Tom O’Sullivan – A Thank You

Tom O’Sullivan……..A Thank You

Tom’s family wish to thank you for the wonderful send off given to him on the 29th
and 30th December 2024. It was a tribute fit for an old chieftain. We are certain he was chuckling at
some of the nice things said as we can imagine how he enjoyed the rousing music at the Church and
the cemetery.  Thank you to Fr. Fitzgerald for the use of Ballydaly Church for his reposing. It has
always been special in our lives.  Thanks to Fr. Kennelly for celebrating the Mass, a link back to old
days. Thanks to Fr. Winter and Fr. Paddy for their participation in the ceremony. The choir and
organist did a superb job and added so much to the occasion.  Thanks to Sharon for her work in the
preparation, to Marcella for her thoughtful arrangements and to Davy for his advice and guidance.
Thanks to all those who visited the church on Sunday or attended the Mass on Monday.  Thanks to
James Linehan and his group of musicians for their uplifting and impressive contribution. Our thanks
too to those who posted condolences, many of them very touching. Thanks to all who kept in touch
with him during his time in Araglen House where he received such care and loving attention.
Finally we come to the Ballydaly community who gave of their time and resources on Sunday and
Monday. Our words are inadequate but your generosity will be long remembered.
Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.

Superbly Successful Project by Joshua O’Sullivan, Ballydaly

After nearly 5 years growing, Maria Murray – Healy, of the Gilded Scissors, cut over 15 inches of hair off Joshua O’Sullivan, Ballydaly to donate to The Princess Trust /Locks of Love for Lauralynn on Saturday 2nd November 2024.  As well as donating the hair to the charity that makes real hair wigs for children and young adults, Joshua has also raised €2670 to date on a Gofundme page.  As each wig costs approximately €800 to make, that’s enough for 3 full wigs. The Gofundme page will be open for another week. Much appreciation to everyone who has donated.

First Holy Communion Ceremony for Courtney & Saoirse

A very impressive First Holy Communion ceremony took place in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballydaly on Saturday, 27th April 2024.   The two children receiving the Sacrament were Courtney Twomey and Saoirse Murphy – both pupils of Cloghoula N.S..   The Celebrant was Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Millstreet.   Here we share a selection of images from the very special event.   Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)

Both of these above pictures were taken by Photographer supreme – Geraldine Dennehy.

[read more …] “First Holy Communion Ceremony for Courtney & Saoirse”

Patrick Lynch’s Tribute in Memory of Denis Murphy, Ballydaly

Among the wonderful memories recalled by many of the late Denis Murphy – Patrick Lynch, a native of Ballydaly, shared a very special tribute to Denis which we share here:
“Denis Murphy, our next-door neighbor, was my first boss. Well, not my first boss, that would be my dad, but for sure my first cash-paying boss. 10p per day.
Denis, and his brother Tadghie lived next door, and both were idols to us. They drove Cortinas, had long-ish hair, listened to Mudd and Slade, turned up to Mass fashionably late (and more outrageously, left early), and read ‘The Sunday World’. I wanted to be them when I grew up.
Denis was, and still is, one of my favorite people. Back then, he was a god. He drove a blue MK 3 Cortina, always at considerable speed, later progressing to a blue Mazda 323. We would hear him pull out of his house and in no time fly past our place in a speedy blur of blue.
I have the vaguest memories of Denis and Tadghie’s mom, Hannah, but remember her fondly. Sadly, she passed when I was very young, leaving the Murphy men to fend for themselves. They had the kind of house I could just walk straight into without even knocking, and frequently did. Pat, their dad, was a gentleman. He often made me a cup of tea with some store-bought brown bread, (a novelty for me), and answered my many, many questions.
One evening I popped in and their family friend, Gerry Shovlin, had stopped by for dinner. Gerry was sporting an odd hat, and at one point Denis reached over and pulled it off, revealing a freshly shaved head. Gerry was mortified and we all howled with laughter.
I was in Poland when Pat passed and I remember being terribly saddened. He was the kindest of men.
An early memory (when I would have been about 10 years old) was the day Denis laid the foundation for his home. Denis decided to build next to his dad, though the plot came with the penalty of being slightly closer to the Lynch Mob. That home proved to be a foundation of sorts for me in many ways, and we were really blessed to have neighbors like the Murphys.
On ground-break day, a JCB dug out the trenches, and tradition called for every able man from the neighborhood to turn up, mix concrete, and lay the foundations. To my very young self, this was a huge event. I remember it as a sunny Sunday, with lots of people and tea, and John Corkery and I buzzing around with excitement.

[read more …] “Patrick Lynch’s Tribute in Memory of Denis Murphy, Ballydaly”

Jerry Corkery, Ballydaly Upper

The death has occurred of Jeremiah (Jerry) Corkery, Ballydaly Upper, Millstreet, Cork. Peacefully, on Tuesday, August 2nd 2022. Beloved husband of Mary (nee Linehan), and loving father of Joan, Marie, Annette, Eileen, Claire, Thomas and John. Predeceased by his sisters Peggy Herlihy, Bridget Hickey and brother Michael Corkery, he is survived by his devoted wife and children, sons-in-law Mike, Derek, Brian and Pierre, and daughter-in-law, Bríd. Loving grandfather to his 20 grandchildren. Sadly missed by his sister, Maureen Duggan, brothers-in-law Noel C. Duggan, Dan-Joe Linehan (Plymouth), Patie and Frank Linehan, sister-in-law Nellie Schmidt (New Jersey), nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours, carers and friends. May Jerry Rest In Peace. [rip]

Reposing in Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet (P51 XF86), on Friday, 5th August, from 6pm to 8pm followed by removal to St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Requiem mass on Saturday at 11am. Burial afterwards in St. Mary’s Cemetery.

House private please. Mass can be viewed on Messages of sympathy can be left on the RIP Condolence page.

Cloghoula N.S. First Holy Communion 2022 in Ballydaly Church

Blessed with beautiful weather five children from Cloghoula N.S. received their First Holy Communion in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ballydaly on Saturday, 30th April 2022 in the presence of a large congregation, Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Cloghoula N.S. Principal, Mary Murphy.   Here we share four of Geraldine Dennehy’s superb images recalling the wonderfully happy occasion.  Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Anne O’Sullivan, Ballydaly – Acknowledgement & Sincere Thanks

The Family of Anne O’Sullivan, Ballydaly would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all those who helped and supported us during the past few weeks.  Her final days were made so much more comfortable due to the professionalism and loving tender care of the staff at Millstreet Hospital. They all took such phenomenal care of her for the 15 months that she was a resident there. It’s wasn’t a hospital as such, but a home from home. Whilst it’s unfair to single out anyone as they were all so brilliant to her, we just have to acknowledge Heidi as they were really partners in crime.. making Glitter Bomb cards for us that made a huge mess when delivered to us! Valerie tried to keep them on the straight and narrow, but she was fighting a losing battle.. Her co-residents became her second family. Julia who was always ready with a kind word and said the Rosary for her in her final days Finbarr who made sure the curtains were pulled down every night. Pat who always stopped at the door to say goodnight And John who had some great chats with her. Thanks to Davy, Cora and staff at Tarrant’s Funeral Home as they made her final journey so easy for her and us all. Fr. Jack and Fr. Seán did such a beautiful Mass. Fr. Jack was a regular caller to Anne and John Anthony’s over the years and Fr. Seán had married them in 1965 and buried them both. Thanks to Sharon in the Parish office who did up such a lovely booklet. Thanks to Sacristan Julie for all her help and to Joan for such beautiful music. We are very grateful to all the staff of Millstreet Hospital who formed a guard of honor on her leaving the hospital and all the friends, neighbours and extended family that lined the road from Millstreet Hospital to the funeral home and then through the Town and onto the Graveyard. Her final prayers were broadcast over John Anthony’s public address speakers which were were set up by Timmy and Martin Lucey. Thank you to all the family, friends and neighbours that took the time & trouble to drop off food to us. There were so many gestures of kindness from so many people that we as a family appreciated and will never forget.   A Mass for everyone who helped and supported us in any way will be celebrated in the near future in St. Patrick’s Church. Millstreet. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.

Millstreet Parish Newsletter 27th June 2021



Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

27th June 2021

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


Parish Office Opening Hours:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

10.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following whose anniversaries occur around this time:

RECENT DEATHS:  John O’Mahony, Middlesex & Inchileigh; Pat Burke, Kanturk. 

ANNIVERSARIES:    Kitty O’Sullivan, Mill View; Sheila McSweeney, Murphy’s Terrace; Gearoid Hickey, West End; Nelius Guerin, Ballydaly; Patrick & Mary Murphy, Dunmanway, their son Pat Joe & daughter Sheila O’Farrell. 


Mass Intentions for THIS weekend:

Saturday 26th June:

Millstreet   6.30 p.m.     Mary Sheehan, Tanyard Wood.

Sunday 27th June:

Ballydaly    9.00 a.m. Joe White, Tubber

Cullen       10.15a.m. Peter Cronin, Cullen

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Denis Healy, Claraghatlea & the Deceased Members of the Healy Family.

Mass Intentions for NEXT weekend:

Saturday 3rd July: 

Millstreet   6.30 p.m.     Hannah & Dan Joe Quinn, Flintfield

Sunday 4th July:

Ballydaly    9.00 a.m. Christy Philpott, Ballydaly  

Cullen       10.15a.m.  

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Mick & Bill Kelleher, Killowen

ALTAR SOCIETY for 4th & 11th July: Group D             

Rotas for Next Weekend 3rd/4th July   


Millstreet   6.30 p.m. Maria Kelleher Judy Reardon; Tadhg Buckley  
  11.30 a.m. Bernie Cronin Breeda Fitzgerald; Gobnait Creedon
Ballydaly   9.00 a.m. Dan O’Riordan
Cullen 10.15 a.m. Marie Walsh   

Millstreet Church:

Monday (28th June): Mass at 10.00a.m. for:  People of the Parish

Tuesday (29th June):  Mass at 10.00a.m. for:  Private Intention

Wednesday (30th June): Mass at 10.00a.m. for:  The Deceased Members of the Kelleher Family, Killowen

Thursday (1st July): Mass at 10.00a.m. for:  Private Intention

Friday (2nd July):  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.00p.m. followed by Mass at 7.30p.m. for Charles & Hannah Barry, Murphy’s Terrace

CULLEN CHURCH:  Mass on Thursday 1st July at 7.30p.m. for Private Intention [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter 27th June 2021”

Ballydaly Hall is Now a Broadband Connection Point


Eircode: P51 DP95

Broadband Connection Point

Free access to high speed broadband

outside the Hall

For any queries please email


Please note you will need to sign in to use the broadband and for this you will need a mobile phone to receive a code by SMS.

We thank Ballydaly Hall Committee for this important Notice.

Captain Con Murphy Remembered in Millstreet & Ballydaly Today

Marking the Centenary on 1st Feb. 2021 of the death of Captain Con Murphy a dedicated Committee paid special tribute to his memory firstly at The Square, Millstreet today (Sunday, 31st Jan. 2021) at 10 a.m. and one hour later in Ballydaly.  Here we share images from the historic events.  Later in the week John Tarrant will share a full illustrated report in the “Corkman”.  Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Pictured this Sunday Morning at the Monument in The Square – from left: Pat Joe Creedon, Noel Keating, Jerry Lehane and Donal Dennehy. It was Nora Kelleher, Minor Row, Millstreet who very kindly presented the historic banner to the organising Committee.
The historic ceremony at Ballydaly/Rathduane this Sunday morning. Many of those present were related to the late Captain Con Murphy.
Meave O’Leary from the Sliabh Luachra area laid the special wreath in memory of her late great-grand uncle Captain Con Murphy.
Tim O’Sullivan of Sliabh Luachra
John McCarthy recited a Decade of the Rosary while Tim Murphy addressed the gathering.

It’s almost twenty years since the Monument in tribute to the memory of the late Captain Con Murphy, was unveiled.

[read more …] “Captain Con Murphy Remembered in Millstreet & Ballydaly Today”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter 20th December 2020



Fourth Sunday of Advent

20th December  2020

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.   

Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  millstreet



10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following:

RECENT DEATHS: Frank Brosnan, Rathduane; Donie Casey, Cloghoula; John Magee Snr., England.

ANNIVERSARIES: Han & Luke O’Keeffe, Tanyard; Patrick M. O’Sullivan, Minor Row; Mary Cotter, Murphy’s Terrace; Tim Duggan, West End; Paul Fitzgerald Jnr., Clara Road; Helen Moynihan, Lackadota; Denis & John O’Riordan, Knocknakilla; Daniel & Margaret Healy, Curracahill; Patrick & Margaret Healy, Curracahill; Timmy & Julia Murphy, Coolikerane; William Buckley, Lislehane; Timothy, Mary & the deceased members of the Lynch Family, Lislehane; Patie Hickey, Mologhroe; Jer & Mary Jo O’Donoghue, Curragh; Jim & Hannah Galvin, Macroom; Denis Murphy, Banteer; Jerry Dennehy, Bolomore; Denis O’Sullivan, Newmarket; Con, Eileen, John & Niall Leahy, Macroom; Oona & Pat O’Reilly, Dublin; Mary & John Thomas Randles, Kilgarvan; Sr. Eileen O’Donoghue, Cahirbarnagh & England; James O’Sullivan, Dooradoyle; Jeremiah Cronin, Kilcorney; Jerry Lucey, Canada; Teresa & Eugene Sweeney, Dublin

Saturday 19th December:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30p.m: John Kelleher, Station Road
Sunday 20th December:
Ballydaly 9.00a.m: Eddie Murphy, Ballydaly
Cullen 10.15a.m: Eileen, Tony & Michael Moynihan, Coalpits
Millstreet 11.30a.m: People of the Parish

Saturday 26th December:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30p.m. Michael Lane, Carriganima
Sunday 27th December:
Ballydaly 9.00a.m: Donnchna Murphy, Ballydaly
Cullen 10.15a.m: Andy & Kitty Walsh, Knocknageeha;
Dan Meade, Ahane
Millstreet 11.30a.m: Bridie & Cornelius Keane, Drimoleague

Monday 21st: Mass for Pádraig Creedon, Mushera (recently deceased) at 7.30p.m.
Tuesday 22nd: Mass at 10.00a.m. – Christmas Mass
Wednesday 23rd: Mass at 10.00a.m. & 7.30p.m. – Christmas Mass
Tuesday 29th: Mass for Lena O’Keeffe, Main Street at 10.00a.m.
Wednesday 30th: Mass at 10.00a.m.
Friday 1st January: Mass at 11.00a.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter 20th December 2020”

Christmas Mass Schedule – Millstreet Parish



Mass at 10.00a.m. in Millstreet 


Mass at 10.00a.m. & 7.30p.m. in Millstreet 


Mass in Cullen at 5.00p.m. and 7.30p.m.    

Mass in Millstreet at 6.30p.m. and 10.00p.m.   


Mass in Millstreet at 8.30a.m. & 11.30a.m.

Mass in Ballydaly at 9.00a.m.  

Mass in Cullen at 10.15a.m.   


Mass in Millstreet at 6.30p.m. 

SUNDAY 27th:

Mass in Ballydaly at 9.00a.m.

Mass in Cullen at 10.15a.m.

Mass in Millstreet at 11.30a.m.

All Masses will operate on a booking system and we are asking people to book only one Mass to allow everyone an equal opportunity to attend and receive Holy Communion.

Bookings are to be made directly through the Parish office only from this Monday (14th December) during working hours. 

All Masses in Millstreet Church will be live streamed on

This Christmas is unique and we are doing our best to facilitate the needs of our Parish and we are once again asking for your understanding and co-operation with the arrangements that have been put in place.   

(We thank Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. and Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane for this important Christmas Mass Schedule…..S.R.)

Spectacular Bealach Images Above the Fog Today

As we all experienced on this Sunday, 29th Nov. 2020 a Foggy Day in Millstreet Town (!) it was quite a different story on the wonderful heights of Bealach area above Ballydaly.   And we’re most fortunate that some six superb images have been shared by Mary, Dan and John O’Riordan of Ballydaly where we note a beautiful sunny day above the fog which gives the impression that one is almost observing the sea below the trees and fields.  Sincere thanks to our Friends for sharing. Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)  More splendid images to follow later. [read more …] “Spectacular Bealach Images Above the Fog Today”

Tipperary’s Colin O’Riordan Shares Millstreet, Boherbue and Banteer Connections

We are most grateful to Joan Galwey of Kilkenny (née Corkery of Ballydaly, Millstreet) for alerting us to the fact that Tipperary Footballer supreme, Colin O’Riordan has direct connections with Millstreet, Boherbue and Banteer.  (S.R.)     Joan writes as follows:
“While the hopes of Cork football were dashed in Páirc Uí Chaoimh on Sunday, one Tipperary native who was crucial to Tipperary’s success has strong ancestral connections with Boherbue, Banteer and Millstreet. 
Colin O’ Riordan  played a key role in helping Tipperary win the Munster Championship for the first time in 85 years, and earned the respect of the nation in his post match interview (which we share below). As the surname O’ Riordan might suggest, some of his ancestors originated in  Co. Cork. Colin’s grandfather, Tim O’ Riordan, left Farrendoyle, Boherbue, as a young man and settled in Fethard. Both Tim O’ Riordan and his brother Michael O’ Riordan made Tipperary their home, but never forgot their Cork roots. He would have been a very proud grandfather on Sunday, had he lived to see his grandson return from playing AFL in Sydney, to play his part in this historic win for his adopted county.

Colin O’ Riordan’s g-g-grandmother was born in Coomlogane, Millstreet, about 1853. She was Julia Corkery, sister of Big Jerh, and she marrried James Twohig of Banteer in 1884. Their daughter, Ellen Twohig married Thomas O’ Riordan of Farrendoyle in 1918. Ellen and Thomas O’ Riordan had 11 children, and are both buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Millstreet.Colin’s gran-aunt, Julia, became a nun and was known as Sr. Agnes in Drishane Convent. Sr. Denise (Noreen) O’Riordan, was another gran-aunt of Colin O’ Riordan. Sr. Denise was a member of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, Ohio, for 72 years and her passing earlier this year aged 87, marked the end of an era for that generation of the O’ Riordan family.  Congratulations and continued success to Colin, his parents Michael and Imelda, and the extended O’ Riordan family in Farrendoyle and Tipperary.”

Colin’s wonderfully inspiring words following the historic win by Tipperary on Sunday, 22nd Nov. 2020:

“I can’t put it into words. It’s an emotional day for me. A few weeks ago I didn’t think I’d be here and just to be out there with the lads giving it your all for the sake of Tipperary, I can’t put it into words.

It’s the best feeling I’ve had in many years. It just fills me with pride so much, I get emotional even thinking about it. To me, it’s one of the best days of my life…

We’ve put in stepping stones with Tipp for a long time. Obviously I wasn’t there for the last few years, playing with Sydney or whatever. To come back to the stepping stones that these boys have out in for the last five years since I’ve been away.

This isn’t about me. It isn’t about Colin O’Riordan coming out to give interviews, it’s about the boys out here. To me, it means so much to be able to put on the Tipp jersey. It’s something I will never take for granted, it’s something I’ll respect to the day I die, that I had the opportunity to wear the jersey.

It’s a massive opportunity for me. I just want to say that I’m extremely thankful to Sydney for giving me the opportunity to play this game.

They were 100 per cent within their rights to say no to me and refuse me permission to play. They had no problem. John Longmire and all these lads over there with the Sydney Swans are an incredible organisation.”  

[read more …] “Tipperary’s Colin O’Riordan Shares Millstreet, Boherbue and Banteer Connections”

Splendid First Holy Communion Ceremony for Cloghoula N.S. on Saturday

The three children from Cloghoula N.S. – Cai, Victoria and Ellen – who received their First Holy Communion at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ballydaly on Saturday, 12th Sept. 2020. Also included in our picture – Principal, Mary Murphy and Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P., Millstreet. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Millstreet Parish Newsletter Sunday 9th August 2020

EIGHteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 9TH aUGUST, 2020
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email:  millstreet
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time:  

RECENT DEATHS: Niall Buckley, Keale;  Niamh McSweeney, Flintfield & Killarney. 

Mass Intentions this Weekend

Saturday 8th August:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Hannah & Charles Barry, Murphy’s Terrace

Sunday 9th August: 

Ballydaly   9.00 a.m. The deceased members of the McCarthy families, Coolinarne & Boherbue    

Cullen      10.15 a.m.             Helena Herlihy, Knockane  

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   John, Anthony, Hannah & Con Dennehy,

Murphy’s Terrace.       

Anniversaries:       Kate O’Driscoll, The Square; Rita Hickey, West End; Mary Todd, Canon O’Donovan Centre; Willie C & Babe Han O’Riordan, Mill Lane; J. D. Murphy, Inchileagh;  Hugh Kelleher, Killowen; Mary & Michael Buckley, Aubane; Noel & Nelius McSweeney, Cloghoulamore;  Fr. Dermot Nash; Moira Dineen, Cahirbarnagh; Eileen & Frank Ryan, Cork; Joan McSweeney, Rathduane & Killarney;  Dan & Julia O’Donoghue, Ballineen; Maurice & Mary O’Donoghue, Coventry & Cahirbarnagh; Monica O’Connor, Scartaglen; Dan & Julia Twomey, Kilcorney. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter Sunday 9th August 2020”

Magical Clouds Captured by Photographer Supreme Geraldine

Between the blue and the green – a blanket of clouds rolled in over the Caherbarnagh Mountains on Saturday evening. We thank Geraldine Dennehy, Photographer Supreme for sharing this wonderfully magical image captured in the Ballydaly area. Tap on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.)

Millstreet Parish Newsletter Sunday 12th July 2020

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
millstreet   www.dioceseof 

Mass Intentions this Weekend:

Saturday 11th July:  

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Jer & Han O’Leary, Toorbonia and their son Neile  

Sunday 12th July:

Ballydaly   9.00 a.m. Margaret & the deceased members of the

Buckley family, Toorbonia                    

Cullen      10.15 a.m.    Bridget Hickey, Mologhroe

Val & Katie O’Leary

Matty O’Leary, Milleen              

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Michael & Judy O’Riordan, Kippagh and their  

son Stephen.

John & the deceased members of the Ring family, Eagloune    

 Anniversaries:      Patsy Tarrant, Coole; Theresa Murphy, Minor Row; Billy O’Shea, Minor Row; Breda Hickey, Claraghatlea; Mary Kiely, Liscahane; Bonnie Morley, Lislehane; Margaret Casey, San Francisco; Nora Twomey, Kilcorney; Joan Fitzpatrick, Dromahoe & Canon O’Donovan Centre.                                  

Mass Intentions for next weekend:

Saturday 18th July:

Millstreet   6.30 p.m.     Séamus O’Sullivan, Rathduane  

Sunday 19th July:

Ballydaly    9.00 a.m. Bridget & John O’Leary, Gortavehy

Connie McSweeney, Gortavehy

Cullen       10.15a.m. Mary & Jimmy Walsh, Knocknageeha

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Anne Keane, Pound Hill   

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week, unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (13th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (14th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (15th) for Fr. Sean Fagan S.M., Mullingar & Dublin; Nora Kelleher, Kilmeedy at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday (16th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (17th) for Patsy Tarrant, Coole at 7.30p.m.

Mass on Saturday (18th) for Tessie McAuliffe, Murphy’s Terrace and Sheila O’Connell, Murphy’s Terrace (both recently deceased) at 10.30a.m.


Mass on next Thursday (16th) at 7.30p.m. for Marian Finnerty, Castleknock & Knocknageeha. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter Sunday 12th July 2020”

Joshua O’Sullivan of Ballydaly Excelling at Public Speaking Competition

Sincere Congratulations to Joshua O’Sullivan, Ballydaly who was runner up in the Regional Finals of the 2020 ARTiculation Public Speaking Competition. His chosen subject was the Architectural History of the GPO.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Millstreet Museum Archive Images from 2000

Here we share a selection of images from our Millstreet Museum Pictorial Archives from the year 2000.   Our pictures from 20 years ago refer to Ardfert, Aubane and Ballydaly.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Pictured at Ardfert Retreat Centre in 2000 – From left: Sr. Christina O’Sullivan, Peggy Twomey and Mary Dennehy.
Three special images recorded at the official unveiling of the very impressive monument in honour of Captain Con Murphy at Ballydaly in 2000. Many famous people were in attendance.

Time for refreshments at Aubane Community Centre in 2000.

Millstreet Community Council Extends Very Best Wishes to Maria Murphy, Ballydaly

Millstreet Community Council sends best wishes to Maria Murphy, Ballydaly who is a Contestant in the Miss Ireland Competition to be held in Dublin on Sunday next, 16th Sept. 2018.

We thank Noel Buckley for this well wishing notice.  (S.R.)

Wonderful Wedding of Linda & Ronan – Part 1

We thank the Happy CoupleLinda O’Sullivan of Rathduane & Ronan Galvin of Millstreet for permitting us to share a selection of images relating to their wonderful Wedding Day on Sat. 29th July 2017.  Part One features the arrival at the exquisite setting of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Ballydaly.  Part Two will follow the Church ceremony.  Click on the many images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

And we continue to share a further 30 images of the magnificent occasion.  We wish Linda & Ronan every Blessing and Happiness for the future. [read more …] “Wonderful Wedding of Linda & Ronan – Part 1”

Jerry Presents Superb Local Craft Works to Millstreet Museum


Jerry Lehane presents two superb works of art to Millstreet Museum.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Jerry Lehane presents two superb works of art to Millstreet Museum.   Jerry created the Green Glens and the National Dairy Show features in his home at Ballydaly.   Over the years he has kindly made available to our local Museum some of the most interesting historic items.  We extend our sincere thanks to Jerry who consistently promotes his native Millstreet.  Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)