Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Road-signs for a charity truck event taking place on Sunday 31st October in the Green Glens Arena, were erected around the locality during the week. One of these signs has gone missing! It was placed at the Millstreet Junction by the Sandpit Bar on Tuesday evening and had been removed by 5pm Wednesday. We contacted the County Council and they had not removed the sign. We would appreciate if anyone with information could contact 087 2030518 or better again, if whoever has removed it, would be kind enough to return it. It is after all, a charity event for two sick little girls.
Four paramedics at the National Ambulance Service Base in Millstreet, have in the interest of safety, hygiene, desperation and a little touch of madness to shave their heads for charity in the near future.
They would appreciate any sponsorship and donations with gratitude to help their four nominated charities: The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, Marymount Hospice, Cork Penny Dinners, and Crumlin Children’s Hospital. Donations can be made on their Go Fund Me page. [read more …] “Millstreet Ambulance – “Brave the Shave””
Following on from the recent Cars Coffee and Chat Morning held on Sunday Jan 22nd last and also the End of Year Club Social Activites held back in November which were Organised by
Millstreet Vintage Club a final figure of €2,100.69 was raised in Total from these Events for Marymount Hospice,the Vintage Club would like to thank Everybody for there fantastic support and generosity.
A Cheque for the final figure raised was presented by Millstreet Vintage Club to Marymount Hospice in Millstreet on Friday Night Feb 21st last at The Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet,Fiona Kelleher of Marymount accepted the Cheque on behalf of the Group from Coffee Morning Organiser Daniel Lane and Fiona thanked the Generosity of People for supporting such a great Cause in Marymount Hospice and said it would be a great help for the Groups Activities.
Photos by Daniel Lane
At the start of March, I’m doing a parachute jump in memory of my Mom Breeda Burke Hickey from Murphy’s Tce. and Claraghatlea, Millstreet. Who died 30 years ago at age 42 the same age I am now. If you would like to make a donation, go to the GoFundMe page: My first parachute jump for Recovery Haven Tralee. Money raised goes to recovery Haven Cancer support house in Tralee – Marie O’Sullivan
Cancer Connect wish to thank Everybody for there Generosity last Saturday Night at the Fundraiser held for them at the Pub in Carriganima,a fine Crowd attended the Event and a staggering 1,185 Euro was collected for the Group on the Night which was a fantastic amount of Money,its very much appreciated,again Many Thanks to Everybody for there Generosity.
Their was a great turnout earlier today at The Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet for the Millstreet Vintage Club Cars Coffee Chat Morning which was held in aid of Marymount Hospice. The Vintage Club would like to thank everybody that attended the event and for their fantastic support and generosity on the day.
Daniel Lane of Millstreet Vintage Club who coordinated the event was delighted with the turnout with in excess of 40 Vintage and Classic Cars/Bikes making the trip to Millstreet for what was a most enjoyable days proceedings. The Club would also like to thank Billy, Nigel, and all the Team at the Wallis Arms for all their help and for providing a great venue, and Daniel Lane also wishes to thank the Vintage Club Members and Friends who helped on both the lead up to the event and on the day itself. Also, many thanks to An Garda Síochána for their help and to the photographers and members of the local press who attended on the day to promote the proceedings for both Millstreet Vintage Club and Marymount Hospice.
A final figure from the Coffee Morning will be released soon which will be then presented by Millstreet Vintage Club to Marymount Hospice in the very near future.
Photos Courtesy of Daniel Lane.
More Photos by Cian Power can be found in the Link Below.
Millstreet Vintage Club is 10 Years old this Year and to Celebrate our 10th year in existance the Club are holding plenty of Events for the coming Year which will include a 10th Year Celebration Event which is to take place in November with Details following on this Event very soon.
The Millstreet Vintage Club Schedule for 2020 is listed below to keep a note of in your Diary.
Sunday April 19th:Millstreet Vintage Club Autojumble in Millstreet Town,For Details Contact Dan O`Riordan on 087 2452569.
Sunday May 10th:Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Tractor Run,for more details Contact John O`Riordan on 086 3731842 or Finbarr Hurley on 087 1134460.
Over the past 12 months the Aubane Social Club donated money to the following charities from the events they hosted.
January 2019 – €2000 following the Christmas Day Climb 2019 to Irish Community Rapid Response.
August 2019 – €1,000 to Marymount Community Palliative Care Team following the Marymount Coffee Morning hosted by John Kelleher Chairman, Noreen Kelleher Secretary and Gobnait Kelleher.
December 2019 – €250 was presented to Reach out Cancer Support Millstreet in memory of Late Ann Keane, Pound Hill, Millstreet who was a regular to our weekly set Dancing on Monday nights.
Following our Christmas Day Climb of Mushera this year we will make a donation to the valuable service in our community the Irish Community Rapid Response. ( Air Ambulance).
The proceeds of Christmas Day Climb 2019 are in Aid of the Aubane Community Centre Renovations Fund and the Irish Community Rapid Response.
Thanks to all who supported the above fundraising events in 2019
Around the fireside on Friday 27 December at 8.30 pm.
Wishing you all very Happy Christmas. We have lots of events planned for 2020 with our popular Easter egg hunt on Easter Saturday and many more.
John F. Kelleher
Aubane Social Club
A Presentation will be made to CART Carriganima following the Recent Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run at The Pub in Carriganima on next Saturday Night Nov 9th at 9pm, Everybody Welcome.
Millstreet Vintage Club made a Presentation to Millstreet Pipe Band of €500 which was the Proceeds of the recent Tractor Run the Club ran out of Aubane. The Presentation took place last Friday night following the Pipe Band’s performance at the Millstreet Culture Night Event. Pipe Major Brendan O’Sullivan and Band Member Marie Twomey accepted the Cheque from Club PRO Bernard Crowley and Club Treasurer Myra Sheehan.
Thanks to Tom Corbett and Danny Lane for the photos.
There is a Charity Table Quiz happening in McCarthys Bar Millstreet on this Friday Night May 24th at 8.30 pm for Pieta House,why not come along for a Good Night Out for a Great Cause,Everybody Welcome.
Millstreet Vintage Club Charity Pub Table Quiz Organised and Sponsored by McCarthys Bar in Millstreet on next Friday Night March 29th at 9pm,
Proceeds in aid of Local Charities,
Local Groups and Friends are asked and encouraged to field Teams for what promises to be a a Fun Night Out,Spot Prizes to be won on the Night,Table of Four €40,
For Details Contact Myra on 087 2742596
A special message from Eileen O’Riordan. “I’m just wondering if you have seen the window of the Lighthouse at The Square, Millstreet? The charity “Christian Aid” is 70 years helping the poor and needy around the world. With full premission from Colemans we have decided to have a Cake Sale outside Coleman’s shop this Saturday (16th May 2015) starting at 10.30 am. The wider community have come on board too in the baking of cakes. All the money raised for Christian Aid is going to Nepal. So come along if you can and tell your friends too. I think it’s a very worthy cause . God Bless, Eileen”.