Drishanebeg Train Ambush Centenary Commemoration Sign

Drishanebeg Train Ambush Centenary Commemoration Committee

Tap on the image to enlarge.  We thank Michael Thornton for this feature. (S.R.)

At a meeting during the centenary commemorations it was proposed that a plaque should be erected to mark the actual site of the ambush for future generations.   With the kind permission of Michael, Pam and the Thornton Family and with the support of the Committee (some who are now deceased – May they Rest in Peace) – the plaque (pictured above) has now been erected at the site of the ambush.

Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th

Aubane Social Club are holding a Kids Movie Night on next Friday February 16th at 6pm in Aubane Community Centre (P51 EP49) Entry €5 per Child/ Adults Free.



Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 11th February 2024



Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

11th Feb. 2024

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet @dioceseofkerry.ie

Website:   www.dioceseofkerry.ie

All Masses are livestreamed on www.churchservices.tv/millstreet

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5.00pm

Mass Intentions this Weekend:

Saturday 10th February:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Nellie White, Tubber;  Pat Joe Kelleher, Pound Hill;  Mary Cronin, Main Street.

Sunday 11th February:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Denis O’Brien, Ballydaly;  Willie Neenan, Ballydaly

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Donal, Nora & the deceased members of The Murphy, Killarney Road;  Mary & Noel Horgan, Cork;  James & Michael Murphy, Cork.

ANNIVERSARIES:  Frank Thornton, Drishanebeg; Billy Murphy, Coole; Pauline Lyons, Dooneen; Kathleen & John Cashman, Inchileagh; Pat Horgan, Ballydaly; John Mullane, Coolikerane; Denis O’Connor, Cloghoulabeg & Dublin.

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 17th February:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Dr. Pat Casey, Tullig

Sunday 18th February:

Cullen 9.30a.m. Sheila Brennan (née Forde), England & Cullen (First Anniversary)

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Private Intention

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT in Millstreet Church every Tuesday from 10.30a.m. to 7.30p.m.

LEGION OF MARY on Tuesday nights at 7.30p.m. in the Parish Centre.


On next Monday night, 12th February, the Diocese invites you to join a webinar entitled “Planning for the Future of Parishes”.  During this webinar, speakers from Austria & England will discuss lay involvement in their parishes.  They will share the initiatives undertaken in their parishes, what has worked well, what has been challenging and what they see as the hope for the future. This webinar is in preparation for the upcoming parish gathering as part of the diocesan planning process, Moving Forward in Hope.  To register please go to www.dioceseofkerry.ie


Rotas for next weekend 17th/18th February, 2024


Millstreet 6.15 p.m. Liam Flynn Group A
  11.30 a.m. Raymond Gilbourne Group C
Cullen 9.30a.m. Noreen Meade Denis O’Mahony

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (12th) for Tommy Tucker, Dooneen, at the request of Millstreet Pitch & Putt at 7.30p.m.

Mass on Tuesday (13th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (14th) ASH WEDNESDAY for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m. Ashes will be distributed during Mass.

Mass on Thursday (15th) for Pauline & Dan Lyons, Dooneen at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (16th) for Sr. Florence O’Sullivan, Drishane Sister at 10.00a.m. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 11th February 2024”