A phone was lost between the Wallis Arms and the owner’s car which was parked in The Square, today, Sunday January 2nd. If found, please contact 086-8367196
Tag: Lost & Found
Wallet Lost
A JCB wallet was lost in Millstreet yesterday between the train station and Killowen. It contained IDs, a covid certificate, and some money.
If found please contact 0830529857.
Pick up wheel and frame off McHale baler lost
Lost Rosary Beads
Lost: Men’s Black Rosary Beads in the general area of The Town Park, Tubrid, Clara Road, Singelton’s Hill and the town itself.
If found, please contact 087 2526485.
Mobile Phone Lost in Town Today
A Mobile Phone was lost in town today
some time between 1:15 and 3pm
It’s a black phone inside a black case
If you know where it is, please contact 087 799 7825
Ring Found in Millstreet
I found a ring today in Millstreet Friday 3rd January , if you pm me with a description, I can get it back to you. Regards…. Jane Weekes [f]
Renault Car Key Found
Audi car keys found in Kilcorney
Phone found in Wordsworth
A phone was found in Wordsworth today (Friday Nov. 15th). It’s a Uniwa (possibly an elderly persons phone). Contact Niamh at Wordsworth.
Dentures Found at Lackabawn Millstreet
Dentures were recently found at Lackabawn, Millstreet. Enquiries – Jimmy at 029 21963
Set of Keys for a Toyota
A set of keys for a Toyota were found today on the Kilcorney Road just outside Millstreet. Please can contact Dan on 087 2680011 if they are yours.
Quadcopter Found
Lost Stuffed Animal
Fitbit Found
A Fitbit was found in the West End Car Park, today after 3pm.
Phone 086 8582142
Key found near Dairygold
A key was found in the vicinity of Dairygold on Saturday night.
Enquiries to Millstreet Garda Station.
Missing Stone in Engagement Ring
The centre stone on an engagement ring was lost in in town today. Reward offered. Contact 086-1721142 or <email>
Key Found on Clara Mountain – Now Collected at Millstreet Post Office
Delighted to report that the Key found on Clara Mountain has now been collected by its thrilled owner who saw our notice on the website. We thank Margaret and Noreen at the Post Office for sharing the uplifting news. The original notice:
This key was handed into Millstreet Post Office on this Thursday (30th May 2019) having been found on Clara Mountain. The Owner of the key may collect it at the Post Office. We thank Margaret and Noreen for alerting us to the found object. (S.R.)

Electronic Gadget Found
Mike found the below electronic gadget was found at the Pitch and Putt course, near the gate that leads into the GAA pitch. We don’t know what it is, but would like to return it to its owner. [fb]
Fitbit Lost
Fitbit lost last evening. If found, please contact Catriona (via Facebook Messenger)
New Safety Net for Trampoline Found Today at Killarney Road Millstreet
Wedding Ring Lost
Gold plain wedding ring lost in Millstreet
on Tuesday 19th March
Please contact 0861565486 if found.
Drone Found at Station Road
Lost Wedding Band
Hi, I lost a wedding band in the vicinity of the Millstreet GAA Club on Saturday evening. I had just finished the Slí Gealteacht Mhuscraí race. I had it after my shower but not in the car on the way home so it must have come off between the shower block the GAA clubhouse and the adjacent car park. If you hear of a ring being found you might let me know on 087-0567664. It is inscribed on the inside. – Dave
Bracelet lost last Saturday Night
I lost this bracelet in Millstreet Saturday night. It’s part of a set. If you find it please let me know (on Facebook). I would appreciate that very much. Thank you, Therese.
Key found at the Church this Week
A key found in the vicinity of the Church during the week. Contact the Parish Office: 029-70043
Kitten Found on Saturday Night in Millstreet
Update: the Kitten which was found is now happily back in his home
A black friendly kitten was found in the car park of Millstreet Day Care Centre on Saturday (22nd Sept. 2018) at 8.30 (approx.). Enquiries to 029 71802. (S.R.)
Lost Phone This Saturday Evening in Millstreet
We’ve just been alerted regarding a missing phone – A black Samsung S4, lost between Clara Road and AIB, cracked screen, priceless photos, lost after 7pm tonight (Saturday, 1st Sept. 2018). Any information to our comment line here please or one may email millstreetmuseum @eircom.net and we shall pass on any relevant information. Sincere thanks. (S.R.)
Jewellery Found in the Water at Tubrid Well
An item of jewellery found in the water in Tubrid Well last Friday.
For details, please contact Millstreet Parish Office: 029-70043 / 087-7752948
Jewellery Found in Millstreet Church
Update: Returned to owner 🙂
A piece of jewellery was found in Millstreet Church following weekend Masses.
Contact Parish Office (029) 70043.
Stray White Cat in Mount Leader Estate Area of Millstreet