Upcoming Events being held by Blackwater Valley Vintage Group

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group are hosting 5 Vintage Events for the coming year ahead with the first Event of the Year for the Group kicking off on Sunday March 30th with a Vintage Tractor Run for Pre-1995 Models.

Registration for the Event will be based out of Aubane Community Centre Eircode P51 EP49 with Sign On from 10.30am and Take Off at 12.30pm Refreshments will be Served at Registration, Entry Fee by Donation,for more Details Call Jack Sheehan on 083-3736016.

The Groups second Event of the Year is happening on Easter Monday April 21st with The Group running a Vintage /Classic Car Run for the Irish Kidney Association.

All Vintage/Classic Cars Bikes Vans etc very Welcome to take part, Registration will take place at Cullen Community Centre Eircode (P51 YY06) from 10.30am with Take Off at 12 Noon, a Scenic Route of over 80km is on offer with the Event finishing at Bob’s on the Green Kanturk for Refreshments and Musical Entertainment,
for more Details Call Willie Fitzgerald on 087 2229874.

Keep a look out on our Instagram and Facebook Social Media Feeds and Local Media for further information on upcoming Events.

Cork Hamper Packers Thank you

Cork Hamper Packers

Thank you


Message from Margaret and the Hamper packers


Thank you everyone for the generous supply of food stuffs and clothing donated to the above Christmas appeal


We made up 20 Hampers for the homeless on the street. The excess food items, and beautiful knitted hats, scarfs and other clothing went to St Vincents Hostel and Edel House. Most items were delivered before the Christmas.

Money collected will buy shoes, tracksuits and towels as well as other items still needed in this wet cold season.

A bit of joy to the homeless on the street and both Charities look forward to us coming each year.

Big thanks also to the collection points, O’Regans Mill and Educare centre, Boherbue


[read more …] “Cork Hamper Packers Thank you”

Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club

The Aubane Social Club would like to wish all their Supporters, Neighbour’s and Friends a very Happy Christmas ⛄🎁

Annual Christmas Day Climb on Wednesday 25 December at 10.30 am all proceeds in Aid of the Critical Emergency Response and The Irish Cancer Society Night Nurses.

Around the Fireside is on Sunday Night 29 December at 8 pm.

All Welcome 🤗

A Message of Thanks for your Support and Christmas Greetings from Blackwater Valley Vintage Group

In July 2024 a Group of Friends and Vintage Enthusiasts took on the challenge of setting up a new Vintage Group in the North Cork Region,this Group comprising of 10 People brought with them to the table different skill sets and ideas along with many years experience between them being involved in Vintage Events which when combined brought about the formation of Blackwater Valley Vintage Group.

What followed was a busy 3 week period in which the newly formed Group got together a plan to organise an Event which took place on Sunday August 18th,the Vintage Car and Tractor Run which was held in aid of the Alzheimers Society of Ireland was ran out of Aubane Community Centre just outside Millstreet and had a great Turnout of over 100 Entries on the day, it was an outstanding sucess on the Groups debut.

Just over a month later the Groups Lady Members went on to organise a Vintage Car Run which was held on Saturday September 21st again out of Aubane Community Centre with the beneficiary being Cullen and District Special Needs Association with again a great Turnout.

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group plan a number of Events in 2025 starting with a Vintage Tractor Run on Sunday March 30th and the newly formed Group would like to thank everyone who came along to support us on our first 2 Events and to everyone who sent us best wishes on our new venture and if you want anymore information do check out our Facebook and Instagram Social Media Feeds or give us a Call on 087 7924406.

Finally from all the Team at Blackwater Valley Vintage Group we would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2025.


Aubane Social Club Christmas Period Diary

Aubane Social Club Diary for Christmas Period.

Aubane Community Christmas Mass & Party at Aubane Community Centre on Friday 13 December at 8 pm. Live Entertainment. All Welcome.

Aubane Set Dancing Christmas party with music 🎵 by Hugh Kennedy on Monday 23 December at 9.15 pm.

Annual Christmas Day Morning Climb of Mushera on Wednesday 25 December at 10.30 am meeting at Millstreet Country Park Gate. This year the proceeds of the climb are going two charities CRITICAL (Critical Emergency Response) and The Irish Cancer Society Night Nurses. Bucket Collection on the Morning of the Climb.

Christmas Around the fireside a night of stories and Song on Sunday night 29 December at 8 pm.




Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Support Cullen and District Special Needs Association

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group had the pleasure of handing over a Cheque for €1123.90 to Cullen and District Special Needs Association following the Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Ladies Car Run held back on September 21st last,we were delighted to be associated with such a great Group who do absolutely fantastic work in the North Cork Region,the Cheque Presentation took place on Saturday Afternoon December 7th at Cullen Community Centre where Cullen and District Special Needs Association held there Annual Christmas Party in what was a most welcoming and enjoyable occasion we thank our Group Member Sean Radley for the Photos 📸📸

North Cork Hamper Packers Community Christmas Appeal 2024

That time of year again, lets share the spirit of Christmas.

North Cork Hamper Packers

Community Christmas Appeal 2024

Individual Food Hamper parcels are made up for the Homeless at Christmas.

If you’d like to donate items for these parcels, the following would be a great help:

Essential foods :

Hot chocolate/Coffee /Tea – small Jars of jam/marmalade – small
Cereal bars/chocolate/sweets/Crisp’s Small packs of rice/Cup-a-Soup/   Pot-noodles
Biscuits/crackers Easy to open Tins of: fruit, fish, meat, stews, chicken, etc.

Hygiene items suitable for Men:   toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, combs, shower gels, face-cloths, baby-wipes.

Small items of clothing:  socks, hats, scarfs, gloves, small packets of tissues and new underwear


NOTE: Local DROP-OFF points

Boherbue Educare Centre – Drop point

Millstreet – O’ Regan’s Mill Office- Drop point

Collection points; Millstreet West End car park (Carnegie side) on – Saturday 14th December 2024, 11.00 to 12pm.

Derrinagree Church car park on Saturday 14th December at 13.00- 13.30pm

This year items will be packed locally into Christmas Hamper bags and taken to Cork on Thursday 21st December to be delivered out to the homeless. Extra food items will be delivered to homeless centers.

Thank you once again for supporting this yearly event.

Margaret Crean 087 2212864 (local person)

St. Vincent De Paul Appeal



The annual Church door collection for St. Vincent De Paul will take place at all Masses on 7th & 8th December.  We are most grateful for your continued generosity.

The services of SVP are available to any person or family who are genuinely finding the rising cost of living difficult.

It might just be a once off bill that you need help with, a utility bill, a weekly food shop or the approach of Christmas.  Our services are completely confidential and offer a wide range of assistance and each person or family are helped in a discreet manner.

So if you need, or know of any person or family, who could do with a helping hand please do not hesitate to contact us on (087) 9597900 or email eileenos58 @gmail.com.

Everyone needs a little help and SVP are here to help.



Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association Churchgate Collection

Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association will have the annual Churchgate Collection this weekend Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November at Millstreet Church and Ballydaly Church.
This is one of our main fundraisers so your continued support is appreciated. All funds raised go towards an annual contribution to each primary school and the operating costs of the parents association.
If you can’t attend at the weekend we have an online option via iDonate which will remain active for one week. Here’s the link https://www.idonate.ie/event/mpspachurchgatecollection2024.
The parents association is a small group of parents who, last year, created many lasting memories for the children of both primary schools.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal



The annual Church door collection for St. Vincent De Paul will take place at all Masses on 7th & 8th December.  We are most grateful for your continued generosity.

The services of SVP are available to any person or family who are genuinely finding the rising cost of living difficult.

It might just be a once off bill that you need help with, a utility bill, a weekly food shop or the approach of Christmas.  Our services are completely confidential and offer a wide range of assistance and each person or family are helped in a discreet manner.

So if you need, or know of any person or family, who could do with a helping hand please do not hesitate to contact us on (087) 9597900 or email eileenos58 @gmail.com.

Everyone needs a little help and SVP are here to help.



Dromtariffe Vintage Club Tractor Run happening on this Sunday November 3rd

Dromtariffe Vintage Club are holding a Charity Tractor run in aid of Dromtariffe G.A.A. 4G Pitch Development on Sunday 3rd November 2024. Registration by donation from 11am at Dromtariffe G.A.A. Complex, P51 YY26, Rathcoole with the Run departing at 1pm.🏁🚜💨💨💨

Everybody Welcome.


Dromtariffe Vintage Club Charity Tractor Run in aid of Dromtariffe G.A.A. 4G Pitch Development happening on next Sunday 3rd November

Dromtariffe Vintage Club will be holding a Charity Tractor Run in aid of Dromtariffe G.A.A. 4G Pitch Development on next Sunday 3rd November 2024. Registration by Donation from 11am at Dromtariffe G.A.A. Complex, P51 YY26, with the Run departing at 1pm.


Your Support would be very Welcome.




Dromtariffe Vintage Club Charity Vintage and Classic Car Run happening next Sunday October 20th

Dromtariffe Vintage Club will be holding a Charity Vintage and Classic Car Run in aid of Dromagh School Parents’ Assocation on next Sunday 20th October 2024.

Registration by Donation from 10am at Dromtariffe G.A.A. Complex, P51 YY26, with the Run departing at 12pm.

All Vintage/Classic Cars very Welcome.

Walk in Aid of Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI)

Michael O’Mahony, East End, Rathmore, Co Kerry will be taking on the 80K in the October challenge in support of Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (AADI).

He will appreciate your support as he completes the 80 kilometres during the month of October!

He will be walking roads of Rathmore & East Kerry during October.

As you may or may not know, AADI are not government funded and so they rely on public donations.

It takes 2 years and 25,000 euros to fully fund the training of one Autism Assistance Dog.

One Autism Assistance Dog can transform the life of their child companion and family, providing safety, independence, and a lifetime bond for an autistic child.

To donate click on the following link  https://autismassistancedogsireland.
For more information contact 087 6676817

Great Turnout for Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Car Run in aid of Cullen and District Special Needs Association

The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Ladies namely Mairead,Ita and Breeda would like to thank Everyone for there support and help on Saturday in the recently formed Vintage Groups second ever Event which was the Car Run organised by the 3 Ladies for Cullen and District Special Needs Association based out of Aubane Community Centre,we had 55 entries on the day and we thank you all for making the Trip,the Weather was perfect and a lovely Route awaited People which passed through places like Moll Carthys Bridge,Mount Hillery,Gortroe,Bweeng before making its way to the Farm in Grenagh where we were so well looked after with Food and Refreshments and Entertainment supplied by Sheila Fitzgerald,also we would like to thank the Outstanding Crew in Aubane who once again looked after everyone so well and provide us with a top class venue as a meeting point,to Vy Ha and Mahilet O’Leary for there lovely Harp Playing in Aubane,thank you very much,also we want to thank the dedicated Bike Marshalls,Marshalls on the Roadside,Sign On Crew,Arrowing Crew and An Garda Siochana for keeping the Event flowing so well,a big shout out as well to the Media and Photographers who promoted the Event on the day and on the Run up to it and to the People who gave Spot Prizes we thank you for your support.

We look forward to our next Event and your Company very soon.
Thanks from Mairead,Ita and Breeda.

Photos Courtesy of Sean Radley and Bernard Crowley.


The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Vintage/Classic Car Run on Tomorrow Saturday September 21st in Aubane from 12 Noon

The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Lady Members are Running a Vintage/Classic Car Run on tomorrow Saturday September 21st starting at 2pm from Aubane Community Centre Eircode (P51 EP49), Sign on for the Event will be from 12 noon and the beneficiary will be Cullen and District Special Needs Association who do great work in the Locality while the Route for the Event will take in a Scenic Format that will make it’s way to the Finish at the Farm Grenagh where you can avail of Refreshments along with Musical Entertainment provided by Vy Ha and Mahilet O’Leary in Aubane before the start of the Event while Sheila Fitzgerald will provide some Musical Entertainment in Grenagh where you will have the opportunity also to see the exhibits in the Farm.
The Groups Lady Members Mairead Ita and Breeda would love to have on the day All the Ladies out there who own any Vintage/Classic Cars Bikes Vans etc come out and join us for the spin (and we wont forget the Gentlemen as well of course also)for further information you can Contact 
Breeda 086 0893405, Ita 087 9865217 or Mairead 086 1054921.
Check out the YouTube link below where The Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Ladies talk to Willie Fitzgerald of Cork Music Station on his Thursday Evening slot to give an outline of what to expect on the Car Run they are running tomorrow from Aubane.

Poland is Fighting Against Floods

As many of you already know, there is a flood in Southern part of Poland, including my hometown Nysa.
If you would like to help, you may trust them 👇 and click the link below:


You can also help by visiting these places next year on a visit to Poland. These are beautiful touristic places, well, at least they were, but hopefully next year all would be back to normal. Not without our help though.

Thank you ❤️
Kate Boruch from Millstreet

Fantastic Support for Debut Event hosted by Blackwater Valley Vintage Group in aid of the Alzheimer Society of Ireland

A Presentation was made last Friday Evening September 13th at Aubane Community Centre by Blackwater Valley Vintage Group to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland where the Groups Representative Lena O’Sullivan from St Marys Day Care Centre Mallow accepted a Cheque for €4,471.60 following the Recent Car and Tractor Run which was Blackwater Valley Vintage Groups very first Event,Organiser Luke Hurley and Members of the newly formed Vintage Group
were on hand to make the Presentation and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Representatives thanked everyone that supported the Event back in August 18th last and said the financial support gained from the Event will be of great benefit to the Groups Work.
As a group Blackwater Valley Vintage Group would like to thank Everyone for there help and support on what was the debut Event for the Group and were delighted to be working and able to help out a great Organisation in the Alzheimers Society of Ireland.

Photos by Bernard Crowley and Sean Radley.




Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Presentation to Alzheimer Society of Ireland happening in Aubane Community Centre this coming Friday Evening

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group will make a Presentation to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland with the Proceeds from the recent Car/Tractor Run at Aubane Community Centre on Tomorrow Evening Friday September 13th at 8.15pm, Everybody is very Welcome to Attend.

12 hour Spinathon a Success

Thank you to everyone who helped make our 12 hour Spinathon a success. We are very grateful for all the support we received. All the money raised is for The Hope Foundation and will go a long way in making a positive impact on the lives of those in need in Kolkata.

A big thanks also to everyone who helped us keep the bikes spinning, our families, friends, school teachers, Jerry O’Leary and O’ Leary’s Family Butchers, Fiain Gym Dromtarriffe Ladies LGFA Linda Desmond and Millstreet Fire brigade.

[read more …] “12 hour Spinathon a Success”

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Presentation to Alzheimer Society of Ireland re-scheduled to Friday Night September 13th

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group would like to inform you that due unforseen circumstances we have to re-schedule the handing over of the Cheque to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland due to take place on this Friday Night September 6th in Aubane Community Centre,we will instead do the Presentation on the following Friday Night September 13th at 8.15pm in Aubane Community Centre,we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Everyone very Welcome to Attend.

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Presentation to Alzheimer Society of Ireland on Friday September 6th

Blackwater Valley Vintage Group will make a Presentation to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland with the Proceeds from the recent Car and Tractor Run at Aubane Community Centre on next Friday Evening September 6th at 8.15pm, Everybody is very Welcome to Attend.

Photos Courtesy of Sammy Murphy and Ray Corkery.


Superb Turnout for the Inaugural Blackwater Valley Vintage Group Car and Tractor Run held in Aubane on Sunday

As the Dust settles on what was a fantastic Debut Event for Blackwater Valley Vintage Group on Sunday August 18th out of Aubane Community Centre which was all for a great cause in The Alzheimer Society of Ireland we would like to thank everyone who made our first Event a very memorable one,Luke Hurley and Jack Sheehan headed the Car and Tractor Runs yesterday and they wish to acknowledge the help they got in the lead up to the Event and on the day itself,to the Catering Crew in Aubane all we can say is that they looked after us so well with top class food and hospitality which they very kindly sponsored and supplied free of charge and also giving us the use of a top class venue in Aubane Community Centre,to the People of Aubane who helped on the day and made us so welcome and also allowed us the use of there properties for parking as well we thank you very much,also to Super Valu Millstreet who sponsored the Scones thank you for the generosity and support,The Pub Carriganima was a great ending point for the Run and we thank them for having us as well as the Yanks Chipper keeping us well fed and to Tim Joe and Ann and Barry O’Halloran and the Cullen Crew who provided fantastic music at the Finish we thank you for your help and support,to An Garda Siochana we thank you for your assistance in keeping the Event progress smoothly and safely on the Road and to our fantastic Bike Marshalls and all the Marshalls out on the Route we could not have done this without your help,to the hardworking sign on Crew who kept the paperwork all in order thanks for your help,a big thanks as well to John Tarrant and The Corkman for there coverage and support and to all the Photographers and Video people who came out on the day we thank you for your attendance and publicity of the days proceedings,also a big shout out to everyone who donated spot prizes for the draw and finally to the 111 entries from people who brough either a Tractor or Car yesterday from both from near and far we are very grateful for your support on our very First Event and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Photos Courtesy of Richard Norton and Rnc Rally-Pics.