Launch of “Down the Lawn” at Corkery’s Bar on Friday Night

The official launch of "Down the Lawn"
The official launch of “Down the Lawn” (the history of Millstreet Town Park) at Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet on Friday, 21st December 2012.  (S.R.)

The excellent book sells at €10.00 with all the profits going to the Millstreet Branch of St. Vincent de Paul.    Here we share a selection of images from the occasion when many special memories were evoked and where a minute’s silence was observed in tribute to the late Brendan Kiely who was very much involved in the organising and motivation of this very fine publication.

1Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 2Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 3Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 4Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 5Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 6Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 7Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 8Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 9Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 10Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 11Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 12Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 13Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 14Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 15Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 16Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 17Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 18Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 19Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 20Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 21Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 22Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 23Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 24Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 25Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 26Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 27Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 28Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 29Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 30Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 31Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 32Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 33Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 34Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 35Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 36Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 37Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 38Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 39Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 40Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 41Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 42Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 43Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 44Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 45Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 46Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 47Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 48Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 49Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 50Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 51Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 52Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 53Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 54Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 55Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 56Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012

The official launch of "Down the Lawn"
The official launch of “Down the Lawn”

56Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 55Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 54Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012 53Launch of Down the Lawn Book 2012

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