Tag: New Year
Reviewing Millstreet’s Festive Season
On this Epiphany Day, 6th Jan. 2023 we look back on the past few weeks of Millstreet’s Festive Season where we recall the magnificent Christmas decorations on the many window displays, Christmas Eve Mass with the wonderful Choir, the superb Carol Service by Millstreet BNS and the people we encountered. This and more we share in some 41 images. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)

Upcoming Christmas/New Years Entertainment at The Pub Carriganima
Entertainment Line Up at The Pub in Carriganima for Christmas/New Year Period.
St Stephens Night Monday December 26 – Music with Peter Lane and Blackwater Sound
Wednesday December 28 – Music with Micheál Collins
New Years Eve Saturday December 31st – Christmas Draw and Musical Entertainment
Saturday January 7 – Women’s Christmas Celebrations with Music by Anthony Dineen
Saturday January 14 – Music by Up in Smoke
From all at The Pub in Carriganima we would like to wish all our Customers and Friends a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and we look forward to seeing you over the Christmas Period.
End of 2019 Updates
- Millstreet Pipe Band is scheduled to welcome the New Year at The Square, Millstreet 7pm on this New Year’s Eve. Always a welcoming and uplifting occasion.
- “Radio Treasures” will be broadcast on Cork Music Station tonight 9:30 to 11:00pm featuring the very best of music and song as well as focusing on the Years of the Zero from 1920 to 2010 as we enter 2020 – a Leap Year and the Year of the Olympics.
- Boherbue’s Music Room begins its first programme on this Thursday, 2nd Jan. 2020 with Listeners’ Choice where people are encouraged to bring along a Music CD or two for inclusion in this annual presentation.
Santa’s recent visit to Carriganima…transported by Elf Liam! Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Loyal to Magnificent Millstreet Annual Traditions
Millstreet Parish Choir, Millstreet Pipe Band & All at St. Patrick’s Church maintain a wonderfully loyal tradition at Christmastime and on Welcoming the New Year. Here we share some 12 images illustrating these uplifting customs when we visit the Church on Christmas Eve and The Square on 31st Dec. 2018. A very Happy & Healthy 2019. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Loyal to Magnificent Millstreet Annual Traditions”
Happy New Year to All
This evening, Millstreet Pipe continued their tradition of playing out the old year and playing in the new year. Below is a video of one of their renditions.
We’d just like to thank everyone that tuned in to us, and especially those that helped us in any way in 2018. The very best and a happy 2019 to all near and far. Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arís. 🥂 🎆
Millstreet G.A.A. Club Fun Run/Walk on Tues. 1st Jan. 2019
We thank everyone who supported our Club
in any way during the year
and look forward to meeting you
on our New Year’s Day Walk.

Happy New Year 2018
As is tradition for more than 65 years, Millstreet Pipe Band played their New Year recital last evening despite the rain. We’d like to take this chance to thank everyone who supported millstreet.ie in 2017 by sending posts, photos, and information, by sending us messages, and by simply visiting the site. We wish all Millstreet people, and your families, at home and afar the very best for 2018. Photo below thanks to John Tarrant
[read more …] “Happy New Year 2018”
Looking Back on a Wonderfully Colourful Festive Season in Millstreet & Kilcorney
As the three Wise Men arrive in the Crib and with the marking of Women’s Little Christmas on 6th Jan. 2017 we reach the end of the Festive Season. Here we share a selection of images which illustrate how wonderfully colourful it has been. We view the School Plays, the Weddings, the decorations, the book launch, the Christmas Jumper tradition and much more. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)And here we share further pictures of the Festive Season in Millstreet and Kilcorney (Nativity Play above took place in Kilcorney Church in December 2016.) [read more …] “Looking Back on a Wonderfully Colourful Festive Season in Millstreet & Kilcorney”
Superb Musical Welcome to 2017!
The Team at www.millstree.ie extends every Blessing throughout a very Bright 2017 as we share images of Millstreet Pipe Band welcoming 2017 following 6:30 pm Mass in Millstreet on New Year’s Eve.

And here we share some further images from the annual event which usually takes place in The Square but this year’s took place in the Church Yard of St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. [read more …] “Superb Musical Welcome to 2017!”
Millstreet Welcomes 2016 in Grand Style!

Millstreet Pipe Band To Ring in the New Year at 8 in The Square Tonight
[read more …] “Millstreet Pipe Band To Ring in the New Year at 8 in The Square Tonight”
Millstreet Welcomes 2015!

We thank all our many loyal followers of our Millstreet Website. The encouraging comments we receive have been truly uplifting and it’s clear that the website has now become an important part of Millstreet daily life … at home and abroad. Let us now view some further images from our coverage at the Square Plaza on [read more …] “Millstreet Welcomes 2015!”
Ring out the Old, and Ring in the New

As is tradition, Millstreet Pipe Band will Ring in the New Year in the Square this evening (Wednesday December 31st) at 8pm.
It would be nice to see people come together for this … and it looks like being dry too!
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. [read more …] “Ring out the Old, and Ring in the New”