Magnificent Musical Drama “Patrick” in Rathmore this Weekend

We thank John O'Sullivan for alerting us to this highly significant 1916 Play in Rathmore. An extra performance (due to the enormous interest in the production) has been added for Monday night. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
We thank John O’Sullivan and John Wall for alerting us to this highly significant 1916 Play in Rathmore. An extra performance (due to the enormous interest in the production) has been added for Monday night, 25th April 2016. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
The Kitchen Scene being rehearsed with (from left) Brian O'Leary, Mary O'Leary, Margaret O'Sullivan and John O'Sullivan.
The Kitchen Scene being rehearsed with (from left) Brian Hickey, Mary Hickey, Margaret O’Sullivan and John O’Sullivan.
The soldiers are lead by John O'Sullivan playing Dan Dennehy They are mostly made up of the Glenflesk Men's Choir with additional Voluntary support !!!
The soldiers are led by John O’Sullivan playing Dan Dennehy.  They are mostly made up of the Glenflesk Men’s Choir with additional Voluntary support!

Magnificent “Donna Mia” Production at Millstreet Community School

A truly superb production of "Donna Mia" continues this Thursday and Friday nights at 8pm at Millstreet Community School with superbly professional musical and dancing routines by the supremely talented Transition Year Students.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
A truly superb production of “Donna Mia” continues this Thursday and Friday nights at 8pm in Millstreet Community School with superbly professional musical and dancing routines by the supremely talented Transition Year  Students.   Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

22Donna Mia at Millstreet Comm. School 10th Dec. 2014 -80021Donna Mia at Millstreet Comm. School 10th Dec. 2014 -800The Production Team of Margaret Buckley and Jennifer O’Donoghue pictured above with Sarah (“Donna”) Dennehy deserves enormous credit for coordinating such a hugely successful Musical before a capacity audience as you will note when we now share a further 60 pictures from the wonderfully enjoyable theatrical [read more …] “Magnificent “Donna Mia” Production at Millstreet Community School”

Preparing for “Oíche Chiúin” at Castlemagner Community Centre

Oíche Chiúin, (Silent Night) will be performed in Castlemagner Community Centre on Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st of December. This is a seasonal recital of traditional and modern Christmas carols featuring both adult and child performers.

Musical Director is Neil Moylan who has been so wonderfully involved also with the recent preparation and launch of the Official CD of Millstreet Community Singers.

Registration for any children interested in taking part in the performance will take place on Sunday 16th November at 3pm until 3:45pm in the Community Centre.

All children from 2nd class upwards are welcome.

Registration for adults will also take place on the same day at 5pm.

We thank Kathleen Moylan of Castlemagner for this Notice.    (S.R.)

Last Chance To See “The Sound of Music” @ Briery Gap, Macroom!

This sell out show only has 3 performances left!

Don’t miss the popular “The Sound of Music” @ Briery Gap

Saturday @ 8.00pm
Sunday @ 8.00pm & 3.00pm 

Tickets €16.00 OR children matinee special €12.00