Category: Culture
Dúchas: The Duhallow Historical Journal
Volume 3 of Dúchas: The Duhallow Historical Journa
l will be launched in Newmarket
on 19 October at 7pm.
An Chultúrlann Newmarket
The monthly Cultúrlann Rambling House is happening this Saturday from 8:00 pm and every second Saturday of the month!
Enjoy an evening of music, songs, and stories where everyone is welcome to listen, participate, and enjoy the company of new and old friends.
Refreshments will be served, so come along for a great time of community and fun!
Laitiarains Night
Feis Laitiarain Programme – Sunday 2nd June
Millstreet Community School – “A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion”
Banteer Macra Variety Show
2 days to go!
Banteer Macra Variety Show
Solo Singing
Something for everyone on the Night!
All in Aid of Banteer Lyre Aed and Irish Kidney Association
Tickets on sale from any Banteer Macra Member!
Night not to be missed
Millstreet Féile Cheoil
Millstreet Féile Cheoil will take place on Sunday 14th April. A great day to showcase all the local talent.
To register your child, click the link below:
Laharn Cross on Nationwide
Mary O’ Sullivan from Laharn wants to inform everyone that
Laharn Cross was filmed last summer by RTE’s Nationwide,
which includes lots of interviews of local people
and footage of the open air dancing.
This episode of Nationwide is to air
on Monday, 29th January 2024
at 7pm.
Christmas Greetings from the Pub Carriganima
From all at The Pub in Carriganima we would like to wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and we look forward to seeing you over the Christmas Period.
Entertainment Line Up at The Pub in Carriganima for Christmas/New Year Period.
Thursday December 28th – Music with The Little Creatures.
Friday December 29th – Back by Popular Demand Music with the brilliant Pat Mulchrone.
New Years Eve Sunday December 31st – New Year Celebrations and Entertainment.
Saturday January 6 – Christmas Draw and Entertainment.
Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club
From All at Aubane Social Club have a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,thanks to Everyone who supported our Events in Aubane during 2023 and we look forward to your Company again in 2024.
Below is a list of Events left in 2023 for the Christmas Period
Aubane Social Club Christmas Diary
Aubane Christmas Day Morning Climb at 10.30 am on Monday 25 December – all proceeds from the Climb are in Aid of the Freeland Projects in Capetown. Local woman Maureen Buckley will travel to Capetown in March 2024. This is Maureen’s second visit and the money donated will go a long way in the building of a rescue centre. She saw first hand the poverty and lack of resources and provisions when Maureen was there in 2022. The team included plumbers, carpenters, painters and many more. They filled their suitcases with all the necessary equipment to carry out the work and left everything there when they returned home. We have so much and they have so little so everything is a huge help. Please Support this very worthy charity.
Christmas Around the Fireside a night of stories, songs and togetherness at Christmas around the open fireside in candle light at Aubane Community Centre happening Thursday 28 December at 8.00 pm All welcome.
Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre on tomorrow Thursday October 5th
There are Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre from tomorrow Thursday October 5th 7pm to 9pm, Cost is €7.
For more details contact Dan on 087 9891771
Feis Laitiarain
Feis Laitiarain Programme
Candlelit Tales
Line Dancing Classes in Aubane Community Centre starting Wednesday Evening March 29th from 7 to 9pm
Line Dancing Lessons at Aubane Community Centre from Wednesday Evening March 29th from 7pm to 9pm
Everybody very Welcome
Admission €7 Per Night.
Enquiries on 087 9891771
Ballydaly Social Group
Millstreet Comhaltas Committee
O’Sullivan Beara 1603 March – 420th Anniversary
Millstreet Comhaltas Branch
Just a reminder of the comhaltas Christmas session in Corkery’s Sunday for singers ,dancers & musicians past and presents.
Scór success for Millstreet and Cullen
Scór success for Millstreet and Cullen
Millstreet and Cullen enjoyed success in the Cork Scór Sinsir Finals on a staging at the Eire Óg GAA Pavilion, Ovens. Amidst exciting competition. Duhallow completed a hat trick of outright wins, thanks to a double recorded by Millstreet in addition to victory for Cullen.
Millstreet took victory in both the Novelty Act and Quiz with Muireann Vaughan representing Cullen enjoying success in Solo Singing. For good measure, Millstreet Ballad Group collected runner up place.
The Cork winners progress to the Munster Final in Cappamore, Co. Limerick on this Sunday, October 16.
Cullen Culture Night
Set Dancing Classes
Set Dancing Classes
will resume in
Ballydaly Hall
Wednesday, Sept 14th
8.30pm to 10pm
all welcome – no partner required
Enquires: (087) 284 6906
Set dancing classes
Set dancing classes with Marie Sheehan School of Dance.
Classes resume in Milstreet Gaa hall on Monday evenings from 6pm onwards.
Please contact Marie for more information on 083 0045432
All kids/teenagers welcome.
All Ireland champion O18 half set in the Fleadh Mullingar
All Ireland champion O18 half set in the Fleadh Mullingar. Patrick O’Callaghan pictured with Aisling O’Connor, Niamh McSweeney, Conor Coffey and dance teacher Adrian Moriarty
Wishing Anna Moynihan and Katie O’Sullivan from Cullen the very best in the All Ireland Fleadh

The Duhallow Historical Journal
Cullen & District Special Needs 22nd Annual Vintage Afternoon
Derinagree NS – County Scór na bPáistí Champions
A fantastic achievement for Derinagree NS – County Scór na bPáistí Champions in the instrumental music group.
Congratulations Fionn & Ronan Murphy & Ava Thornton
Fionn also got 2nd place in the solo music competition