On this Tuesday – 7th Feb. 2023 – preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme with focus on a splendid Archival Show with the focus on Millstreet National Monument Committee at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear after the Maureen Henry Show on Sunday night just after 10.30pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.10 to 11.30pm on Cork Music Station. Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number. Tonight’s programme includes a special Interview at 10pm recorded in Ballinhassig last Friday night which features among others Ireland’s youngest Co. Councillor – Cllr. Ben Dalton O’Sullivan – as well as lots of uplifting songs, music, musings and requests….and lots of great Interviews. We chat about the images below. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] ““Radio Treasures” from 9.10 to 11.30pm on CMS Tonight Includes Ballinhassig Interview”
Day: February 7, 2023
AGM of Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club This Friday at 8pm
Job Vacancy
Millstreet Library – Events for the week
Eily’s Report – 7th February
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.
We mustn’t drag our feet, he first week of Spring in already gone and I wonder what have we got to show for it. Since covid, I think we’re still trying to find ourselves. It’s amazing how those couple of years disturbed our focus on/of things and it is not easy to get them back in line, but there is no place better to start than at the Spring time of another year. Having a new Bank Holiday to coincide with the feast day of St. Bridget is already a great bonus. With new St. Bridget Crosses in place in the home and a day off on the Monday is enough to kick start anybody who is looking to the future with hope and determination. We have no further to go than the garden to find just that. I often wonder, how do they do it, how do the little daffodils and the blue bells force their way up through the unyielding sod at the same time every year. In spite of all the unfriendly months that we have come through they are standing up proud and tall and ready to bloom and brighten our lives for many months ahead, until all the Spring flowers follow in their lead. Already the people who write about gardening in magazines and papers are advising the those who are more adventurous than me to put their seed potatoes in boxes now where they will send out strong sprouts and be ready for planting out when the time is right. We all have little bags and tins full of seeds of flowers and shrubs which we either saved ourselves or got them from friends last Autumn and it will fill our fine days to prepare receptacles for them in the hope that they will grow and flourish with the passage of time.
Millstreet Monument Committee Feature on Radio Programme
Several years ago members of Millstreet Monument Committee

and Friends travelled to Freemount Heritage Centre to participate in the recording of a special radio programme in the “Round the Fireside” series with Jimmy Reidy. Tonight at 8pm on Cork Music Station Jimmy Reidy has made this archival programme available (firstly repeated in 2020) and is being broadcast in memory of the late Tom Meaney as well as the late Tadhg Crowley and the late Conchubhar Ó hÉalaithe – all of whom feature in the programme. Also participating in the recording is Joan O’Mahony, Dan Joe O’Keeffe, Jerry Lehane, Séamus Buckley (providing the music) and other Guests. We happen to be there also video recording for an LTV2 Millstreet Programme. If tonight you happen to miss this special radio programme in the “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” series there will also be a repeat of the Programme at 10.45pm (approx.) on this Sunday following the Maureen Henry Show. Following this Programme is the weekly “Radio Treasures” Show with a special Ballinhassig Interview at 10pm.(S.R.)