The Black Mare Ascent to Carrauntoohil



Mary O’Mahony

This is a straight forward route to the summit but I think only on a fine day and with clear visibility! It begins with a walk up the concrete road, so named because it is literally concrete that you are climbing for the first 15 mins. There is an udnerlay of iron underneath this mass of concrete. Some call it the Hydro road. Same route, if you fancy doing the Coomloughra Horseshoe.

The Black Mare Ascent is a very steep climb through a wide gully,

Emerging within 100m of the summit.

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Old Guestbook 2000 – 2009

In the previous version of, there was a Discussion forum where people could leave comments. This is no longer in use, because you can comment everywhere on the blog, but here are the comments that came in regardless.


Discussion Forum


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i am trying to trace the family of cornelius murphy born 1st april 1877 he was born in cullen and registered as living in millstreet his father was denis murphy, mother was mary mahoney .He left in 1898 on the ship pavonia with his brother denis murphy and his cousin mary murphy they were bound for boston america but cornelius got off at liverpool uk and then moved to wales and dont know at this time if his brother and cousin stayed in the uk or continued to boston if anyone has any information please could you contact me [read more …] “Old Guestbook 2000 – 2009”

Regional Report 973 by Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 973 from Mllstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this , rather wet, but very mild Tuesday morning.

There was a great buzz in the town at the weekend with many people home on holidays and others visiting the area. But the Clara Inn was a hive of music, food and good companionship for the retirement party in honour of Davy Twomey, His employer John Buckley , and his co-workers from the building industry as well as family friends and neighbours, gathered to wish the popular Davy many years of well deserved and happy retirement.

[read more …] “Regional Report 973 by Eily Buckley”

Community Fund Awards 2009 – Coomacheo wind farm


Airtricity would like to invite applications from community-based projects/activities in the vicinity of our wind farm at Coomacheo, near Millstreet, Co. Cork The funds will be allocated to projects from all aspects of community but in particular to economic, social, cultural and educational, however preference will be given to projects that have an environmental theme. Preference will also be given to projects which are linked to sustainable local activities.

Closing date for applications is Friday 7th August 2009. Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 30th August 2009.

[read more …] “Community Fund Awards 2009 – Coomacheo wind farm”

Tour of Ireland 2009 is Coming!

On Saturday August 22nd at approx 1:20pm, one hundred and twenty of the worlds best cyclists will pass through Millstreet in Stage 2 of the Tour if Ireland. The cyclists will be coming from Rylane, over Mushera, into Millstreet, out on a loop over Curragh mountain, back to Millstreet, and on to Killarney.

The leading rides are seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong who brings his Astana team to Ireland for the first time, and six times Tour de France stage winner Mark Cavendish (Columbia – HTC), who won three stages here last year, and an amazing six stages in this years Tour de France.

Of course roads will be closed for some short time, but hopefully lots of people will come out and cheer on the cyclists, like previous times the race passed through, when it was known as the Nissan Classic.

Rathcoole Rovers FC

Without doubt, this has been the most successful season ever for double winning Rathcoole Rovers. This memorable year they managed to do what they had been trying to do for the past 8 seasons and went and won 1A.

For Rathcoole home form was a major factor, along with a few wins on the road. Every member of the squad played his part but special mention though for top goalscorer Tadhg Browne, who in a fine season, bagged 33 goals in total, 23 of them in the league.

[read more …] “Rathcoole Rovers FC”

Millstreet storm past Newmarket

MILLSTREET turned on the style in the second half to dispose of Newmarket in the second round to the Kanturk Credit Union Duhallow JAFC played in Boherbue on Monday evening.

Once Millstreet got into their stride upon the resumption, they possessed far too many aces in the pack for a second string Newmarket combination. Newmarket held their own for the opening 30 minutes but after a promising start, they lost their way.

Read the full article here:

Cullen Old Time Threshing

Old Time Threshing & Vintage Rally: – . Brilliant sunshine helped boost the attendance at the 10th revived annual Harvest Afternoon in Cullen on Sun. July 20th. Weather conditions were excellent after the inclement weather conditions of previous weeks, the Lord smiled on us for the occasion with a bright sunny day. This year we again decided to honour our own patron saint by holding it on Laitiarian Sunday. The huge crowd attending was a clear indication of its popularity. The occasion was for the display of vintage machinery including, cars, tractors, steam and stationary engines, which were even bigger and more interesting than last year with a variety of items on display.

In Passing – June 2009

Two Centenaries

Both Drishane and Kilcorney Feis Centenaries were celebrated in a very impressive and memorable manner during May 2009. Over the next few weeks visual records of the historic events will appear on . The “Buίochas” DVD produced for the Drishane Centenary is truly excellent with some rare historic film footage, brilliant editing and production. The pageant which preceded the celebration of Mass at Green Glens on Saturday, 16th May was most memorable and gave a very creative insight into the history of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus. The symbolic features within the setting were so tastefully illustrated such as the symbols of the farm, the brush factory, the missions etc. [read more …] “In Passing – June 2009”

Rathcoole Rovers U14 League Champs

Rathcoole Rovers U14 Won the Cork Schoolboys League Division 3 2008-2009 League title. They improved as the year went on and thoroughly deserved the win with a record of Played 14, Won 12, drawn 1, lost 1, scored 55, conceded only 8 goals. The next season will see them in division 2, where opposition will be stronger, but hopefully they will continue to improve.

The team above is (back row) Robert Kelleher, Donal Linehan, Matthew O’Shea, Alan Murphy, Frank Dineen, Kevin Sheehan, Diarmuid Frazer, Cian Dennehy. (front row) Mark O’Donovan, Kevin Crowley, Denis Breen, Colm Fitzpatrick, Len Murphy (capt) Paul Sheehan, Fachtna Murphy, Alex Buckland. (Click on the photo above for better quality)

British Pipe Band Championships 2009

Cullen Pipe Band.jpg

The Cullen Pipe Band on the 27th of June 2009 competed in the British Pipe Band Championships 2009 in Bandbridge Co Down. The band came 7th out of 24 competing bands.
Back Row (Left to Right) Alan Grace, Andrew Stainthorpe, Arthur Bass, Sean Maloney, Con houlihan, Robert Moriarty, Alan Moriarty, Hugh O Keeffe. Front Row (Left to Right) Margaret Dunn, Tommy Carroll, Conor Sinclair, Ursula O Keeffe, Caitlin Houlihan, Aishling O Riordan, Katelyn Murphy, Brian Kenny, Collette O Connor (pic. Hugh O Keeffe, PRO Cullen Pipe Band)

Principal replacing prefabs with bricks

A MILLSTREET school principal has saved the Dept of Education at least €14.6 million after putting forward a proposal to use grant money to build new classrooms rather than waste it on renting prefabricated units.

Joan O’Mahony recently learned that her proposal will now be rolled out nationwide by the Minister for Education, Batt O’Keeffe who hails from nearby Cullen.

The very humorous principal told The Corkman that Millstreet Convent NS has been allowed use its grant aid of €240,000 to build two new classrooms rather than buying prefabricated units.

“We are a country school and know the value of money, and I could not justify spending €240,000 on prefabricated units when I’d have two fine classrooms for it instead,” said Joan O’Mahony.

The school, with over 200 students, was built during the famine.

Read the full article here:

Millstreet claim county U12 football champions


MILLSTREET added a glorious chapter to its underage ranks on capturing the County U12 B Football Championship by virtue of a thrilling 5-9 to 2-9 victory over Thomas Russells of Kilshannig in Mallow last Sunday night.

At the end of a glorious run, Millstreet emerged as a polished combination, their ferocious desire for victory confirmed on an outstanding team performance and greeted with rapturous acclaim at the full time whistle.

All through the contest, Millstreet put together a terrific work ethic, an assured defence formed an unyielding division, midfield established a firm control and the attack reaped a handsome return of scores.

The determination and the inspiration of the team was matched only by the enthusiasm of the team’s willing band of supporters that saluted Millstreet team captain Thomas Walsh on landing the county trophy.

Delirious supporters welcomed home the new county kingpins to a victory parade. Millstreet Pipe Band led a parade from Minor Row to a reception in the club’s Community Hall.

Club chairman Noel Crowley told those present that everybody was proud of Millstreet’s achievements and the feats of the side had passed their expectations. He thanked the players, management, parents and supporters for their huge encouragement.

Divisional Secretary Steven Lynch congratulated Millstreet on a fantastic win for the club and Duhallow. He applauded the work generated on the promotion of gaelic games in coaching, schools of excellence and summer camps.

The triumphant Millstreet panel consisted of Dylan O’Leary, Alan Murphy, Eric Barrett, Patrick Dineen, Danny Buckley, Sean Og O’Connor, Billy Cronin, Cathal Crowley, Darren Kiely, Shane Hickey, Thomas Walsh, Maura Ellen O’Connor, James Linehan, Alex Lee, Killian Linehan, Bill Kelleher, Danny O’Callaghan, Darragh McSweeney, Conor Corkery, Niall Murphy, Padraig Moynihan, Colm O’Leary, James Cronin, Sean O’Keeffe, Tomasz Ozaist, James O’Connor and Jack Brady.

The team management featured Noel Crowley, William Kiely, Niall Buckley, Jerry Pat O’Leary and Con Linehan.