Effie Neill appearing at The Pub Carriganima on Saturday Night Feb 8th

The Brilliant Effie Neill is appearing at The Pub Carriganima on Saturday Night Feb 8th at 9.30pm,

it promises to be a great Night Out, Everybody very Welcome.

Christmas Season Greetings from all at Cork Music Station

From Everyone at Cork Music Station we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful healthy New Year. We would like to thank all our DJ’s who give their time throughout the year to bring all our listeners the best of music and entertainment. We would also like to thank the artists and promoters who send us the material during the year. Also to you all the listeners who have made our station so popular all over the globe,to All of You Enjoy the Festive Season.

Listen Online http://www.corkmusicstation.com

Seamus Moore the JCB Man appearing at The Pub Carriganima on tonight Friday September 20th.

Seamus Moore the JCB Man appearing at The Pub Carriganima on tonight Friday September 20th from 9pm to Close, great Night assured, All very Welcome.

Cliona Hagan appearing at The Pub Carriganima on this Sunday Evening August 11th

The Countdown is on now as we welcome back Cliona Hagan for her second visit to the Pub in Carriganima on this Sunday Night August 11th at 8pm,the fantastic Kelts Band Millstreet will get the Show on the Road at 6pm in what has the makings of being a great Night and one not to be missed, we look forward to seeing you all there,for more Details Call Sean Murphy on 087 2600640.



Upcoming Gigs that are happening in the Pub Carriganima

Some upcoming Gigs at The Pub in Carriganima for the month of June.

Next Saturday Night June 15th the Glor Tire Finalist Effie Neill is appearing with us in Carriganima from 9.30pm.

while on Saturday Evening June 29th we welcome back Gina and the Champions along with the fantastic Willie Burke who will get the Show on the Road before Gina takes to the stage on our Outdoor Gig Area.

We look forward to seeing you all for some great Musical Entertainment over the next couple of weeks.


Query from Castletownbere Regarding Millstreet Connection

We recently received the following query from Castletownbere:  In bygone days the late Ben Casey was an R.I.C. Officer in Millstreet.  When his first wife passed to her Eternal Reward, Ben later remarried.   It is the decendents of Ben who have Millstreet connections are being asked to make contact.   Some 25 years ago on a visit to Castletownbere a relative of Ben who is now deceased presented his accordion  to the Millstreet related visitors (who most likely enjoy music).   For more details on this please contact millstreetmuseum @gmail.com or make contact by phone, WhatsApp or text (086 – 825 0074).   We shall then explain in greater detail why we received this query.  (S.R.)

Cliona Hagan appearing at The Pub in Carriganima on this Sunday September 3rd

The excitement is building in Carriganima now as they welcome Cliona Hagan for the very first time to the Pub in Carriganima on this Sunday Night September 3rd, it has the makings of being a great Night and one not to be missed, we look forward to seeing you all there later

For more Details Contact Sean Murphy on 087 2600640.

Jerry McSweeney’s Interview Regarding Jerry Kavanagh’s Music

Here we share the second example of our recently broadcasted “Radio Treasures” Interviews on a newly formed Cork Music Station YouTube Podcast Channel  created with the very kind and expert assistance of Bernard Crowley.  The intention is to add more content on this Channel from broadcasts on Cork Music Station including segments from “Radio Treasures” (Tuesdays 9.10pm to 11.30pm) and other CMS Broadcasts.  The second of these items is an interview with Jerry McSweeney of Manchester and a native of Killarney Road, Millstreet pictured throughout the video on his recent visit to Millstreet Museum where he very generously presented two audio CDs of the fiddle/violin music of the late and great Jerry Kavanagh to Millstreet Museum.   We invite you to listen to our 15 minute Interview with Jerry and we also include one of Jerry Kavanagh’s tunes entitled “King of the Fairies”.  Happy listening! (S.R.)

Jerry McSweeney of Manchester and Killarney Road, Millstreet – presenting two wonderfully historic CDs of the original fiddle music of the late and great Jerry Kavanagh. Jerry was recently visiting his native Millstreet.  Enjoy listening to Jerry’s very interesting 15 minute Interview also including the superb music of Jerry Kavanagh.


Gina and The Champions appearing at The Pub in Carriganima on Saturday July 8th

Notice here from the Pub in Carriganima to Announce that Gina and the Champions are appearing at The Pub in Carriganima on Saturday July 8th on what promises to be a memorable Night of Music and Dance.

Peter Lane and Blackwater Sound will open proceedings as a Warm up from 7.15pm with Gina and the Champions taking to the Stage at 8pm,Tickets are €15 at the Door so why not make your way to Carriganima on Saturday July 8th for to Enjoy what is Part of Gina’s Hits and Memories Tour.


The Brandon McPhee Show at Glen Theatre on Sunday, 2nd April

⭐️ Coming soon to The Glen Theatre Banteer for the very first time ⭐️ Introducing The Brandon McPhee Show with special guest Mason Grant. A variety of Irish/Scottish & Country Music 🎵 A Show not to be missed !!

We thank Marie Bourke of the Glen Theatre for the Poster. Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Sunday 2nd April @8pm 🗓️
Call 029-56239 📞
Tickets Only €20 🎫

Neil Moylan’s Wonderfully Creative Music Project

Musician supreme, Neil Moylan, has shared the following very interesting message with us.    I’ve listened to Neil’s magnificent recording and it’s truly awe-inspiring.    Wishing Neil every success in this wonderfully creative Music Project.  (S.R.)

“I’m just sending out this generic message to try to get some music out there. If you use Spotify I would be deeply grateful if you could follow me at this link https://open.spotify.com/artist/410MGstomQL5pJRZU3sp4y I’ve released a single at the cost of €4.00 which is more indicative of the style of music I intend making going forward. It’s a piano, choir and orchestral instrumental arrangement of Radiohead’s song “Karma Police.” Absolutely no obligation whatsoever but it can be found here. https://neilmoylan.bandcamp.com/track/karma-police-piano-and-orchestra I would encourage you to listen to not just mine, but ANY music using decent speakers or headphones. Any music sounds pretty tinny on a mobile handset speaker.”

Aubane Social Club Christmas Schedule

Aubane Social Annual Mushera Mountain Climb this year on Christmas Morning December 25th is in Aid of Féileacáin.

The Climb commences at 10.30am, your Support would be Welcome.

Féileacáin is a not for profit organisation that provides support to anyone affected by the death of a baby during or after pregnancy.

Bucket Collection on the Morning of Climb

There is an account now open as well Donations can be given to Noreen Kelleher or Kathleen Kelleher or any Aubane Social Club Committee member.

Kids Tractor & Go Cart Run

At Aubane Community Centre
Tuesday 27 December
12-1.30 pm

Admission Free

Under 12s Only

Weather permitting

Further Details from Sean Dineen 0857847879 or John Twomey 0872844630

Around the Fireside at Aubane Community Centre on Thursday 29 December at 8.30 pm. A night of music stories and songs.

Happy Christmas and New Year from all at Aubane Social Club and Thank You for your Support over the past Year.



Interview with Sean Murphy of The Pub in Carriganima with Details of the upcoming Declan Nerney Gig on this Sunday

Sean Murphy of The Pub in Carriganima in Conversation with Willie Fitzgerald of Cork Music Station outlining Details of the Upcoming Declan Nerney Gig happening at The Pub in Carriganima on Sunday August 14th.

Check out the Link Below for the Interview

Should be a great Evening out in Carriganima next Sunday Evening.


Details on 087 2600640 

Mid Summer Barbeque at The Pub Carriganima on next Sunday Evening July 3rd

The Pub in Carriganima is having a Mid Summer Barbeque on next Sunday Evening July 3rd from 7pm to 9pm with Music by Anthony Dineen, should be a good one,looking forward to your Company.

Four Nights debut EP ‘Bed’

Congrats to Tommy Buckley going by name ‘Four Nights‘ who last week release his debut EP ‘Bed’. BreakingTunes says: “It  has all of the hallmarks of 80’s pop, and takes influence from the likes of The 1975, LANY, and Nightly. Big soundscapes, splashy snares and clean vocals are masterfully produced by Diffusion Lab’s Marcin Ciszczon, AKA Emiji.
In February 2020 Tommy set off to travel South East Asia for a year, but was forced to come home only after a month due to the pandemic. Suddenly with a lot of spare time in lockdown, he threw himself completely into music, writing more than 30 songs in a focused two month period.
He released his debut singles (‘Want You Always / Nothing to Say’) in November and quickly gained 100k+ Spotify streams and heavy rotation on national radio. He followed this up with ‘Grow So Cold’ and ‘Not This Time’ which gained placements on the ‘New Pop UK’ and ‘Chilled Pop Hits’ editorial playlists on Spotify. His debut EP ‘Bed’ followed in July.”

Give a listen to the five tracks on the EP at the bottom of this post:

Tommy was also interviewed for the Bellissimo Files on Spin 103. Listen here:

[read more …] “Four Nights debut EP ‘Bed’”

Annmarie’s Online Concert a Wonderful Success

Live on Facebook (Fri. 21st May 2021) from Rochestown Park Hotel in Cork tonight’s online Concert was a magnificent success enjoyed by a global online audience. From left: Ger Naughton, Anthony Holmes, Annmarie O’Riordan, Alan Finn and Bryan O’Leary. One may view a recording of the Concert at a later stage on Annmarie’s Facebook.  Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
And the Online Concert was live on a very special day as illustrated here.  We thank Phil and Pat for alerting us to this special date.

“Radio Treasures” Features 80th Anniversary of Cullen Pipe Band

“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 16th March 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.00 (Irish Time)…And in the USA due to Daylight Saving Time – Eastern Time Zone – we begin in the USA at 5.30pm now that there is only 4 hour difference until end of March.   Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Our main feature tonight on the Eve of St. Patrick’s Day at 10pm is truly historic in that we celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Cullen Pipe Band.  We listen to the magnificent music of the renowned Band and we chat with Coordinator Supreme – Con Houlihan who has devoted such amazing talent, time, energy and inspiring dedication to Cullen Pipe Band over many decades.  Tonight we broadcast the first of three Interviews with Con.   In this first Interview Con shares the hugely interesting early history of the Band.  Parts 2 and 3 of Con’s Interview will be broadcast on “Radio Treasures” at 10pm on Tues. 23rd and 30th March respectively.

While this is our main focus tonight we shall also include some regular features and call outs.   Happy listening to All on this St. Patrick’s Week 2021.  (S.R.)   Here we share a selection of images from Millstreet Museum Pictorial Archives and also from Cullen’s Facebook Memories Page – illustrating highlights from the History of Cullen Pipe Band. [read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Features 80th Anniversary of Cullen Pipe Band”

Wonderfully Talented Local Musicians on TG4 Tonight at 9.30

We thank Bridget Buckley for the following much appreciated alert to a very important TG4 Broadcast over the next few days.  (S.R.)

“Over the 4 nights 6-9 August, Fleadh2020, will capture the essence of this annual event on TG 4.
They recorded it in Mullingar three weeks ago & the Crossfields Band which includes local Musicians Darragh Twomey, Marie O’Neill, Diarmuid Cronin, Leah Murphy & Anna Buckley are on tonight Thurs., 6th Aug. 2020 9.30pm so might be a bit of craic to watch!”

Diarmuid Cronin of Laught, Rathcoole – One of the many wonderfully talented local Musicians to appear in the upcoming Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann transmissions this week on TG4.