Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Rathcoole Ambush, one of the largest and most successful ambushes by the IRA during the War of Independence, which increased pressure on the British Empire to leave Ireland to the Irish..
The IRA laid landmines in the road, and detonated them as a convoy of Auxillaries passed over them, disabling two vehicles and trapping three more. Two auxiliaries, both only 20 years old, William A.H. Boyd, and Frederick Shorter were killed in the ambush, and many more injured.
Further Details of the ambush can be found in the article The Rathcoole Ambush – June 16th 1921

[read more …] “Rathcoole Ambush – 100 Years Ago Today”
Tullig Medical Centre will be closed to Patients All Day on Thursday, 17th June 2021 to facilitate the Vaccination of People. For emergencies during this time please ring the Surgery.
A message from Frank O’Connor, Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School.
On Wednesday June 23rd Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School will hold a Fun Move-a-thon in the town park from 12m/d to 3pm .
In line with HSE Covid, and Health and Safety guidelines, (as some children will be cycling) the Park will be closed to the public for these 3 hours. We appreciate your understanding and also thank the Town Park Committee for facilitating us.
Kind Regards
Frank O’ Connor