;  Paddy Barrett, Newmarket; Johnnie Linehan, Dromahane; Mary & Michael Kiely, Ballymacarbery; Stephen Lyons, Kilcorney. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 1st February, 2025:      Our Lady of Fatima monthly First Saturday Devotions: Rosary at 5.40p.m. and 15 minute meditation in Parish Centre after Mass

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Meg Kelleher, Aubane & Jack Collins, Ballincollig;  John (Jackie) Murphy & his son Dan Joe, 12 Tanyard, Lackabawn.

Sunday 2nd February, 2025 – Candlemas Day:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Tom (Eoinín) O’Sullivan, Gortavehy & Banteer (recently deceased); Willie Neenan, Ballydaly.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Dick Pomeroy, Clara; Pat Buckley, Cahirbarnagh;  Con O’Sullivan, Claramore; Catherine Fitzgerald (née Cotter), Killarney & Murphy’s Terrace (First Anniversary).

Rotas for 1st & 2nd February, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Maria Kelleher Group A
  11.30 a.m. Michael Cashman Group A
Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Eileen Guerin Mary Guerin-O’Leary

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (27th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (28th) for Jerry Cronin, Drishane Road & Tramore (recently deceased) at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (29th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (31st) for Jim Bradley, Boherbue at 10.00a.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 26th January 2025”

Millstreet Features on Radio Kerry 9 to 11am This Saturday

Presented by Frank Lewis in his monthly Saturday Supplement series on Radio Kerry, a repeat of the wonderfully comprehensive programme relating to Millstreet during which some eight local people feature, will be broadcast from 9 to 11am on Radio Kerry this Saturday, 25th Jan. 2025.  The original broadcast was transmitted in October 2023 and the Podcast may be accessed on the following link:

Frank and Siobhán Lewis at Millstreet Museum in October 2023 as they begin recording the major Radio Kerry Feature relating to Millstreet. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Happy Listening!  (S.R.)

Classes in Millstreet FET January 2025

Marie Twomey can be contacted on 086 7707301 or email marie.twomey for registration and queries. The tutors will help the learners with the FETCH numbers (Course numbers) that are on the poster also. Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

Loyal Supporters Witness a Wonderful UL Win

We thank Mag O’Connor for very kindly sharing a superb selection of images from the successful conclusion of the Sigerson Cup match at UL at which Darragh Cashman was the wonderfully dedicated UL Captain.   Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Success for Darragh’s UL Team.
Two Sporting Heroes – Darragh and Tommy !

Happy success for father and son !

John, Darragh, Mag and Tommy celebrate wonderfully successful outcome.

[read more …] “Loyal Supporters Witness a Wonderful UL Win”

“Radio Treasures Show” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets “Little Red Riding Hood”, Two Bands and Historian Éamonn

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show relating to Caherconlish on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 21st Jan. 2025…..“Radio Treasures ” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features  a special audio Interview (at 9.30pm) with “Little Red Riding Hood” and others at Everyman Theatre.   At 9.45pm we hear the superb combined sound of Cullen and Kiskeam Bands.  At 10pm we meet with Historian supreme Éamonn Duggan and Jill and hear about the Seán Moylan recent brilliant publication. Lots of superb songs, music and chat.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Some of the many people who attended Jim O’Sullivan’s superb musical Presentation at Millstreet Gramophone Circle.  Jim is pictured holing the red loudspeaker audio box.
Having attended the spendid Pantomine at the Everyman Theatre we called to meet Artist supreme, Neil Kelleher at his truly exquisite festive home, “Adrivale” in South Douglas Road, Cork.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures Show” Tonight from 9.15 to 11.30 Meets “Little Red Riding Hood”, Two Bands and Historian Éamonn”

Enthusiastic Supporters Travel to UL in Support of Darragh Cashman’s Team

At 5pm this Tuesday, 21st Jan. 2025 an enthusiastic group of Supporters from Millstreet Parish travelled from West End, Millstreet to the University of Limerick in support of Darragh Cashman who captains the UL Team in the Sigerson Cup Match.  Darragh’s father, John and Coordinator supreme, Mag O’Connor are among those travelling.  Every success and safe travelling to All.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Enthusiastic Supporters Travel to UL in Support of Darragh Cashman’s Team”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 19th January 2025



The Baptism of the Lord

19th January 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH:   Jimmy Murphy, Drishane Road; Jack Jones, Kanturk; Martin O’Connell, Banteer & Galway; Norma O’Leary, Knocknagree and her brother Seán O’Connor, Liverpool; Mairéad Roche, Gorey.

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

 Saturday 18th January, 2025:         

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Ann O’Sullivan, Ballydaly;  Breeda Tarrant, Aunagloor; Larry Moynihan, Clara Road;  John Linehan, Dooneen & Cullen.

Sunday 19th January, 2025:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Peggie & Jerry Horgan, Ballydaly;  Canon Dan Kiely & his parents Katty & Denis Kiely, Ballydaly.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Matt Murphy, Killarney Road & West End (recently deceased); Fr. Joe Murphy, West End; John B “Shamrock” Murphy, West End & the deceased members of the Murphy & Burke families;  Sonny & Lattie Murphy, Clarabeg & their daughter Anna Marie.  

ANNIVERSARIES: Hannie Murphy, Cockhill; Maura Dowling, Murphy’s Terrace; Bertie & Kate Kelleher, Murphy’s Terrace; Robert Justice, Main Street; Daniel O’Mahony, Main Street; John Desmond, Liscahane; Bina Duggan, West End;  Sheila McGarry, Mountleader; Margaret Mullane, Coolikerane; The deceased members of the Hickey Family, Derragh; Kitty McSweeney, Rathcoole; Denis Duggan, Carriganima; Timothy & Bridget Nugent, Dromcollogher; Donal Hoare, Macroom; Willie Murphy, Kilbrin & Flintfield. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 25th January, 2025:           

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   John O’Regan, Gortavehy (recently  deceased);  Kathleen Corcoran, Dooneen; Eileen & the deceased members of the Moynihan Family, Ballydaly; Jerry & Nora Creedon, Laught; Noreen O’Brien-Barrett, Lackabawn.

Sunday 26th January, 2025:

Cullen 9.30a.m. Eileen, Tommy & Larry Kelleher, Cullen;  Art O’Connor, Nohovaldaly, his parents Margaret & Jackie and his sister Norma and brother Seán (both recently deceased); Julie, Liam & Bill Mullane, Swindon; Ann O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Paddy King, Liscahane & his sister Bridget King, Church Street (both of whose First Anniversaries occur at this time); Peter & Nora Dineen, Cloghoula;  Jack & Margaret Kelleher, Canon O’Donovan Centre; Kathleen O’Sullivan, Gortavehy.

Rotas for 25th & 26th January, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Tim Linehan Group E
  11.30 a.m. Pat Breen Group E
Cullen 9.30a.m. Patricia Murphy Mgt. Fitzgerald

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (20th) for Timmy & Bina Duggan, West End and Nora Creedon at 10.00a.m.  As part of our Diocesan Mission this Mass will be live-streamed.

Mass on Tuesday (21st) for Mena, Anne & Pat Given at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (22nd) for Hannie Murphy, Cockhill at 10.00a.m.

Thursday 23rd: To celebrate Catholic Schools Week the grandparents of our school children are invited to Mass at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (24th) for Reach Out Cancer Support Group at 10.00a.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 19th January 2025”

The Radio Kerry programme on Millstreet broadcast in October 2023 will be repeated on January 25

The Radio Kerry programme on Millstreet broadcast in October 2023 presented by Frank Lewis

will be repeated next Saturday week (January 25)

from 9 – after the news – to 11am




‘Gallan’, Mangerton Road, Muckross, Killarney , Co Kerry, Ireland 087 4540 418;



Catch line: Rare Dublin spire offcut  in Sean Radley’s Millstreet on Radio Kerry on January 25


Taking literally millions of photographs of all that that has happened in Millstreet over the past 53 years.   Founding and running the Millstreet Museum for 43 years.   One of the three who set up the hugely active Millstreet Community Web site (   These are all part of ‘Sean Radley’s Millstreet’ that will feature on the Saturday Supplement on Radio Kerry from 9 to 11am on Saturday January 25. It is already on podcast from its first broadcast in October 28 2023.


Described as ‘the heart and soul of Millstreet’, Radley has had a hand in every aspect of local life for more than 50 years – and guides programme presenter Frank Lewis to a variety of these.


90 year Eily Buckley’s positive attitude to life has her acting and looking like a 60 year old  while  telling the sad stories  of Cromwell’s armies at Kilmeedy Castle.


At Drishane’s 600  year old buildings historian Liam Flynn tells how the castle and estate were bought for £450 when they were valued at £8,000.


The Millstreet Community Website is updated several time a day by its founder and web master Hannelie O’Connor, a native of South Africa, who has lived in Millstreet for 30 years.


Thomas Duggan tells of the eleven all weather and three indoor horse arenas, 1,500 permanent stables   as well as a cross country trail that his family has developed in Millstreet.


At the Tranquility Garden in memory of Eileen O’Riordan at the Boeing Crossing on the River Blackwater Jerry Doody points to the footbridge that marks the way O’Sullivan Beare travelled from Beara to Breifine in 1603 – and Jerry sings the local anthem The Bould Thady Quill.


Principal Pol O Siodhchain tells the stories and experiences of 50 years of Millstreet Community School and pupils Maeve Casey on concertina and on tin whistles Evan O’Sullivan, Luke Hickey and Aoife Casey play traditional jigs.


Sean Radley tells the extraordinary stories in Millstreet Museum of De Valera’s 1916 military belt, offcuts from the Dublin  spike and a wind up gramophone.


James O’Sullivan is the caretaker of  Tubrid Holy Well where he tells of  walking sticks left behind by people who say they were cured here.


Twelve volunteers, on average give half a day every week between Millstreet Museum, internet radio and the Millstreet website.


Sean Radley’s Millstreet will be broadcast on Radio Kerry’s Saturday Supplement from 9 to 11am on Saturday January 25 2025, live on 96 to 98fm, worldwide on and is already on podcast from ton the same site under podcasts/Saturday Supplement/October 28 2023.   Producer/presenter Frank Lewis, location sound Siubhan Lewis & post production Colette Foley.


Issued: 13 January 2025  Photos <seanradley8jan>; T 086 825 0074

“Radio Treasures Show” Tonight at 9.15 Meets BTYSTE 2025 Students in Dublin and Millstreet

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show No. 133 – A Tribute to Musician/Singer Johnny Donegan  on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 14th Jan. 2025…..“Radio Treasures ” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features  a special Interviews (at 9.30pm) with the very successful BTYSTE 2025 Students from MCS.    Lots of superb songs, music and chat.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.    Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Royal welcome for the very successful BTYSTE 2025 Students on Monday at MCS.
Little Red Riding Hood at Cork’s Everyman Theatre 12th Jan. 2025 – We chat about the Millstreet connection!
This Medal was found at Coleman’s Car Park on Monday, 13th Jan. 2025 and was handed into the Shop.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures Show” Tonight at 9.15 Meets BTYSTE 2025 Students in Dublin and Millstreet”

Royal Welcome at Millstreet Station for BTYSTE 2025 Students

Thankfully the improving weather permitted  an enthusiastic group of people to accord a royal welcome to the wonderfully dedicated Students from Millstreet Community School who brilliantly represented their school, their families and their communities at this week’s highly prestigious BTYSTE 2025 in Dublin’s RDS.   Here we share a selection of some eighteen images from the uplifting occasion as the Students arrived on the 19.48 train from Dublin on Sat. 11th Jan. 2025.   A special radio feature will be broadcast on our weekly “Radio Treasures” programme on on this coming Tuesday, 14th Jan. at 9.30pm including recordings with the Students both in Dublin (by teacher Eileen Lyons) and also at Millstreet Railway Station.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Royal Welcome at Millstreet Station for BTYSTE 2025 Students”

Billy Coleman the Millstreet Maestro

The Rallymemories Channel on You Tube has as an upload on Billy Coleman titled the Millstreet Maestro which showcases the fantastic talent Billy is,hard to think he was British Rally Champion 50 years ago.

Check it out in the link below and Enjoy.


Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 12th January 2025



The Baptism of the Lord

12th January 2025

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATH:  Timmy Joe O’Sullivan, Knocknageeha; Dan Joe O’Connell, Murphy’s Terrace; Mary Hayes (née Hickey), Glanmire & Cullen.

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 11th January, 2025:            

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Denis & Nell Hickey, Mill View;  Timmy J. Kiely, Ballydaly.

Sunday 12th January, 2025:

Cullen 9.30a.m. Michael Dineen, Cullen;  Geraldine Murphy, Lisnaboy;  Paddy & Mary O’Mahony, Meenagloherane;  Rosaleen Veart, Ahane.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Tim Dineen, Carrigacooleen (recently deceased);  Cornelius Keane, Drimoleague;  Pat O’Connell, Toorenbawn;  Mary Cashman, Tullig House & the deceased members of the Goggin Family, Carriganima.

ANNIVERSARIES: John & Mary Ryan, Cockhill; Columba Cronin, Church Street; Neily Healy, Church Street; Julia Kelleher, Kilmeedy; Con Cronin, Dooneen; Kevin Gardiner, Duarigle; Bob, Bridie & the deceased members of the Casey Family, Duarigle; Con Joe Murphy, Curraraigue. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 18th January, 2025:                  

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Ann O’Sullivan, Ballydaly;  Breeda Tarrant, Aunagloor;  Larry Moynihan, Clara Road;  John Linehan, Dooneen & Cullen.

Sunday 19th January, 2025: 

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Peggie & Jerry Horgan, Ballydaly;  Canon Dan Kiely & his parents Katty & Denis Kiely, Ballydaly.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Matt Murphy, Killarney Road & West End (recently deceased);  Fr. Joe Murphy, West End;  John B “Shamrock” Murphy, West End & the deceased members of the Murphy & Burke families;  Sonny & Lattie Murphy, Clarabeg & their daughter Anna Marie.  

Rotas for 18th & 19th January, 2025


Millstreet   6.15p.m. Pádraig Creedon Group D
  11.30 a.m. Eileen O’Sullivan Group D
Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Dan O’Riordan Marcella Moynihan

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (13th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (14th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (15th) for John (Jackie) Murphy, 12 Tanyard, Lackabawn and his son Danny Joe at 10.00a.m.

No Mass on Thursday.

Mass on Friday (17th) for Margaret Murphy, Cloghoulabeg (First Anniversary) at 7.30p.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 12th January 2025”

Millstreet’s Superbly Uplifting Success at BTYSTE 2025

While it’s a great privilege to be chosen to compete in BTYSTE 2025 it is truly a further bonus to be chosen among the winners.  We thank Pól Ó Síodhcháin for sharing the following statement and images relating to the wonderful success for Millstreet Community School this Friday evening (10th Jan. 2025) at the RDS.  Pól states:  “We are immensely proud of Saoirse, Anna & Méabh! What a fantastic achievement when you think of 2,000 entries of which just over 500 reach the RDS, to be coming back to Millstreet with 3rd Place is just brilliant. It is a tremendous end to what was a difficult week for many people locally and we are thrilled to have pnce again represented our area so well! I want to thank Millstreet Community Council for their generous support of our participation in BTYSTE over many years. To our three teachers who made the trip to Dublin with the students, Ms Lyons, Ms O’Looney & Mr Guerin, we say a huge míle buíochas. Our teachers in MCS are so committed to our students, it is a privilege to be a part of that. Thanks also to Daniel’s father for travelling to Dublin! They joined the train in Banteer on Wednesday morning. Marion Buckley, one of our wonderful Clerical Officers, ensured that Ms Lyons would make the train on Wednesday morning by giving her a bed on Tuesday night. That sums up MCS…the Irish word ‘Meitheal’ is such a perfect description of what we have in the school between all Staff, Students and Parents/Guardians. We will celebrate this in the school on Monday and I can’t wait to do so! Well done to Daniel, Kate and Evelyn on their excellent work and presentations in the RDS too. We have such a proud tradition in this competition over very many years, it was wonderful to have three projects make it through to Dublin this year. Comhghairdeachas leo go léir!

Anna, Méabh and Saoirse got 3rd place in the intermediate category award for biological & ecological sciences 🎉🥳

[read more …] “Millstreet’s Superbly Uplifting Success at BTYSTE 2025”