Tag: Millstreet Vintage Club
Impressive Cheque Presentation to Critical EMR by MVC
The presentation of a most impressive cheque to Critical Emergency Medical Response by Millstreet Vintage Club took place at Millstreet Parish Centre this Wednesday evening, 7th August 2024. Much praise was accorded to the Club having fundraised through a number of activities such a magnificent amount for the praiseworthy important service. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Millstreet Vintage Club Van and Jeep Run happening this Sunday July 21st
Millstreet Vintage Club Van & Jeep Road Run for Vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes including Light Commercials is taking place on tomorrow Sunday 21st July,the Event is in aid of St. Joseph’s Foundation.
Event will take off from at K&L Deliveries Millstreet P51 X683,Sign on from 10:30am Start at 12:15pm.
Your Support would be most Welcome.
Any queries contact Martin Lucey on 087 7668572 after 6pm.
Cancer Support Group benefits from Car Run
A pleasant get together in Millstreet Parish Centre availed of the opportunity for Millstreet Vintage Club to present €10,368.73 to Kerry Cancer Support Group, the proceeds raised from a successful Car Run.
The Kerry Cancer Support Group was founded in 2000, the Group’s mission is no one should face their cancer journey alone, the Support Group is devoted to maintaining a warm, welcoming environment
while ensuring that service users have immediate access to their free programmes and resources.
Breeda Dyland, CEO Kerry Connect expressed thanks to Millstreet Vintage Club for helping their cause.
“We receive no state funding, we are a small charity who undertake a big job, solely dependent on subscriptions and fundraisers to keep us on the road. It all started with a small bus 14 years ago, now we have three full time buses on the road”, said Breeda.
“Once we started, 75% of those diagnosed from the Region have utilized the bus. During 2023, we transported 4,500 people to appointments, translating that to car journeys, that would clog up roads and importantly, it eases the burden for patients”.
“The Millstreet Vintage Run created an awareness of our existence, the service is free to users, cracking Cancer together every day is our service, that allows people get to their treatment in a positive frame of mind”, said Breeda.
Co-ordinator Aidan O’Sullivan expressed delight at the huge support for the Millstreet event on supporting a valuable service where so many people utilize the bus service.
“We want to thank everyone who came to the event from both near and far to support the Millstreet club, a big thank you goes to all the hardworking marshals, bike marshals, sign on and registration crew, Gardaí, businesses for providing a bucket facility and to everyone who helped out in any way”, said Aidan.
Millstreet Vintage Club 2024 Circuit of Ireland Stages Revisited happening next Sunday July 7th
The Millstreet Vintage Club Circuit of lreland Rally Stages REVISITED is approaching fast with the Event being in aid of Blackwater Critical CFR and is happening on next Sunday July 7th.
Those wishing to take part can Sign on from 9:30am with the Run Starting at 11:30am SHARP from Dromtariffe Community Centre on the N72 Mallow killarney Road Eircode (P51 KC52)
This year we revisit 3 Old Circuit of Ireland Stages,
The Finish will be in Ballydesmond and its all In Aid of CRITICAL Blackwater Community First Responders Group .
Rally Plate ENTRY Fee is €20.
To be guaranteed an entry Text GOING and your name to 086 8545873
For more information contact Donie Lucey on 086 8545873.
Millstreet Vintage Club Bumbleance Summer Car Run happening on this coming Saturday Evening June 22nd
With just a day to go now to the Millstreet Vintage Club Summer Car Run which is taking place on Saturday Evening June 22nd the Event is once again in Aid of BUMBLEance Children’s Ambulance and is open to All Vintage/Classic Cars Bikes Vans Trucks etc,
Since the first Summer Car Run held for Bumbleance back in 2019 a total of €14.203.13 has been collected which is a fantastic amount of money raised especially when you take into consideration that Covid 19 stopped many Events from happening and fundraising for Charitable Organisations was hit hard as a result, so hopefully we can add to this amount of money in Cullen next Saturday Evening where your support will be most welcome for a fantastic cause.
The Bumbleance Service does wonderful work and is a Totally Voluntary Organisation.
Bumbleance ensures that the journey of a sick child is as safe and comfortable as possible,
Bumbleance Trips and Services cover the following
Pre and Post-surgical appointments
Inter hospital transfers
Respite and Hospice Trips
Scheduled Trips
Chemo Cab
Transplants and critical care
Angel Trips
The Run will Start Out in Cullen Community Centre (Eircode P51 YY06) with Sign On from 4.30pm and Take Off at 6pm Sharp and it will take in a Scenic Route with the Run ending up at O’Riadas Bar and Restaurant Ballymacelligott just outside Castleisland where there will be Free Food and Music,also on the Evening there will be a Draw with some nice Prizes to be Won.
Entry for the Run will be by Donation and its all for a great Cause in BUMBLEance Children’s Ambulance Service or if you wish you can make a donation on the IDonate link below organised by Cork Music Station.
For Details Contact Willie Fitzgerald on 087 2229874,Ita Fitzgerald on 087 9865217 or Bernard Crowley on 087 7924406.
Millstreet Vintage Club Cars and Coffee Event a great Success in Drishane last Sunday
A Great Day was had last Sunday at the Millstreet Vintage Club Cars @ Coffee Event in the lovely Grounds of Drishane Castle in Millstreet,the Event which was headed by Donie Lucey and Team attracted around 400 Cars of all Descriptions with something there for everyone to enjoy,there was a great attendance from the General Public as well as Vintage Vehicle Enthusiasts and Car Enthusiasts from Cork Car Scene who travelled from near and far and the Weather behaved very well for the Event with the beneficiary from the Proceedings being Critical Blackwater CFR Group which is a very Worthy Cause.
Donie Lucey would like to thank everyone for there generous support on the day and wishes to thank the Duggan Family for the use of such a fantastic and attractive venue and location which undoubtedly added to the fantastic atmosphere that was to be had at the Event,also Donie would like to thank all the Club Members who helped out today and without there hard work and support the Event would not have been the success that it was,your support was very much appreciated.
Photos Courtesy of Daniel Lane and Sammy Murphy of SJM Rallying
Report by Bernard Crowley Club PRO.
Strong Turnout for the Millstreet Vintage Club Vintage Tractor Run in aid of Millstreet Community Hospital
The first ever Vintage only Tractor Run ran by Millstreet Vintage Club got a great Turnout of 40 Pre 1994 Tractors with a great variety of models taking to the Road on a Scenic Route on Sunday last just after 1pm,the beneficiary of the Event was Millstreet Community Hospital and the Tractors did a drive through the Hospital Grounds at the beginning of the Route with the Hospital Residents sitting out to view the Tractors as they took on a 36km Route in favourable weather conditions.
The Vintage only concept was met with very favourable feedback from everyone who took part in the event and it’s hoped that this type of event can be built up and improved on for the future going forward.
Event Organiser Dan Barry would like to thank the Canon O’Donovan Centre Millstreet for providing the sign on venue and parking along with looking after everyone with Refreshments before they took to the Road and also wishes to thank all the Sign On Crew and the Marshals for keeping the Event running smoothly, also Dan would like to thank the Media and Photographers for there promotion of the Event and finally the John Barry Perpetual Trophy Winner was Tom Linehan in his Ford 4000.
We Thank Daniel Lane for the Photos.
Report by
Bernard Crowley
Club PRO.
The General Public are very Welcome to come along to see the Vintage Tractors at the Millstreet Vintage Club Vintage Tractor Run happening in Millstreet Tomorrow Sunday May12th
The General Public are very Welcome to view the Vintage Tractors before the Run today Sunday which is being ran by Millstreet Vintage Club and organised by Dan Barry .
The Tractors can be viewed at the Canon O’Donovan Centre from 11am right up to when they hit the road at 1pm,the beneficiary from this Event is Millstreet Community Hospital, and the Run will be exclusively open to VINTAGE TRACTORS only and the Criteria required for to take part will be that your Tractor will have to be 1994 or Older to participate,this is the first time the Club will be running a Tractor Run for Vintage Tractors only and is an interesting concept and hopefully one that catches on for future Events.
Entry Fee is €20.
For more details give Dan Barry a Call on 087-2680011 and he will be happy to answer any queries you may have.
Busy Period ahead for Millstreet Vintage Club in May and June
As we start into the Month of May the next 2 months will be a busy period for Millstreet Vintage Club with the next Event for the Club being a Classic Vehicle & Coffee event over at Mallow GAA Complex Eircode (P51 XV58) happening on Bank Holiday Monday May 6th between 11am and 3pm,this Event is in aid of Mallow Day Care Centre and is sponsored by Mallow Credit Union,for more details on this Event you can give
Sid a call on 087 2534318.
on 087 2229874.
Membership for Millstreet Vintage Club is €20 for the Year and New Members are always very Welcome to join, if you wish to become a Member of the Club you can give
Club Membership Officers Sheila Lane a Call on 086 8723033 or Danny Lane on 087 2213848 for Details.
Fantastic Turnout for the Millstreet Vintage Club Car Run for Kerry Cancer Support Group on Sunday
In the region of almost 130 Cars turned out last Sunday for what was a fantastic attendance for the Millstreet Vintage Club Car Run in Aid of Kerry Cancer Support Group, the Run was held in favourable Weather conditions and organiser Aidan O’Sullivan expressed his delight at the huge support for the Event and would like to thank everyone who came to the event from both near and far,he also wishes to thank all the Hardworking Marshals Bike Marshals,Sign On and Registration Crew,and to everyone who helped out in anyway,also a big thanks to all the sponsors who were John A O’Sullivan Car Dismantlers,Donal Dennehy Dry Lining Firies, Relihans Car Dismantlers,and Breakers,Agri Auto Parts and The Wallis Arms for there support and for providing a great Sign On and Registration Venue, also Aidan would like to thank An Garda Siochana for there help and thanks to Neilie O’Connor and Dermot Moriarty for providing great music and entertainment prior to the start,and to Danny Healy Rae we thank you for your attendance in Millstreet for the event and to the Glen Eagle Hotel for providing a great Finishing Point for the Event and to all the Media and Phographers who covered the event we thank you for your support and to all the business people who had buckets on there Counters for the last week to help support the Event and for now we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
We thank Tom Corbett of TMC Photography Cork and Danny Lane for the Photos.
Millstreet Vintage Club Vintage Car Run in Aid of Kerry Cancer Support Group Health Link Transport Service happening next Sunday April 14th
Millstreet Vintage Club Vintage Car Run in Aid of Kerry Cancer Support Group Health Link Transport Service, is happening on this coming Sunday April 14th, the Event will be based out of its starting point at The Wallis Arms in Millstreet and will take a Scenic Route along the Cork Kerry Border and move onto the finish at The Gleneagle Hotel in Killarney.
Kerry Cancer Support Group charity was founded in 2007 and the Groups Mission is no one should face their cancer journey alone, Kerry Cancer Support Group is devoted to maintaining a warm, welcoming environment while ensuring that service users have immediate access to our free programmes and resources. Our professional staff strive to help people affected by cancer in a way that is as supportive and helpful as possible to achieve the highest quality of life.Kerry Cancer Support Group is a community-based, volunteer-driven, community-supported organisation.
The Car Run for the Group being organised by Millstreet Vintage Club on Sunday April 14th is open to All Vintage/Classic Cars, Bikes,Vans, etc,Sign on is at the Wallis Arms Hotel from 10.30am and the Run departs at 12.15pm.
There will be Music in the Square Millstreet Sunday Morning by Neilie OConnor & Dermot Moriarty
(Weather permitting) otherwise it will be indoors in the Wallis Arms.
You can also make a donation to the cause on he link below. https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/MillstreetVintageClub?fbclid=IwAR1xpSLimrapZohtPCvZrSiCreDAFMkmt__ak7shGxBB14QQCDZi5irtU-w
For more information on the Event you can contact Aidan O’Sullivan on 087 1369472.
Presentation made to St Johns Holy Well Committee following recent Vintage Car Run
Millstreet Vintage Club made a Presentation on Friday Evening last to St Johns Holy Well Committee at Aubane Community Centre following the Club’s recent Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run which was in Aid of the Well,an Impressive final Total Amount of €1,425.70 was collected and the Club would like to thank everyone who supported the Event for their Generosity, John Twomey Chairman of the Holy Well Committee thanked Millstreet Vintage Club for there support and said the money raised will be put to great use in the upkeep and maintenance of what is an iconic and beautiful place of worship and peace.
We thank Sean Radley and Danny Lane for the Photos on the Night.
Report by Bernard Crowley Club PRO.
Presentation made to Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club following recent Tractor Run
A Presentation was
made on Wednesday Evening April 3rd last to Millstreet pitch and putt Club by Millsteeet Vintage Club following the recent Charity Tractor Run that the Club ran for the Pitch and Putt Club on Sunday 25th February last, €750 was the proceeds from the Tractor Run and Barry Frazer and Members of Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club
thanked everyone at Millstreet Vintage Club for organising the Event, Barry said that the Funds made on the Event will be put to great use in the purchase of equipment to enhance the quality of the Pitch and Putt Greens and make improvements to what is already a very important facility serving the Town of Millstreet and the Neighbouring Locality around it and said the Pitch and Putt Club were delighted that the money made from the Event will cover there costs for buying the maintenance equipment for the maintenance of the Clubs Greens.
Below are some Photographs from the Presentation on the Night and we thank Danny Lane and Sean Radley for these Images.
Fantastic Turnout for the Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run in Aid of St Johns Holy Well Mushera last Sunday

Millstreet Vintage Club Presentation made to Hollymount National School following recent Cars@Coffee Event
There was a Presentation made earlier this Evening to Hollymount National School with the Proceeds following the recent the Clubs Cars@Coffee Event that took place at Hickeys Centra Shop Rathmore on February 11th last,a fantastic final figure was handed over to the School which amounted to €1740.60 the School Management said this will be very beneficial going forward to keeping the school updated and will be a big help in the development of the facility and were delighted with the support they got, Event organiser Aidan Dennehy and Millstreet Vintage Club were delighted to be associated with such a great beneficiary in Hollymount National and wished the School the very best of Luck for the future.
Photos Courtesy of Danny Lane.
Report by Bernard Crowley Millstreet Vintage Club PRO.
Millstreet Vintage Club Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run happening today Sunday March 10th in aid of St Johns Well Mushera
The Annual Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run organised by Millstreet Vintage Club will take place on today Sunday March 10th, this year the Event will be in Aid of the Running Costs of Facilities for St Johns Holy Well in Mushera near Millstreet which is a very Worthy Cause.
There is an opportunity to see some Cool Vehicles before they set out after 12 Noon today in Millstreet so why not come along to the Noel C Duggan Yard for a look.
Johnny was a founding Member and former Chairman of Millstreet Vintage Club and was a highly Respected Person both in the Club and beyond so its a pleasure for Millstreet Vintage Club to be holding the 6th Annual Johnny Hickey Memorial Car Run, the Event will be based out of the Bridge Bar Millstreet Eircode (P51 H978) with Sign on from 10.30am and Take Off at 12 Noon,and as usual all Vintage/Classic Cars,Bikes,Vehicles are very Welcome to join the Run,Draw for the Johnny Hickey Memorial Trophy and Spot Prizes to be won on the Day, for more details Call Bernard Crowley on 087 7924406,or Willie Fitzgerald on 087 2229874.
Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run held last Sunday
Millstreet Vintage Club held a Tractor Run last Sunday in aid of the Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club,the Event was based out of the Canon O`Donovan Centre in Millstreet and both Dan O`Riordan and Danny Lane laid on a very Scenic Route to the West of the Town but unfortunately on the day the poor Weather conditions that prevailed didn’t show off the wonderful scenery that was to be found along the Route, but despite the weather the Event was enjoyed by the Participants and organiser Dan O`Riordan would like to thank everyone that took part and gave there support and says thanks to all the Marshals who stood out in awful weather to keep the Event running smoothly,as well as that also Dan would like to thank Mick Duggan and Ita Fitzgerald for keeping the Event on track and the road clear for the Tractors along the route and also to the Crew at sign on for all there help and to the Media and Photographers for there support and finally to all the crew at the Canon O`Donovan Centre for looking after everyone so well and for the use of there facility last Sunday, we hope you had a great day out and we look forward to your company again very soon.
Photos Courtesy of Danny Lane and Sean Radley
Preview to Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Tractor Run happening next Sunday February 25th
Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Tractor Run with Proceeds in Aid of Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club will take place on next Sunday February 25th,
Registration at Millstreet Day Care Centre(Eircode P51 RY10) from 10.30am with Take Off at 12 Noon Sharp. Refreshments will be Served
Nice Scenic Route Planned,
Entry Fee €20 Per Tractor
Details Contact Dan O’Riordan on 087 2452569 or Danny Lane on 087 2213848.
Below is a Link in which Willie Fitzgerald of Cork Music Station interviews the Crew involved in the Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run for Millstreet Pitch and Putt Club happening next Sunday,this interview was broadcasted on Thursday Feb 23rd 2024.
Millstreet Vintage Club Cars and Coffee Event a great success last Sunday
The Dust has now settled on what was a great Event last Sunday in Rathmore with the running of Millstreet Vintage Clubs first Event for 2024 in our Cars and Coffee gathering in aid of Hollymount National School and without the help and co-operation of
Donagh Hickey Motors, Centra/ Applegreen Service Station
Rathmore Credit Union & Rathmore AstroTurf for the use of their Car Parks we would not have been able to Run what was a most successful opening Event for 2024,Aidan Dennehy and Millstreet Vintage Club thank you very much for the use of your grounds for Parking and for the Hospitality that was shown as well,with well over 100 Vehicles of all types making the Trip from both near and far and we would like to thank you all for your participation and we hope you Enjoyed it and to the General Public that came out to support and have a look we thank you very much and hope you had a good day out,to all the Helpers doing Parking/Traffic Management and looking after Entries and Sign On we thank each and everyone of you for your help,to the Media for covering the Event and to all the Photographers who attended on the day thank you very much for your support,it is all very much appreciated,until next time thanks again from Aidan Dennehy.
Pictures by Sammy Murphy and Daniel Lane.
Millstreet Vintage Club Cars and Coffee Event happening on today Sunday February 11th in Rathmore
The upcoming Millstreet Vintage Club Cars and Coffee Event is almost upon us and it is all kicking off today Sunday February 11th at Donagh Hickey Motors and Centra Shop Rathmore Eircode (P51 KP 9C) the Event is in aid of Hollymount National School and All Vintage/Classic Vehicles are very Welcome in what promises to be a great day out,for more Details Call Aidan Dennehy on 086 7772864.
lt’s always a great day out for all the Family.
Millstreet Vintage Club 2024 Schedule of Events
The Millstreet Vintage Club 2024 Schedule of Events is listed below,plenty Events happening with the Club for the Year ahead with the first one kicking off at Donagh Hickey Motors and Centra Shop Rathmore with a Cars and Coffee Event happening there on Sunday February 11th,we look forward to your Company and Support in 2024.
Millstreet Vintage Club AGM Report 2023
Millstreet Vintage Club held a very successful AGM at The Parish Centre in Millstreet on Wednesday Night Dec 6th last, the Meeting had a strong Attendance and at the Meeting Dan O`Riordan Club Secretary outlined and recapped on what was the most successful and busiest year to date for the Club in 2023,over the past year a staggering €26,840.60 was raised by the Club for various Charitable Organisations with many great events being held including highly successful Car Runs, Tractor Runs,Cars/Chat/Coffee Mornings etc taking place with these Events benefitting Charitable Organisations like Alzheimhers Society Ireland, Bumbleance for Children, CART Rural Transport Carriganima, Millstreet Day Care Centre, St Josephs Foundation and St Francis Special School Beaufort.
Myra Sheehan Club Treasurer gave a detailed Financial Report for the year gone while outgoing Club Chairman Dan Barry in his address thanked all Club Members, Fellow Committee Members and anyone else who helped and supported the Club during the Course of the past year.
On the Night also we had 2 very interesting Guest Speakers in Club Vice President Sean Radley and Seargent Paul Lynch who both gave very interesting and informative Speeches.
Following this a New Committee for the Club was Elected as Follows:
Jack Sheehan-President
Jerry O`Riordan-Vice President
Sean Radley-Vice President
Donie Lucey-Chairman
Ita Fitzgerald/Luke Hurley-Vice Chairman
Dan O`Riordan-Secretary
Tim Lucey-Assistant Secretary
Myra Sheehan-Treasurer
Tom Mulcahy-Assistant Treasurer
Bernard Crowley-PRO
Sammy Murphy-Assistant PRO
Willie Fitzgerald/Daniel Lane-Safety Officers
John O’Riordan-Equipment Officer
Shelia Lane/Daniel Lane-Club Membership Officers
Jimmy Murphy-Youth Officer
Millstreet Vintage Club are again planning on having a Busy year in 2024 with many of the Events held during the past year being planned again with details on Events to take place during 2024 will follow shortly.
The Club is always open and welcome to New Members and if you want to find out more about joining the Club give Donie Lucey a Call on 086 8545873 or Dan O`Riordan on 087 2452569 or you can contact any Club Member and please do check us out on Instagram
we are also on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MillstreetV and you can check us out on our Facebook Page as well at https://www.facebook.com/Millstreet-Vintage-Club-1235187116516958/ or send an email to <email>
Report by
Bernard Crowley Club PRO
Millstreet Vintage Club AGM happening on next Wednesday December 6th 2023, Everybody Very Welcome to Attend
Millstreet Vintage Club Annual AGM will take place on next Wednesday December 6th 2023 in the Parish Centre Millstreet at 8.15pm sharp.All Club Members and anyone out there interested in Vintage/Classic Cars and Tractors are asked to attend,New Members are always very welcome to join the Club.
Millstreet Vintage Club Presentation to CART Carriganima following Recent Charity Tractor Run
Last Night Friday November 3rd at The Pub in Carriganima saw Millstreet Vintage Club make a Presentation to Cart Carriganima a sum Total of €2272.50 which was the proceeds from the Clubs Charity Tractor Run that was ran on Oct 15th last to go towards the running of the CART Area Rural Bus Service based out of Carriganima,the amount of Money raised from the Event is a vital ingredient in keeping this important Service up and Running and will help in some way to keep the wheels in motion for a Service that is available to both the Community of Carriganima and a Wider Area beyond for Transport to Events like weekly Shopping Trips to Macroom and other Social Activities /Trips as required,
Millstreet Vintage Club Member Danny Lane who headed up the Running of the Charity Tractor Run paid Tribute on the Night to Everyone who made this Event the success that it was and wished CART the very best for the Future.
Millstreet Vintage Club are once again delighted to be associated with such a worthy Cause and the Club wish to thank CART Carriganima and all Associated with them
for there help along the way and we look forward to working with this great Group again in 2024.
Photos Courtesy of Danny Lane.
Great Turnout for CART Carriganima Tractor Run last Sunday
Millstreet Vintage Club and CART Carriganima wish to thank Everyone for the Fantastic Support last Sunday for there Tractor Run,the Weather was very kind for this years Event with Dry Crisp Autumnal conditions greeting the 95 Tractors that took to the Road and conveyed through what was a lovely Scenic Route which wound its way back to the finish at The Pub in Carriganima where some Refreshments were very much welcomed by everyone.Event Clerk of the Course Danny Lane would like to thank all the Hardworking Marshals and Bike Marshals for keeping the Event Run so smoothly and in Co-ordinating Parking and Traffic Flow in the Village, also thanks to Mick Duggan and his Co-Pilot Willie Fitzgerald for leading the Tractors out on the Road and keeping the Run progress so smoothly,to the Crew at Sign On many thanks again for a great job,to Christy Ring Tractor Garage thanks again for the continued support to Sean Matt and Crew at The Pub in Carriganima for the Catering and Hospitality as always top class, and also thanks very much to the Walsh Family for providing extra Parking facilities and to all the people that donated Spot Prizes for the Raffle your support was very much appreciated, to the Media and Photographers for covering the Event thanks very much for your help and again many thanks from CART Carriganima and Millstreet Vintage Club for the great turn out and support and generosity from the Public on the day,it is very much welcomed.
Photos Courtesy of SJM Rallying (Sammy Murphy), Danny Lane and Dan McCarthy
All systems go for CART Carriganima Tractor Run happening on next Sunday Oct 15th
Millstreet Vintage Club
Charity Tractor Run is taking place on next Sunday Oct 15th in Aid of Cart Carriganima Rural Bus Service, Your Support would be Welcome for a Very Worthy Cause, All Tractors both Old and New Welcome.
Below is a preview to the CART Tractor Run Sunday happening in Carriganima on Oct 15th 2023 in the You Tube link where CMS DJ Willie Fitzgerald is in Conversation with Organisers Danny Lane and Dan O`Riordan along with Millstreet Vintage Club PRO Bernard Crowley.
Sign on is at The Pub Carriganima from 11am,Take Off 12 Noon Sharp
For Further Details
Call Danny Lane on 087 2213848 or Dan O’Riordan on 087 2452569.
Just 2 days left to the Millstreet Vintage Club Model Show which will take place on next Sunday October 8th
With just 2 days left to go to the Millstreet Vintage Club Model Show there is a lot of interest by Exhibitors and the General Public on the Event happening next Sunday,there will also be a Lego Exhibition and Play Area and in the Pictures below is a Timber Display that will be in Millstreet on Sunday
The Model Show which returns after a 4 year Break will again be located at the K and L Warehouse Mountleader Millstreet,Eircode (P51 X683)
Entry Fee is
€10 for Adults
€15 for Family
Children FREE
Doors Open 10.30am
Loads of Displays to see and always a great Day Out for all the Family
For more Details Contact Donie Lucey on 086 8545873.
Millstreet Vintage Club Presentation to St Josephs Foundation
Millstreet Vintage Club made a Presentation on Wednesday Evening October 4th last to St. Joseph’s Foundation CEO Michael Hegarty of a Cheque for €4,736 following the Clubs Van Run held back in July,the Cheque was presented by Event Organiser Martin Lucey along with his Wife Nollaig and Son Colin to a delighted Michael who thanked Millstreet Vintage Club and Everyone who was involved in the running of the Van Run,Michael said the money raised will be used to very good effect in the day to day work that St Josephs Foundation do in the North Cork Region and as well making improvements for future development which is vital to give a top class service to the Region.
As ever we thank Danny Lane for the Photos.
Millstreet Vintage Club Model Show happening on Sunday October 8th
Sunday October 8th
Millstreet Vintage Club Model Show 2023
Venue K and L Warehouse Mountleader Industrial Estate Millstreet,Eircode (P51 X683)
Doors Open 10.30am
Loads of Displays to see and always a great Day Out for all the Family
For more Details Contact Donie Lucey on 086 8545873.