St. Vincent de Paul – Sincere Thanks for Greatly Appreciated Generosity

St. Patrick’s Conference of St. Vincent de Paul wishes to sincerely thank those who very kindly contributed to the recent annual church gate collections in Millstreet, Ballydaly, Cullen, Dromagh, Derrinagree and Kilcorney.   We also wish to express grateful thanks for the private donations received. The  following  are  the  Church  Gate  Contributions  received:

Ballydaly                €344.00
Cullen                 €488.00
Derrinagree           €403.00
Dromagh               €808.00
Kilcorney               €280.00
Millstreet              €3,528.00

Neil Moylan’s Wonderfully Creative Music Project

Musician supreme, Neil Moylan, has shared the following very interesting message with us.    I’ve listened to Neil’s magnificent recording and it’s truly awe-inspiring.    Wishing Neil every success in this wonderfully creative Music Project.  (S.R.)

“I’m just sending out this generic message to try to get some music out there. If you use Spotify I would be deeply grateful if you could follow me at this link I’ve released a single at the cost of €4.00 which is more indicative of the style of music I intend making going forward. It’s a piano, choir and orchestral instrumental arrangement of Radiohead’s song “Karma Police.” Absolutely no obligation whatsoever but it can be found here. I would encourage you to listen to not just mine, but ANY music using decent speakers or headphones. Any music sounds pretty tinny on a mobile handset speaker.”