Aubane Presentation to Denis O’Sullivan

There was a very special night in Aubane on Friday Night last July 19th for Denis O Sullivan marking his retirement after 41 years driving the School Bus in the Locality.

We wish the very best to Denis on his Retirement.


Millstreet Community School TY SVP Youth Conference invite you to a Games Morning

The Games Morning is being hosted by the MCS TY SVP Youth Conference. It will take place on Monday 29th April, 10.30am-12.00pm in Millstreet Parish Centre. 

It is open to all adults. 

Come along and join in draughts, chess, card games, Scrabble and Connect 4. 

There’ll also be home-baked buns, tea, coffee and a chance to chat. 

Feel free to come along for all or part of the time.

Millstreet Community School – “A Celebration of Culture and Inclusion”

The Celebration of Culture and Inclusion is a chance to recognise and celebrate the different countries and cultures that are represented in our school and community.  The evening will feature song, dance, music, poetry and the chance to sample food from many different countries, including Ireland. We will be welcoming a special guest for the event, Dr Manizha Khan.  Dr Khan and her family are originally from Afghanistan.  She is a dentist by profession.  In fact, she was the dean of a dental school in the city of Herat in Afghanistan but she and her family fled to Ireland because their lives were under threat from the regime in the country. Apart from being a dentist in Cork she is also a School of Sanctuary Ambassador and we are delighted she will be able to join us.
Admission is free.  Please feel free to join us for what is sure to be a memorable night.

Gaeilge Grinds

Experienced native Irish teacher Geraldine O Shea will be starting group grinds for students doing higher level 5th year & 6th year Leaving Cert Irish. These grinds are aimed at helping eager students wanting to attain top results in their exams. Excellent typed notes on all areas of the course provided as well as exam questions studied and answered.
Classes will take place in Millstreet and Rathmore depending on demand after school on Mondays or Tuesdays, venue to be confirmed.
Ring 087 9858133 to require further and book, places will become limited so best advice is to book now.

Successful Trip to Lourdes as part of Group 126

The two 5th year students from Millstreet Community School Holly Dunne and Rachel Dineen had a successful trip to Lourdes as part of Group 126 at Easter as helpers with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust.

They have engaged in fundraising activities and with the help of their families and the rest of the Millstreet community and have raised an incredible total of €4147.

Thank you to everyone for your support.

Annual Féile Cheoil – Millstreet Community School

Annual Féile Cheoil

Millstreet Community School

Sunday April 2nd – starting at 11am

Excitement is building for the upcoming Féile Cheoil in Millstreet. This year’s event takes place on Sunday 2nd April and as usual sees a full day’s competitions for under 15s in a range of instrumental, singing and poetry. Competitors from near and far are expected to descend on Millstreet Community School for that chance to perform and even win medals and trophies. A great day’s entertainment is guaranteed. To get a copy of the timetable, please email your request to <email> , or check out millstreet chomaltas on facebook.

Admission is €5 on the door for adults. Competition entries are €3 each. A shop providing teas and coffees, minerals, sandwiches, cakes and confectionery will be run at the venue.

Further details available from <email>

Millstreet Students Going on Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Millstreet students going on Pilgrimage to Lourdes as helpers at Easter 2023

Following a gap of three years, the Irish Pilgrimage Trust are finally able to hold their pilgrimage to Lourdes at Easter 2023.  The other great news is that two 5th year students from Millstreet Community School will be going along as helpers with Group 126. They are Holly Dunne and Rachel Dineen.

The tradition of students from MCS going to Lourdes as helpers with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust goes back ten years or so, but the COVID pandemic brought things to a halt just a month before the 2020 trip was due to take place.

As was the case in the past, the aim is to cover accommodation and travel costs for the two students (€790/person) with all extra funds being passed onto Group 126 (who the girls will be travelling with).  Each group is meant to raise the funds to cover the costs of all the young people with special needs who travel with them to Lourdes.

The first fundraising event are two bake sales which will take place in the Millstreet Parish Centre on Saturday 17th December after the 6.15pm Mass and on Sunday 18th December after the 11.30am Mass.  Your support for these events would be gratefully appreciated.

BT Young Scientist

Steven Lyons,  Cian McCaul and Kieran Duggan…..we are TY students in Millstreet Community School.   We are qualified to the finals of BT Young Scientist exhibition up in Dublin and we would appreciate it if you could share the survey we have attached below to a website…The link will take you straight to the online survey.   We would also like some opinions that you have on our survey.    Thanks!

Information about our survey is at the top of the survey!

BT Young Scientist Project

Our names are Caoimhe O Mahony, Holly Saunders and Rebecca O Sullivan and we are trying to collect data for our BT Young Scientist Project which is titled –
“A statistical analysis into whether modern farming practices are a deterrent to the dung beetle and its ability to positively effect Irish agriculture”.
We would really appreciate if FARMERS over the age of 21 could please complete this survey. It will only take 2 minutes.
If you don’t fit in this category, we would really appreciate if you would share it.

BT Young Scientist Project

Alan Gajkowski and Hugh Keane are TY students at Millstreet Community School.

They are working on a BT Young Scientist Project, to establish potential suitable locations for Anaerobic Digesters in the Republic of Ireland.

They would appreciate it if you could complete this short online survey to further their research.

BT Young Scientist Project

Hi, my name is Bláithín Dennehy and I am a student in Transition Year in Millstreet Community School.

Myself and Aoife Casey are doing project on “ Will turning off a light save a fight” and have qualified for BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.

We aim to investigate whether conserving energy could be a potential cause of conflict within the household and between communities. We want to identify the conflicts between households and communities. Once identified, we will then aim to solve how to reduce this conflict and the impacts it may have.

Bláithín and Aoife.

Follow this LINK to participate in the survey

Biology & Chemistry revision classes

Hi everyone, please be advised of online class times and topics for next week:
Mon 13th Sept 8pm – 9pm BIOLOGY
Topic: Enzymes (Catabolic, Anabolic, pH, Temp & Heat Denaturation Expts including exam questions)
Thurs 16th Sept 8pm – 9pm CHEMISTRY
Topic: History of the Atom (Summary of major discoveries including exam questions)
Please note, first come first served basis up to max of 6 students. Email <email> to book.

Full info:
I am a teacher with 15 years experience in my subjects, and I am starting Leaving Cert online revision in Chemistry and Biology.
A mini topic will be covered in each subject per week, for an hour, via google meet. There will be a maximum of 6 students on the call, possibly less, giving students the opportunity to ask questions if they wish, or if they prefer, they can treat the call more like a lecture.
The mini topics will be exam focussed, so exam papers in whichever subject(s) you are doing are a must, as I will go through exam questions with you, and it would be useful for you to have the papers in front of you to follow along, make notes, highlight etc.
Any revision notes I use on the call will be shared with you via email, and a link for the call will be sent to you in advance. For some topics it may be necessary to draw diagrams or timelines with me, or carry out calculations so please have a notebook, pen, periodic table from your Science and Maths tables, calculator and highlighters to hand.
The topics will not be whole chapters at a time; for example some possible mini topics for Chemistry are:
pH calculations for strong and weak acid and bases
Nuclear equation calculations
Washing soda crystal titration calculations
Le Chatelier’s Principle calculations
Organic Chemistry naming system
Homologous series in organic chemistry one at a time
Difference between atomic orbitals, sub levels and main energy levels, and where is the nucleus in these diagrams?! etc. etc.
And for Biology:
Genetic crosses (5 types)
Ecology calculations
Nephron structure and function
The Heart structure and function
Energy carriers and Pathway 1 of Photosynthesis
Pathway 2 and dark stage of Photosynthesis
Aerobic Respiration glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle etc. etc.
The topic will be advertised in advance on the local FB Notice boards, and if it interests you, you can book your place on the call by emailing me at: <email>
You can pick and choose any mini topics that interest you or that you need a little revision on, and skip any that you are already confident on.
If there is an oversubscription for a topic, this topic can be repeated in a subsequent week, for those who did not get a place on the first call.
The cost is 20 euro per class, please keep an eye on this noticeboard for weekly topics.
Please feel free to share this post, especially with anyone not on FB.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to PM me. 🙂

Class from St Patrick’s College, Millstreet 1964 or maybe 1965

Seán Creedon originally from Rathmore sent in this picture and needs help with filling in the names.   Seán was born in  Gortnagown, which is the townland where the famous City is located and has been working in Dublin now for over 50 years.
Back row: L/r: Donie Hickey (Cullen), Seán Creedon (Rathmore),  Denis O’Connell (Cullen), Tim Burton (Millstreet area), John Hickey (Gneeveguilla).
Middle row: L/r. Garret Hickey, Principal; Tony Shine (Derrinagree), Derry Murphy (Rathmore), Denis Kane (Gneeveguilla), Pat Hickey (Rathmore), Denis McCarthy (Carriganima), Tony Gallagher (Millstreet). Con Kelleher, (Cloghoulabeg, Millstreet), and Joe Garvey (Teacher).
Front row: L/r. T. C. Buckley (Millstreet area), Mick Hickey (Rathmore), Jerry Dennehy (Cullen),   Con O’Connor (Millstreet area), Murty O’Sullivan, RIP (Cullen), Pat Buckley (Millstreet) Leo (?) O’Leary (Millstreet), Jerry O’Riordan (Millstreet area), Donie O’Leary (Rathmore).
We thank Jerry O’Riordan of Ballinatona, Millstreet for helping to further identify the remainder of the names from this most interesting Coláiste Pádraig photograph from the mid 1960s.   Jerry’s extra identifications are in red print.  Jerry himself is one of the Class Members.  We thank Seán Creedon for providing the original image and we are very glad to be able to fill in the blanks from the original picture….And sincere thanks to Hannelie for uploading the feature.  (S.R.)

Irish Leaving Cert Honours Grinds Classes

Irish Leaving Cert Honours Grinds Classes available to eager students wanting to achieve top marks.

Held in Rathmore area by an experienced Kerry native Irish teacher with Oral Irish Examination experience in her own home.

Class 1 : duration 1 hour, covers Paper 1 & 2, excellent H1 typed notes given and sample answers on the poems and stories, essays, debates and Novel covered.

Class 2: duration 1 hour, Irish Oral class, complete top-class preparation for this exam worth 40%, by experienced examiner, excellent typed notes given for the 20 Sraith Phictiúr, the conversation and the poetry reading.

Students have the option to attend 1 or both classes,

€25 per class, limited availability,

Booking is essential to secure a place.

Phone 087 9858133 for further enquiries

Irish Pilgrimage Trust

Ria Buckley and Hannah Keane were due to travel to Lourdes with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust (IPT) on Easter Sunday. However due to the Covid19 situation the trip was cancelled. The girls raised €2,367.50 and they have donated the full amount to the Irish Pilgrimage Trust to support their ongoing work.

The girls would like to thank their parents, families, friends, local community, and everyone who helped to make the quiz and bake sale possible. Furthermore, they would like to thank all the local businesses for their tremendous support and generosity in donating prizes and refreshments.
They would also like to express their gratitude to all those that sponsored them.

Finally a very special thank you to the teachers and staff of Millstreet Community School who were so generous with their time especially, John Magee, Jennifer O’Donoghue, Mary Randles, Denise O’Leary and Marion Buckley.  [read more …] “Irish Pilgrimage Trust”

Second Year Presentation Convent Millstreet 1968-69

With thanks to Carmel for this photo of the 2nd year Presentation Convent Millstreet 1968-69. In the background is St. Patrick’s Church, and to the right of the photo is part of the Presentation Convent which is now the Pastoral Centre [f [read more …] “Second Year Presentation Convent Millstreet 1968-69”

Coffee Morning to mark International Women’s Day 2020 – Wed. 4th March

Tap on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)

“Women Hold up Half the Sky”

To mark International Women’s Day we’d like to invite active retired ladies to a  Coffee Morning in Millstreet Parish Centre on Wednesday 4th March between 10.30am and 12 noon. 

It’ll be a chance for us to have a chat about changes in society through the years and how they have affected women. We’d love to see you there!

From: Millstreet Community School Transition Year Global Citizenship Education group (2019/2020)

MCS Computer Room Refurbishment

Millstreet Community School Parents’ Advisory Committee is raising money for the Computer Room Refurbishment.  The current Computer Room is outdated and the PCs need to be replaced. We hope to replace PCs with Chromebooks and create learning pods as per the plan above. Microsoft Office 365 across the school.  Teachers and students are now collaborating in the digital space using cloud technology.  The proposed new layout of the room will provide us with a space where students can collaborate with one another in groups during class periods.  Their work will then be available to them on the cloud for future consultation and for revision purposes. Help us to realise this vision and future proof our school!
Click the Go Find Me link to Donate.  We are hoping to complete this project before next September!Bright Days Ahead!

Proposed layout of the refurbished computer room

[read more …] “MCS Computer Room Refurbishment”