British Pipe Band Championships 2009

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The Cullen Pipe Band on the 27th of June 2009 competed in the British Pipe Band Championships 2009 in Bandbridge Co Down. The band came 7th out of 24 competing bands.
Back Row (Left to Right) Alan Grace, Andrew Stainthorpe, Arthur Bass, Sean Maloney, Con houlihan, Robert Moriarty, Alan Moriarty, Hugh O Keeffe. Front Row (Left to Right) Margaret Dunn, Tommy Carroll, Conor Sinclair, Ursula O Keeffe, Caitlin Houlihan, Aishling O Riordan, Katelyn Murphy, Brian Kenny, Collette O Connor (pic. Hugh O Keeffe, PRO Cullen Pipe Band)

Principal replacing prefabs with bricks

A MILLSTREET school principal has saved the Dept of Education at least €14.6 million after putting forward a proposal to use grant money to build new classrooms rather than waste it on renting prefabricated units.

Joan O’Mahony recently learned that her proposal will now be rolled out nationwide by the Minister for Education, Batt O’Keeffe who hails from nearby Cullen.

The very humorous principal told The Corkman that Millstreet Convent NS has been allowed use its grant aid of €240,000 to build two new classrooms rather than buying prefabricated units.

“We are a country school and know the value of money, and I could not justify spending €240,000 on prefabricated units when I’d have two fine classrooms for it instead,” said Joan O’Mahony.

The school, with over 200 students, was built during the famine.

Read the full article here:

Millstreet claim county U12 football champions


MILLSTREET added a glorious chapter to its underage ranks on capturing the County U12 B Football Championship by virtue of a thrilling 5-9 to 2-9 victory over Thomas Russells of Kilshannig in Mallow last Sunday night.

At the end of a glorious run, Millstreet emerged as a polished combination, their ferocious desire for victory confirmed on an outstanding team performance and greeted with rapturous acclaim at the full time whistle.

All through the contest, Millstreet put together a terrific work ethic, an assured defence formed an unyielding division, midfield established a firm control and the attack reaped a handsome return of scores.

The determination and the inspiration of the team was matched only by the enthusiasm of the team’s willing band of supporters that saluted Millstreet team captain Thomas Walsh on landing the county trophy.

Delirious supporters welcomed home the new county kingpins to a victory parade. Millstreet Pipe Band led a parade from Minor Row to a reception in the club’s Community Hall.

Club chairman Noel Crowley told those present that everybody was proud of Millstreet’s achievements and the feats of the side had passed their expectations. He thanked the players, management, parents and supporters for their huge encouragement.

Divisional Secretary Steven Lynch congratulated Millstreet on a fantastic win for the club and Duhallow. He applauded the work generated on the promotion of gaelic games in coaching, schools of excellence and summer camps.

The triumphant Millstreet panel consisted of Dylan O’Leary, Alan Murphy, Eric Barrett, Patrick Dineen, Danny Buckley, Sean Og O’Connor, Billy Cronin, Cathal Crowley, Darren Kiely, Shane Hickey, Thomas Walsh, Maura Ellen O’Connor, James Linehan, Alex Lee, Killian Linehan, Bill Kelleher, Danny O’Callaghan, Darragh McSweeney, Conor Corkery, Niall Murphy, Padraig Moynihan, Colm O’Leary, James Cronin, Sean O’Keeffe, Tomasz Ozaist, James O’Connor and Jack Brady.

The team management featured Noel Crowley, William Kiely, Niall Buckley, Jerry Pat O’Leary and Con Linehan.

Millstreet & Around June 2009

Millstreet & Around June 2009

By John F. Kelleher

Millstreet & District Farmers Calf Sale In Aid of St Patrick’s Church Restoration Project

The fundraising venture by Millstreet farmers has beaten the recessionary doom and gloom to donate €24,331 towards their Church Restoration Project.

On Saturday 14th March the Millstreet and district farmers Calf sale in aid of the Millstreet Restoration Fund reached its conclusion with close to hundred calves sold at Macroom Mart

The Proceeds from the sale goes towards the St Patrick’s Church Millstreet Church Restoration Project that’s currently in the height of a major €3 million development. The concept spurred from the Aubane Farm Discussion Group and farmers felt it was the ideal opportunity for those in Millstreet and the surrounding district to support the cause. On Saturday night 23rd April at Millstreet GAA Hall the proceeds from the Calf sale were handed over to the Church Restoration Committee.

Chairman John Twomey “thanked the farmers and those who supported the venture. He also thanked his excellent committee”.

“The additional support of Cork Marts and the Millstreet Parish Restoration Committee ensured everybody was 100 per cent behind our efforts”, he said.

Five collection points allowed calves to be collected at Cloughoula, Ballydaly, Cullen, Aubane and Millstreet and transported by local hauliers to Cork Co-op Mart in Macroom.

“We were delighted to be associated with a task that will be recalled and perhaps repeated again”, said Macroom Mart representative Tim McSweeney.

Richie O’Connor presented a cheque for €24,331 to Millstreet Parish Priest Canon Declan O’Connor. Denny Lane Chairman of the Church Restoration Committee also expressed his thanks to everyone who was part of the Calf Sale and he said they would welcome any other fundraising ideas. Canon Declan O’Connor also spoke on the work that has already been done on the church and he also expressed his thanks to everyone who supported the venture and to the committee who organised the Calf Sale. “A marvelous amount of money has been collected from this venture” Jerry Buckley from the Church Restoration Committee gave an account of the work that has been done on church to date.

Mt Brandon and Sister


The 952m mountain and it s dramatic sister the 840 Brandon Peak are flanked by water to the North, East and South. There are multiple approaches to the mountain. Brandon peak to the left above seems higher than Brandon itself. St. Brendan is the patron Saint of Kerry and so this mountain is named after him. We went by Faha, east of the mountain. Turn left on a minor road, where you can park beside renovated cottages.

[read more …] “Mt Brandon and Sister”

Presentation Sisters, Millstreet

Since the Presentation Order arrived in Millstreet in 1840 the Sisters have so very generously provided all-important education at both Primary and Post-Primary level for generations of Millstreet people and beyond.  (The very fact that I can type this section of our Millstreet website is entirely thanks to the late Sr. Assisi Fitzgerald, a Presentation Sister from Tralee who spent her religious life in Millstreet Convent and  who was a true expert in teaching the art of typing!)  Their influence has been enormous on our local community as they shared the Christian vision of their renowned foundress,  Nano Nagle.

Our pictures relate to a special commemorative day in the 1980s at Ballygriffin near Mallow, the home of Nano Nagle.

We also view Sr. Celestine near the portrait of Nano.

In 1993 the “Cork Examiner” took the picture of the Millstreet Presentation Community as they watched Niamh Kavanagh win the Eurovision Song Contest.

We extend our heartfelt best wishes to the Presentation Community on the Order’s  Feast Day which in on Sunday, 21st November, 2004.

We thank Sr. Mercedes for the following text which provides an excellent insight into the spirit of the Presentation Order:

A Little Girl Grew Here

A little girl grew here

For her, brownstone house was home,

Its fireside love and peace.

The blossoming hedgerows sang freedom,

The rivers told stories of places far away,

While beyond, dreaming mountains called.

(R. Consedine 1983)

Nano Nagle, foundress of the Presentation Congregation

on 24th December, 1775

Nano belongs to Ballygriffin, Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland.   We know that she was born there in 1718, the eldest child in a family of seven of Garrett and Ann Nagle.   We remember them now.   A plaque marks the place where their home stood, looking out on the very beautiful landscape.   It is easy to believe that Nano would have been such a child of wonder as she played there and touched, tasted and smelled the various creations of the natural world around her.   It takes little effort to discover that, in the gentle care of her parents, she knew the happiness of childhood and by them she was taught to take her first steps in the love of God (T.J. Walsh).   She was of an exuberant, enthusiastic disposition, which proved too much for her mother sometimes!   Her father had other thoughts and declared emphatically “Poor Nano will be a saint yet” (Coppinger 1974).    It was in Ballygriffin also that Nano was nurtured through the uncertainties, sorrows, risks and dangers of 18th Century Ireland.   Must not a seed of grief have taken root in her heart, grief that even one of God’s children should be oppressed, deprived or hungry?

Who are you, little girl Nano?

What will you make of your inheritance?

Where will your heart find its pathway?

The seed sown in Ballygriffin and bearing abundant fruit later in her life, attracted Nano totally to the person of Jesus and revealed how sensitively and deeply affected she became by the awful situation of poverty of people around her.   Dr. Coppinger (1784) wrote of her:  “In her schools, ever laborious, patient, vigilant and judicious, she studied the dispositions of her pupils, the degree of capacity they possessed;  she adapted her instructions accordingly;  she watched their countenances which long experience had taught her to read, and proceed or turned back, or explained or repeated, as she found them impressed by what she said”.   What great gentleness and compassion from a heart with its roots in her Ballygriffin childhood experience!  Her way of relating to the children expresses the spirit of a woman aware of God’s love being poured into the hearts of all people by the Holy Spirit.

Presentation Sisters went “to the ends of the Earth” and responded to basic human problems.    Nano died on 26th April, 1784.   She had led such a life that it can only be done justice to by saying that it was the Gospels perfectly translated to practice.

Let us continue to pray for her Canonization one day.

Millstreet take Duhallow u12 Football title

A sharper Millstreet regained the Duhallow on a merited win over Kanturk in the Duhallow U12B Football Championship Final played in Newmarket.

From a competitive encounter, Millstreet didn’t have matters all of their own way but a better balanced team effort landed the ultimate spoils. However weren’t it for a series of magnificent saves in both halves by Millstreet ‘keeper Dylan O’Leary, Millstreet might well had been troubled early in the game.

Defences dominated a low scoring opening twenty minutes before Millstreet proceeded to raise the tempo. Darren Kiely kicked a trio of points before Shane Hickey netted a goal to allow Millstreet enjoy a 1-4 to 0-2 advantage at the break. Kanturk resumed with renewed urgency yet they had reason to regret some wasted possession and the heroics of Dylan O’Leary between the Millstreet posts thwarted their efforts.

Millstreet held the facility to respond and a delightful chipped goal from Thomas Walsh appeared good enough for Millstreet to record a comprehensive win.

Kanturk never gave up and a late flourish yielded a pair goals that came too late to alter the outcome.

Millstreet lined out as Dylan O’Leary, Alan Murphy, Eric Barrett, Patrick Dineen,
Danny Buckley, Sean Og O’Connor, Billy Cronin, Cathal Crowley, Darren Kiely,
Shane Hickey, Thomas Walsh, Maura Ellen O’Connor, Bill Kelleher, James Linehan, Killian Linehan.

Presentation National School Fundraising


These two images introduce us to a new webpage which will outline the building programme at the school, the fund-raising efforts, the progress of the actual building and how the challenging task is being addressed with courage and inspiring dedication.


A dedicated team of helpers (mainly parents of children who are, have or will be attending the school) preparing the fund-raising literature at Presentation N.S., Millstreet on Tuesday, 2nd june 2009.

Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe on Tuesday, 2nd June 2009 reviews progress of the current Building Programme at Presentation N.S., Millstreet. Regular updates will appear on the rapid advancement of the important project.

The Presentation Sisters provided education for the children of Millstreet since the 1840’s. The first school was built as a result of strong conviction, great courage and tremendous sacrifice. Since then, generations of parents continued to make sacrifices for the good of their children. Today, that faithful tradition continues in the people of Millstreet. It is also reflected in the school staff, as they strive to continue working in the spirit of Nano Nagle who said: “Look after the children.”

[read more …] “Presentation National School Fundraising”

Trek to Base Camp Mt. Everest

Start 26.04.09 Finish 9th May 2009

DAY 1 – Kathmandu

KATHMANDU: Arrival in Kathmandu.
Kathmandu is a fascinating almost medieval city full of extraordinary temples, monuments, and colorful street life. There are endless small streets jam packed with stalls selling cloth, pots and pans, spices, souvenirs, saris and a myriad of other merchandise. Scooters carrying families of 5, bicycles, taxis and pedestrians all compete for space and there is always something to marvel at. It was a shock initially as we were being drive through the streets of Kathmandu from the airport I was not expecting the streets to be so small or the people either!

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[read more …] “Trek to Base Camp Mt. Everest”

U14 Hurling win Duhallow title


Millstreet captured the Duhallow U14B Hurling championship title by virtue of a 4-10 to 1-5 triumph over Newmarket in Lismire.

From a game of two contrasting halves, Millstreet sprang into action upon the resumption to dictate matters. Little separated the sides in the opening spell, an early Newmarket goal answered by Robert Kelleher that helped to keep Millstreet in the frame to trail 1-5 to 1-4 at the break.

With the backing of the fresh breeze, Milstreet proceeded to dominate matters and two goals in quick succession from Robert Kelleher and Lyn Murphy confirmed their superiority.

There was no denying Millstreet upperhand and the issue was put beyond doubt from a fourth goal netted by Daniel O’Brien.

Millstreeet lined out as Eoin O’Callaghan, Donal Lenihan, Gavin Sheehan, Sean O’Donoughue, Beircheart O’Connor, Alan Murphy, Cian Dennehy, Lyn Murphy, Paul Sheehan, Mark O’Donovan, Diarmuid Fraser, Tomas Sheehan, Tadgh O’Callaghan, Daniel O’Brien, Robert Kelleher. Subs. Donal O’Connor, Rory O’Connor.

Minor hurlers enjoy County success


Millstreet savoured the taste of victory in the Co. non exam minor hurling league 12 aside final by overcoming Courcey Rovers 2-10 to 1-6 played in Ovens. The contest was delayed 15 minutes owing to rain sheeting down on the proceedings. Despite the slippery conditions, there could be no disguise the superiority of Millstreet.

All through, Millstreet hurled with the greater confidence and that was good enough to keep the Carrigdhoun side at bay. Owing to the conditions, scoring was at a premium early on and the prematch cloudburst ensured the early exchanges were bereft of free flowing hurling.

However Millstreet’s cause was boosted in the 9th min on a probing delivery by Michael Vaughan saw Michael Murphy get a stick to flick to the Courceys net.

A follow up point from Barry O’Reilly confirmed Millstreet’s stature. Courceys did open their account yet all the initiative stemmed and drive stemmed from Millstreet. They kept a foothold on the game thanks to the tenacious play of Dean Desmond, Tim Fitzgerald, Mark Ellis, Michael Vaughan and Darren Sheehan.

Two points in quick succession to Vaughan confirmed Millstreet’s supremacy yet they were jolted on a Courceys goal. However, Millstreet bounced back immediately and though Michael Vaughan was denied of a possible goal, Michael Murphy was on hand to steer the rebound home.

ourceys did answer to narrow the arrears 2-3 to 1-3 at the break.

Millstreet took up the running upon the resumption on quick fire points by Michael Murphy and Darren Sheehan.

Courceys attempted a comeback yet all they could show to their interval tally was three pointed frees. Territorially, Millstreet dominated and though some wayward shooting limited progress, their persistence paid off with points from Michael Vaughan, Darren Sheehan and David McCaul.

Millstreet lined out as Pa Rohan, Jamie Kelleher, Dean Desmond, Tim Fitzgerald, Mark Ellis, Liam Curtin, David McCaul, Barry O’Reilly, Michael Vaughan, Darren Sheehan, John Buckley, Michael Murphy. Sub. Tony Cronin.

Drishane Photos & Centenary Info

A summer walk on this past Sunday (10th May 2009) through Drishane Estate serves to remind us of the very historic Centenary Celebrations marking the arrival of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus to Drishane in 1909.
Full details of the Drishane Cemetery commemoration and further events on this Friday night as well as the Centenary Celebration at Green Glens on this forthcoming Saturday (16th May) may be found on . The people of Millstreet and beyond extend heartfelt and sincere best wishes to the Drishane Sisters on this very special historic occasion. (Seán Radley for

Out and About April 2009

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Sr. Barbara Bowe, Chicago, U.S.A. on a recent visit to Drishane, Millstreet guided by yours truly. Sr. Barbara was tracing her Dinneen Family roots in the Millstreet area. (Picture: Seán Radley)
[Sadly, Sr. Barbara Bowe, a Sacred Heart Sister, passed away in March the following year  (December 1st 1945-March 14th 2010)]

A recent meeting of the Millstreet Branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society joined by Kerry Diocesan visitors at Millstreet Presbytery. (Picture: Seán Radley)

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Siobhán Carroll (nee Hickey) presenting Matron Lena Kelleher with the impressive cheque resulting from the recent very successful launch of Kit Hickey’s CD and Video in aid of St. Joseph’s Community Hospital Fund, Millstreet.

[read more …] “Out and About April 2009”

Results of the Clara Mountain Run 20 Apr 2009

Results of the Clara Mountain Run (20 Apr 2009) from the Irish Mountain Running Association website:

1 Sean Twomey 1262 M 32:33:00 100.00% Gneevegui… Kerry Munster Ireland
2 Donal Coffey 1258 M 32:49:00 100.00% Millstreet Cork Munster Ireland
3 Thomas Blackburn 1203 M40 33:07:00 101.00% Bilboa AC Limerick Munster Ireland
4 Keith Ryan 1257 M40 33:44:00 103.00% Limerick Limerick Munster Ireland
5 Kieran Collins 1202 M 34:52:00 107.00% Leevale Cork Munster
6 Mike Cunningham 1242 M40 35:14:00 108.00% Bilboa AC Limerick Munster Ireland
7 Ger Griffin 1207 M50 36:40:00 112.00%

8 Richard O’Connor 1260 M 37:40:00 115.00%
Cork Munster Ireland
9 David McBride 1250 M 38:09:00 117.00%
Kerry Munster Ireland
10 Dermot Murphy 59 M 38:31:00 118.00% Clonliffe… Kildare Leinster Ireland
11 Denis Finn 1272 MJ 39:19:00 120.00% Duhallow

12 Joe Aherne 1235 M50 39:56:00 122.00% Bilboa AC Limerick Munster
13 Carol Finn 1241 F 41:05:00 126.00% Duhallow AC Cork Munster Ireland
14 Frantisek Neupauer 1254 M40 41:07:00 126.00%

15 Gayle Finn 1239 FJ 42:18:00 129.00% Duhallow AC Cork Munster Ireland
16 Donnchadh �’Donnabh�in 1201 M 42:19:00 130.00%

17 Sean O’Keeffe 1269 M 43:36:00 133.00%

18 Majella Diskin 1253 F50 43:44:00 134.00% Tralee Mo… Kerry Munster Ireland
19 Loretto Duggan 1218 F 43:57:00 135.00% St. Marys… Clare Munster Ireland
20 Leenhardt Fanny 1266 F 44:22:00 136.00%

21 Pat Rodgers 1255 M 45:12:00 138.00%

22 Dermot Moran 1228 M50 45:13:00 138.00% West Wate… Galway Connaught
23 Grainne Lynch 1261 F 45:46:00 140.00%
Cork Munster Ireland
24 Mary Finn 1238 F40 46:03:00 141.00% Millstreet Cork Munster
25 Patrick O’Riordan 1259 M40 46:08:00 141.00% West Lime… Limerick Munster
26 Padraig Cohalan 1267 M 46:51:00 143.00%

27 Vivian O’Gorman 221 M50 47:06:00 144.00%
Dublin Leinster Ireland
28 Ted Feehan 1251 M60 48:34:00 149.00%
Cork Munster
29 Richard Lenihan 1256 M50 48:41:00 149.00% West Lime…

30 May Glent 1271 M50 48:49:00 149.00% Guennevil…

31 Tina Reed 1390 F40 49:15:00 151.00% R�ocht

32 Paul Gardiner 1265 M 50:13:00 154.00%

33 Joe Laffan 1264 M60 50:40:00 155.00% Limerick Limerick Munster Ireland
34 Janca Sobecova 1252 F40 51:13:00 157.00%

35 Barthalomew Kearney 1268 M50 54:48:00 168.00% Leevale Cork Munster
36 Kathleen Aherne 1263 F50 56:06:00 172.00% Bilboa AC

37 Charlie O’Connell 180 M70 68:45:00 211.00% Sportsworld Dublin Leinster Ireland

Scór Quiz Winners

Cappoquin hosted the Munster Scór Sinsear Finals and Millstreet made the trip to the Waterford venue to regain their provincial question time title with a team of Liam Flynn, Pat Sheehan and John Tarrant. Victory gained Millstreet their fifth Munster title in eleven years and the team goes forward to represent Cork in the All Ireland Finals in the INEC, Killarney next month. Scor
Cappoquin hosted the Munster Scór Sinsear Finals and Millstreet made the trip to the Waterford venue to regain their provincial question time title with a team of Liam Flynn, Pat Sheehan and John Tarrant. Victory gained Millstreet their fifth Munster title in eleven years and the team goes forward to represent Cork in the All Ireland Finals in the INEC, Killarney next month. (John Tarrant)

Aubane Notes March 2009

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Mrs O’Mahony Clondrohid, Tom Dineen Clondrohid, Teresa Mc Carthy Kilmeedy & Mairead O’Rahilly Kilcorney.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Caroline & Kevin Creedon Carrigaline on the birth of their baby boy.

Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the Aubane Social Club will be held in the Aubane Community Centre on the 18th March commencing at 9.00 p.m Sharp. New Members welcome to attend.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm

Annual Christmas Morning Climb Supports St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund

The Aubane Social Club took time to time acknowledge a fundraising venture from one of it familiar hostings. All the participants in the club’s annual sponsored Mountain Climb which took place on Christmas Day morning were applauded for venturing out in great numbers to support the traditional staging and helping the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund.

Aubane Social Club’s Gerard Mc Sweeney commended the close on 150 participants who made it the most successful undertaking by the club. The brilliant weather added to the occasion in a venture growing in success supported by record numbers. This mountain climb on Christmas Morning has been ongoing now for over thirty years with a different charity benefiting each year. Last Year Marymount Hospice benefited from the proceeds of the climb but this year our beautiful historic St Patrick’s Church in Millstreet benefited. A cheque for €3,500 was presented by club member Sonya O’Riordan to Denis Lane Chairman of the St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund Denis Lane said that he was no stranger to the Aubane area as it was where he was born and reared and his late mother Hannie Lane was a member of the Aubane Social Club for many years. Mr Lane expressed gratitude for the generous contribution which will go towards enchancing and restoring the Church. Cannn Declan O’Connor also thanked the Aubane Social Club and the participants of the climb. The photographs of the climb can be viewed on A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy & Mary Annakettel who filmed the climb from Dermot Healy’s Helicopter which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night which was an excellent programme. A special word of thanks to you all who climbed and those of you who subscribed to this worthy fund.

Presentation of €15,400 to Jonathon Irwin CEO of the Jack & Jill Foundation:

In October Billy & Ellen Sheehan proprietors of the Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet joined forces with the Aubane Social Club and a number of local businesses to raise the money for the Jack & Jill Foundation. A representative from the Millstreet Youth Club also presented a cheque from the proceeds of their Halloween Party. The staff from Supervalu in Millstreet also raised money for this fund by hosting an instore event where the staff dressed up in costumes for the day. On Friday 21st January the cheque for €15,400 was presented to Jonathon Irwin the founder of the Jack & Jill Foundation in the Wallis Arms. As part of his visit for the presentation of the cheque, Jonathon Irwin CEO of the Jack & Jill Foundation asked families in Cork & Kerry to donate their old mobile phones to buy more home nursing care for terminally ill children and children with severe neurological delay aged 0-4 years old being cared at home. There are 50 Jack & Jill babies in the Cork & Kerry Border today and up to 300 nationwide. Mr Irwin reminded people that 250 old mobile phones can buy home nursing care for a sick child a month. Mobile phones can be handed into the Wallis Arms. Billy Sheehan said that Eilin Ni Mhurcu is the Jack & Jill Liason nurse who covers both counties. Mr Irwin thanked everyone who helped raise this huge amount money for the Jack & Jill Foundation. The Aubane Social Club & Billy & Ellen Sheahan of the Wallis also expressed a special word thanks to everyone who made this event an outstanding success. . For further information on the Jack & Jill Foundation log on to

John F. Kelleher

March 2009

Young boxers show their fighting spirit

TWO young Millstreet boxers gave it their all in a terrific campaign of fantastic endeavour only to be denied All-Ireland glory in the National Juvenile Championships. Both Seán Óg O’Connor and Eric Barrett are in their debutant season with Rylane Boxing Club and came close to securing outright honours. Seán Óg began his quest in the Boys 1 33kg grade on comprehensive wins over Jack Daly (Riverstown) and Patrick McDonough(Leeside) to capture county accolade.

And the momentum was maintained in the Munster campaign, Seán Óg to the fore in a marvellous provincial final against Patrick Doyle from Clonmel.

[read more …] “Young boxers show their fighting spirit”

Aubane Notes January 2009

By John F. Kelleher


We extend our deepest sympathy to the families, relatives and friends of the following who died recently Nonie Lane late of Aubane & Doneraile, Kitt Buckley Glenleigh Kilcorney, Tom Dowling Killarney, Millstreet & Charleville, Sean Buckley Kilcorney, Nora Leader Kilcorney, Noreen Dennehy Millstreet, Denny Cashman Tullig, Joan Courtney Islandahill, Mary Kelleher (Nee Kelleher) Clondrohid & late of Aubane, Sr Tecla Kelleher Cork, Michael Keating Killarney, Bridie Kelleher Ballyclough, and Treasa Moynihan Ballymakeera.

Ar dheis De go a raibh a namam dillis


Congratulations to Noreen Lane Newmarket & Shane O’Donoghue who were married on the 6th December

Annual Christmas Party
The Annual Mass and Senior Citizens’ party took place on Thursday 18th December in the Aubane Community Centre recently and was well attended by the local people. The Celebrants at the Mass were Canon Declan O’Connor PP and Fr James Mc Sweeney helped by a group from the Millstreet Church Choir. Following the mass, the party was held and patrons were entertained by a group from Ceomhaltas Ceoltoirí Eireann who played music and sang, and were joined by people from the crowd who gave renditions of their own songs. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make sure it was a thoroughly enjoyable night especially The Millstreet Choir, Ceolthois Ceoltoiri Eireann and to all the Aubane Social members who helped out on the night.

Christmas Morning Climb
The Christmas morning tradition of walking up a Mushera mountain took place again on Christmas Day Morning. This year the Sponsorship Proceeds of the climb were in aid of St Patrick’s Church Restoration Fund. At 10:30am the first group headed off from St John’s Well, while more were tackling the slightly easier route up along the wire by at the Millstreet Country Park. It was a beautiful fresh crisp morning, but I believe they could see what lay ahead of them, the dense fog on top of the mountain From a distance was the sound of a helicopter which really surprised the climbers as the fog was very dense and some people thought he didn’t realize he was so near the mountain. When the helicopter landed on board was the Pilot Dermot Healy from Killarney & the LTV2 film crew Sean Murphy & Mary Anketell who interviewed the participants of the Climb. It’s the first time ever a helicopter landed on Mushera Mountain on Christmas Morning. So after about an hour of moving uphill at peoples own pace, they got to the top at about 11:30. There were already a few dozen hardy souls plus a few dogs at the cross before them. By the time everyone had landed in the next half an hour, there were over One Hundred or so cheerful souls on top. After a few photos’ and a good long chat, they headed back for base. A special word of Thanks to Sean Murphy & Mary Annakettel who filmed the climb which was shown on LTV2 on Christmas Day Night which was an excellent programme.

Thanks to each and every one of you who climbed the Mountain on the day. For pictures of the day log on to taken by Fr James Mc Sweeney.

Santa Claus Visited Aubane:
On Sunday 14th December Santa Claus visited all the boys and girls at the Aubane Community Centre. Santa arrived in great syle in a BMW after his sleigh broke down just outside Aubane. He received a warm reception from the crowd. He met all the children there and got notice of what they all wanted for Christmas! They all got a early gift from santa,and were asked to be good, and were delighted with themselves.
There was also a bouncy castle, teas & biscuits for everyone. Thanks to all the people that helped and to our Club Members Don O’Riordan and his wife Sonya who put the day together, and especially to Santa who took the time out of his amazing schedule to be with us for a few hours. Thanks to everyone who attended despite the bad weather conditions. Also special word of Thanks to those who gave us sponsorship, Bernard Crowley from LTV2 who filmed the event and to John O’Sullivan for supplying the Bouncing Castle.

Set Dancing:
The weekly set dancing at the Aubane Community Centre continues every Monday night. All the best Polka sets and Hornpipes are promised in the lively sessions. The dancing on the floor commences at 9.15 pm.

Around The Fireside

On December 30th a night of storytelling and singing took place in Aubane Community Centre around a nice homely warm fireside. A large crowd almost over eighty people gathered from far and wide to participate in both song and storytelling. Music was provided by local musicians and was enjoyed by all. In May another night will be held so watch this spot for the date. Thanks to all the singers and musicians who participated in this great annual get together.

American Tea Party

On Saturday 29nd November the Aubane Social Club hosted an American Tea Party at the Millstreet GAA Hall in Aid of the Aubane Community Centre Refurbishment Fund. Natural Gas entertained the crowd on the night. A huge crowd attended on the night. A special word of Thanks to who hosted tables and those who came on the night to support this event. Also Thanks to our sponsors, to the GAA Hall Committee who provided us with the venue and to Billy & Ellen Sheehan the Wallis Arms who provided us with tables & chairs.

Dancing Classes:
Dancing Classes have now commenced in the Aubane Community Centre since Tuesday 13th January and will continue every Tuesday night from 8.30 to 9.30 pm. If anyone is interested please contact Eileen O’Riordan or Gerdie Buckley for further details-.

As Secretary of the Aubane Social Club I would to thank you all who supported us by attending our different events which we held during 2008 or those who helped us in anyway. It is very much appreciated and we hope to see you all again in 2009.

Happy New Year to you All!!