Effie Neill appearing at The Pub Carriganima on Saturday Night Feb 8th

The Brilliant Effie Neill is appearing at The Pub Carriganima on Saturday Night Feb 8th at 9.30pm,

it promises to be a great Night Out, Everybody very Welcome.

Newly formed Aubane Drama Group Presents Darby O’Gill and The Little People

The Newly Formed

Aubane Drama Group Presents

Darby O’Gill & The Little People


Aubane Community Centre, P51 EP49


Friday January 31st & Saturday February 1st, 8pm


€15, Under 18s – €5

Booking Essential

To Book Tickets,

Phone 085 784 7879

Christmas Season Greetings from all at Cork Music Station

From Everyone at Cork Music Station we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful healthy New Year. We would like to thank all our DJ’s who give their time throughout the year to bring all our listeners the best of music and entertainment. We would also like to thank the artists and promoters who send us the material during the year. Also to you all the listeners who have made our station so popular all over the globe,to All of You Enjoy the Festive Season.

Listen Online http://www.corkmusicstation.com

Millstreet Day Centre Annual Arts & Crafts Showcase

Just a reminder that Millstreet Day Centre will be having their annual Arts & Crafts Showcase
in the Centre
next Sunday 1st December @ 12.00pm – 2.30pm.
Pop in for a festive coffee & mince pie & see what the clients of the Day Centre have been busy creating over the past few months.
There will be some items available to purchase on the day also!
Any proceeds made/donations will go directly to Millstreet Day Centre.
All welcome to attend!

Arts & Crafts Showcase

Millstreet Day Centre will be having their annual 
in the Centre on Sunday 1st December @ 12.00pm – 2.30pm.
Pop in for a festive coffee & mince pie & see what the clients of the Day Centre have been busy creating over the past few months.
There will be some items available to purchase on the day also!
Any proceeds made/donations will go directly to Millstreet Day Centre.
All welcome to attend!

Millstreet Tidy Towns Pumpkin Carving Competition

From the first Millstreet tidy towns Pumpkin Carving Competition.
Pictures capturing the carving creativity.
Kindly judged by Barry Fraser and sponsored by O’Keeffe’s Supervalu Millstreet.
Andy Kiely pictured claiming 3rd prize with Joe Fitzgerald… I’m sure more pictures to follow from the others photographers there…. 🙂

[read more …] “Millstreet Tidy Towns Pumpkin Carving Competition”

Millstreet Tidy Towns First Pumpkin Carving competition

Millstreet Tidy Towns are very excited to announce our first Pumpkin Carving competition 🎃
The competition is open to all children in Millstreet and its surrounding areas.
How to enter:
– design and carve a pumpkin face
– bring your pumpkin to the canopy in the Square to be registered on Thursday October 24th between 3pm and 4:30pm
– we’ll take a picture of you and your pumpkin!
– all pumpkins entered will be placed around the Pollinator Park for all to see over the Spooky period. In time they will break down and be used as natural fertiliser to help our Spring / Summer flowers.

We can’t wait to see all your entries and don’t forget to ask an adult for help!

Art & Creativity Workshop

Join Millstreet artist Elton Sibanda for Millstreet Cultural Hub – free workshops for adults, exploring creativity and artistic output through visual art, starting with paint. All adults are welcome to any session, and no previous experience is needed!

Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm – next session is 27th August 2024 and final session for 2024 is 4th September

Millstreet Parish Centre, P51 RT91

For info contact: 0833767513 or brianv @kasi2000.com

Art & Creativity Workshop

Join Millstreet artist Elton Sibanda for Millstreet Cultural Hub – free workshops for adults, exploring creativity and artistic output through visual art, starting with paint. All adults are welcome to any session, and no previous experience is needed!

Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm – next session is 27th August 2024 and final session for 2024 is 4th September

Millstreet Parish Centre, P51 RT91

For info contact: 0833767513 or brianv @kasi2000.com

Art & Creativity Workshop

Art & Creativity Workshop

Join Millstreet artist Elton Sibanda for Millstreet Cultural Hub, 8 weeks of free workshops for adults, exploring creativity and artistic output through visual art, starting with paint. All adults are welcome to any session, and no previous experience is needed!

Every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm – next session is 14th August 2024

Millstreet Parish Centre, P51 RT91

For info contact: 0833767513 or <email>

Art & Creativity Workshop

Art & Creativity Workshop

Join Millstreet artist Elton Sibanda for Millstreet Cultural Hub, 8 weeks of free workshops for adults, exploring creativity and artistic output through visual art, starting with painting. All adults are welcome to any session, and no previous experience is needed!

Every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm – next session is 30th July

Millstreet Parish Centre, P51 RT91

For info contact: 0833767513 or brianv @kasi2000.com

Carriganima Goes Country with Declan Nerney appearing at The Pub Carriganima on this Sunday July 28th

Carriganima goes Country with the return of Declan Nerney & His Band who are back at the Pub in Carriganima for the 3rd time on tomorrow Sunday July 28th,to add to the occasion we will also have Effie Neill and the Legend that is TR Dallas appearing as well,it will be an Evening not to be missed with the kick off at 6pm,Tickets are €15 and you can get more information by calling Sean on 087 2600640.

Art & Creativity Workshop

Art & Creativity Workshop

Join Millstreet artist Elton Sibanda for Millstreet Cultural Hub, 8 weeks of free workshops for adults, exploring creativity and artistic output through visual art. All adults are welcome, and no previous experience is needed!

Every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm, starting 17th July

Millstreet Parish Centre, P51 RT91

For info contact: 0833767513 or brianv @kasi2000.com

Upcoming Gigs that are happening in the Pub Carriganima

Some upcoming Gigs at The Pub in Carriganima for the month of June.

Next Saturday Night June 15th the Glor Tire Finalist Effie Neill is appearing with us in Carriganima from 9.30pm.

while on Saturday Evening June 29th we welcome back Gina and the Champions along with the fantastic Willie Burke who will get the Show on the Road before Gina takes to the stage on our Outdoor Gig Area.

We look forward to seeing you all for some great Musical Entertainment over the next couple of weeks.


Country Music Promoter Vincent Murray joins Cork Music Station

Country Music Promoter Vincent Murray is joining Cork Music Station with a new weekly slot on a Sunday Evening with it starting this Sunday between 8pm and 10pm,Vincent who is originally from Mayo but now resides in Ashford Co.Limerick is well known in the Country Music Scene as a promoter of Gigs in many Venues including the former Ashford Tavern and Duhallow Lodge Hotel,the Edel Quin Hall in Kanturk, the Vienna Woods Hotel and the Woodlands Hotel in Adare amongst others,Vincent has Millstreet links in the form of being married to Betty O`Riordan who hails from Ballydaly.

Vincent Murray brings a lot of Musical experience to Cork Music Station and we welcome him aboard so why not tune in this Sunday Evening on Cork Music Station from 8pm which can be found on www.corkmusicstation.com

Willie Fitzgerald spoke to Vincent Murray last Thursday Night on his Radio Show and you can hear this interview in the link below


The Promise of Spring happening in Aubane Community Centre on next Friday Night is SOLD OUT – Extra Show now being added for Friday March 29th


Aubane Community Centre have now added its second Running of The Promise of Spring on Friday Night March 29th at 8pm

It will be a Night of Music, Song, Dance, Romance and Storytelling.

ADMISSION €15 includes Raffle Ticket – FREE ADMISSION FOR U12

Proceeds in Aid of Aubane Community Centre.



CART Carriganima Fundraiser happening on Tonight Saturday March 2nd at The Pub Carriganima

Cart Carriganima Fundraiser is happening Tonight Saturday March 2nd at The Pub Carriganima with Music by Tim Joe and Ann with Guests Peter Lane, Sheila and Mike,Sheila Heery, Barry O’Halloran Eoghan Kelleher and Others, Music from 9.30 pm Sharp,your support would be most Welcome on the Night,for more Details Call 086 8231003.



Christmas Greetings from Aubane Social Club

From All at Aubane Social Club have a very Happy and Holy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year,thanks to Everyone who supported our Events in Aubane during 2023 and we look forward to your Company again in 2024.

Below is a list of Events left in 2023 for the Christmas Period

Aubane Social Club Christmas Diary

Aubane Christmas Day Morning Climb at 10.30 am on Monday 25 December – all proceeds from the Climb are in Aid of the Freeland Projects in Capetown. Local woman Maureen Buckley will travel to Capetown in March 2024. This is Maureen’s second visit and the money donated will go a long way in the building of a rescue centre. She saw first hand the poverty and lack of resources and provisions when Maureen was there in 2022. The team included plumbers, carpenters, painters and many more. They filled their suitcases with all the necessary equipment to carry out the work and left everything there when they returned home. We have so much and they have so little so everything is a huge help. Please Support this very worthy charity.

Christmas Around the Fireside a night of stories, songs and togetherness at Christmas around the open fireside in candle light at Aubane Community Centre happening Thursday 28 December at 8.00 pm All welcome.


Arts & Crafts Showcase

Don’t forget that Millstreet Day Centre will be having an Arts & Crafts Showcase in the Centre

on Sunday 3rd December

@ 12.15pm – 2.00pm.

Pop along for a festive coffee & mince pie & see what the clients of the Day Centre have been busy creating over the past few months.

There will be some items available to purchase on the day also!

Any proceeds made/donations will go directly to Millstreet Day Centre.

All welcome to attend!

Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre on tomorrow Thursday October 5th

There are Social Dance Classes starting in Aubane Community Centre from tomorrow Thursday October 5th  7pm to 9pm, Cost is €7.

For more details contact Dan on 087 9891771