Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and the Presentation National School Parents Assn have asked us to remind parents that their AGM is on Monday 30th at 8PM at the Millstreet Day Centre. All parents are welcome. Thank you.
Author: Mary
Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association – Annual Church Gate collection.
This weekend the Parents Association are back with our annual Millstreet Church Gate Collection and would kindly appreciate any support you can give.
We are endeavouring to raise further funds for both Millstreet Primary Schools and will be collecting outside 6.15pm Mass this Saturday, and 11.30am Mass on Sunday.
For those in our community who won’t be about this weekend but would also like to contribute, we have set up an iDonate account which we will keep open for a couple of weeks. Here is the link….Many thanks MPSPA
Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association
The Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association would like to invite the children to attend a Spooktacular Afternoon in the GAA Hall on Monday 31st October from 4PM until 6PM (Costumes optional), please note a parent or guardian must accompany the child. Entry is €5 per child.
There will be some great Raffle and Game Prizes at the event, so have a Spooktacular Afternoon….
Spooktacular Afternoon
Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association
The Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association would like to invite the children to attend a Spooktacular Afternoon in the GAA Hall on the 31st October from 4PM until 6PM (Costumes optional), please note a parent or guardian must accompany the child. Entry is €5 per child.
‘A Millstreet Collection’ CD, last few remaining copies.
Millstreet Primary School Parents Association would like to thank everyone locally and abroad who purchased a copy of the CD ‘A Millstreet Collection’ and in doing so supported their fundraising efforts.
The CDs sold amazingly well and huge thanks are due to the local shops for stocking it on their behalf – Colemans, Capabu, Centra, Supervalu, Wordsworth and the Post Office and to all who helped to promote it locally.
A copy has happily been presented to the Millstreet Museum. The very last few copies of the CD (cost €10) can be ordered via email to
We are sure it will be enjoyed for years to come.
Millstreet Primary Schools AGM – Tonight at 8.30pm
Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and Presentation National School Parents Assn have asked us to remind parents that their AGM is on tonight at 8.30pm via Zoom due to current Covid regulations. A link should have been sent out to all parents via the schools.
The Assn can be contacted on
‘A Millstreet Collection’ CD Primary Schools fundraiser.
The Primary Schools Parents Association, would like to thank you all so much for your support and kind feed back on the CD’s. This is an important fund raiser for the schools, usually they are able to do a Disco and Quiz each year to help raise money for the Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and Presentation National School, but sadly due to Covid they have not been able to do them.
New stock of A Millstreet Collection CD’s for €10 is now out in the following shops:
O’Herlihy’s Centra
Colemans Centra
O’Keeffe’s SuperValu
The Post Office
There maybe a few new venues this week, and the Primary School’s Parents Association are willing to post abroad, or do bulk sales, please contact Claire on call/text 0879006734 or email the Association on
Primary Schools Parents Association Facebook page
‘A Millstreet Collection’ CD Primary Schools fundraiser.
The first run of CD’s hit the shop and virtually sold out straight away, so the Primary Schools Parent’s Assn have asked people bear with them and the new order will be in the shops within the next few days, also to thank everyone for your support. Paddy Murphy of Tullig has kindly offered all sale proceeds to benefit the two local Millstreet primary schools – Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and Presentation National School.
Song No.23 Ordinary Miracle is sung by the Presentation National School, it was the song sang at Feis Maitiú in Cork March 2020, a video of the the practice can be viewed here Ordinary Miracle on YouTube
Some great local song’s and local singers are on the CD, from the Marie & Breda the Diamond Sisters, Peter Lane & Black Water Sounds, Nora Hickey, The Celts, St John’s Ballad Group, Breda Tarrant, Eily Buckley and Jerry Sheehan to name just a few of the singers, some songs are well known and some like Eily’s Millstreet Town are composed by the people themselves. It is a truly wonderful mix of songs and all for just €10 and it benefits the Primary Schools at the same time.
They would make a fantastic Christmas present and I have heard that some have been sent to England and San Francisco as Christmas presents already. Also, someone asked if they could give in an extra donation for the schools, this would be more than welcome and can either be handed in at the shops listed below or by contacting Claire call/text 0879006734 or email
Cover by Margaux Gilbourne
The Millstreet Primary School Parents Association have CD’s out in the following shops:
O’Herlihy’s Centra
Colemans Centra
O’Keeffe’s SuperValu
The Post Office
‘A Millstreet Collection’ CD is now available to pre-order and costs €10.
‘A Millstreet Collection’ CD is now available to pre-order and costs €10.
Millstreet Primary School Parents Association is proud to announce the sale of a fabulous CD which is sure to make a lovely present for Millstreet and music fans for Christmas 2021.
The collection is the hard work of a local man, Paddy Murphy from Tullig, who undertook the project and oversaw the production. The featured songs all have a connection to Millstreet, either by their lyrics or through the artists involved. A delightful song by pupils from the Presentation National School also features. The result is a varied collection of traditional Irish music, ballads, and toe-tapping tunes to name but a few. In total over 27 songs are featured.
Paddy has kindly offered all sale proceeds to benefit the two local Millstreet primary schools – Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and Presentation National School.
With support from the schools Parents Association a competition was run amongst the pupils of both schools to design the CD artwork. The winning entry, by Margaux Gilbourne 6th Class, features on the front cover and cleverly depicts local places and objects – such as Drishane Castle and Clara Mountain.
With an in-person launch not possible due to ongoing Government restrictions the CD is now available to pre-order and costs €10. It will also shortly be available for sale locally, with thanks owed to the local Millstreet shops for supporting its sale.
To pre-order simply email
or call/text 0879006734.
The winning entry, by Margaux Gilbourne 6th Class.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Primary Schools Halloween Competition
Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association would like to say congratulations to our two Halloween prize winners Mousta Ya Ya (5th Class BNS) and Alice Kelleher (age 7 PresNS).

Primary Schools Competition closing date Tue 19th
The Millstreet Primary School Parents Association are looking for entries of their Halloween Short Spooky Story, Poem or Riddle in English or Gaelige.
A winner will be selected from each school (Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire B.N.S.) and Cinema tickets and Hamper are the prizes. So please email entries to their email address on the poster.
More information on the Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn can be found on their Facebook page

Hope you have fun and we look forward to seeing your designs!
Primary School CD Cover design needed.
Calling all Millstreet Primary School student artists!

Hope you have fun and we look forward to seeing your designs!
Lost and found
A sum of money was found in town. Owner may claim the money by contacting 0879028197
Town Park Closure tomorrow 12 Noon until 3pm
Quick reminder the Fun Move-a-thon is tomorrow.
A message from Frank O’Connor, Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School.
On Wednesday June 23rd Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School will hold a Fun Move-a-thon in the town park from 12m/d to 3pm .
Frank O’ Connor
Town Park Closure for Fun Move-a-thon
A message from Frank O’Connor, Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School.
On Wednesday June 23rd Scoil Mhuire Millstreet Boys National School will hold a Fun Move-a-thon in the town park from 12m/d to 3pm .
Frank O’ Connor
Diamond Sisters live on Facebook tonight
What we Love – Art Exhibition
Herlihy’s Centra in the West End, and the Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn would like to thank the children from the Primary Schools for their Art work. There is plenty of room for more Art, so its not too late to hand it in and it is definitely worth a visit as the pictures below don’t do the art justice.
Also the Parents Assn would like to remind everyone that the Go Fund Me page is still going and thank everyone who has given money so far.
Herlihy Centra – Art Exhibition
Millstreet Primary Schools’ Parents’ Association have been asked by Herlihy Centra Millstreet, to invite the children from the Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire B.N.S. to send in their Art in the form of a A4 painting/colouring picture in the theme of ‘What we love’ with the view of displaying it in the shop and in the windows.
Herlihy’s Centra have been very impressed with the art work that has been displayed in town over the years and would love to exhibit the Primary Schools art, the exhibition ‘What we love’ will open very soon, so please start getting the pictures into Herlihy Centra in the West End ASAP.
For more information go to the Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn Facebook page.
Competition Winners.
The Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and thank everyone who took part, in their Easter Competition, also Thank You to Herlihy Centra Millstreet for their 2 fantastic hampers, and also O’Keeffe’s Supervalu Millstreet for the 10 Runner up’s prizes.
The Children sent in some fantastic pictures of their finds from the Nature Hunt and I believe some of them will be shared on the Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association Facebook Page
So now to the Winners
Hampers from Herlihy’s Centra: 1. Kayleigh Cullinane (1st Class)
2. Margaux Gilbourne (5th Class)
Eggs from O’Keeffe’s Supervalu: 1. Kevin O’Mahony (3rd class) 2. Riley Murphy (Age 9 Derrinagree) 3. Doireann Hurley 4. Conall, Barra & Aaron Murphy 5. Ava & Ciara Home (3rd & 1st class) 6. Annie & Tadgh Vaughan (Jnr Infants) 7. Daniel & Maeve O’Leary 8. Aoife Collins 9. Aoife & Orla O’ Shea 10. Pearse, Donnacha & Grace O’Keeffe.
The Assn also wish to thank all who have given so far on their GoFundMe page, So far €1355 has been paid into the page, anything that you can spare would be fantastic even if it was only 5euros. Also, any new Committee members are always welcome.
The Diamond Sisters – Live Music Tonight
Link to The Diamond Sisters Page
So why not join Breeda and Marie live now for another great evening of entertainment. Or it can be watched at a later date.
Competition closing today.
Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn would like to remind people to get their entries in for the Easter Competion that ends today, with prizes sponsored by Herlihy Centra Millstreet and O’Keeffe’s Supervalu Millstreet.
For more information go to Link to Parents Assn Facebook Page
Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn gofundme page
Just a reminder, Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Assn have set up a gofundme page, as they haven’t been able to do their usual fund raising in the last year, so far they have raised €550 and wish to thank the people who have donated. Also, don’t forget they have a competition on their Facebook Page for some lovely prizes sponsored by Herlihy Centra, and O’Keeffe’s Supervalu.
Fundraiser Drive for Millstreet Primary Schools
Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association, would like to ask people to help in this years fundraising for the Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire B.N.S.
Usually, they have put on Quizzes, Disco’s and Church Gate Collections to help raise money, and after expenses of First Holy Communion and any gifts, the money left over would be divided between the schools.
So, the Parents Association decided to stay safe within the current regulations, and have set up a Go Fund Me page as their main Fundraiser for the year, and hopefully we will be able to have our usual events next year.
Link to the Go Fund Me Page: Go Fund me Page
Another way to pay is directly into the Assn’s Bank account, details can be got by messaging the Assn directly on their Facebook Page Link for Facebook
Also, the Parents Assn would like to say a ‘Big Thank You’ to all the Children, Principals, Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, Past Pupils, Families, Local Businesses and Friends who have supported the Primary Schools Parents Assn in the past, and anything you can spare would be gratefully received.
In previous years, the money has gone towards STEM equipment, Sports Equipment, New Desks, Novels for the classroom, and a portion was put towards the important purchase of a defibrillator, also a portion went towards installation of hot water in classrooms. Sadly, with Covid_19, the Parents Assn have been unable to collect any money for the Schools, or put on their usual events, but they have continued to give gifts for the First Holy Communion, and ran for Halloween a Colouring Competition, Fancy Dress Competition plus a safe online Movie Night. Also, they had fantastic entries for a Pancake Bake Off Competition, and not forgetting the St Patrick’s Day Video (which is still available for viewing on their Facebook page), thank you to all the children who took part. And another competition is on until Friday 2nd April (See their previous post).
Current Committee, Michaela Donegan (Chair), Sinead Corkery (Secretary), Claire Twomey (Treasurer), Denise Buckley, Tracy Cronin, Kate Kelleher, Caitriona McCarthy, Marie Bourke, Mary Irish-Daniels. New members are always welcome.
Easter Competition Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association
Millstreet Primary Schools ‘Easter Nature Hunt’ Competition is open to all local Primary Schools, closing date Friday 2nd April 2021.
The children need to take photos of themselves with all the items to prove they have completed the Hunt, and send them into the Parents Assn’s Facebook page or email address, then completed entries will be entered into a draw on Saturday, for some lovely Goodies, just in time for Easter. It means you don’t have to go rushing out to do this, just get your entry in by next Friday 2nd April evening to get into the draw.
Prizes have been sponsored by Herlihy Centra Millstreet and O’Keeffe’s Supervalu Millstreet, the Parents Association would like to say ‘Thank You’ for the prizes.
Link to the Parents Assn Facebook page
Virtual St Patrick’s Day Parade from 12 Noon
Millstreet Parents Association would like to wish everyone a Happy St Patrick’s Day.
Passcode: 113069

The Diamond Sisters 7PM
Tonight from 7PM on their Facebook page you can watch Marie and Breeda singing – The Diamond Sisters playing live for St Patrick’s Eve. Their page is
Millstreet Parents Association
The Parents Association for the Millstreet Primary schools has been in touch, so far they have only had 10 children from both schools put in something for their video of ‘What St Patrick’s Day means to you’. They would like everything to be in by Friday evening if possible to get the video ready for St Patricks Day, details can be found on the original link below, but it would be lovely to show that St Patrick’s Day is still special, even if we can’t have the Parade this year.
Someone has had problems sending in their video/Photo’s, so the Parents Assn are adding their Whatsapp phone number for entries. Whatsapp 086 6635625, or you can email
Also any problems sending something in then you can also contact them on their Facebook page
What does St Patrick’s Day mean to you?
What does St Patrick’s Day mean to you? Millstreet Parents Assn has asked the Primary School children that very question.
To some of us it can mean going to St Patrick’s Church for mass, meeting friends and listening to the wonderful music. It maybe visiting family and going to the St Patrick’s Day Parade.
This year, sadly, we wont be able to do any Parades or go to Mass together, so instead of a Parade etc this year The Millstreet Parents Assn has invited the children from the Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire B.N.S. to send in maybe a Photograph or Video of up to 20 seconds of who they want to wish Happy St Patrick’s day to (maybe someone out of the area or abroad they haven’t seen in a long time, or a relation they miss), perhaps play some music, or even have their own mini parade, even if they want to do a picture or Art, a poem, but the idea is for the children to say what St Patrick’s Day means to them.
The Parents Assn need all Photo’s/video’s and art pieces sent in by Friday 12th March 7pm and they will put them together for viewing in our own Primary Schools St Patrick’s virtual Parade on the 17th March. By sending it in, it is accepted consent has been given to show the clips/art on the Facebook page of The Millstreet Parents Assn and other social media platforms, this way any wishes you want sending to people will be able to seen.
But this will only work if the children take part, so let prove that St Patrick’s Day is still special to everyone.
Millstreet Parents Association Pancake Competition
Millstreet Parents Association would like to thank all the talented children who sent in entries from both the Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire B.N.S. The children sent in a lot of fantastic pictures of how they like to have their Pancakes, lots of wonderful designs and colours, I am told it made the decision of who the winner was such a hard job. Here are the pictures, some great talent here I think you’ll agree.
Also if you would like to follow the Millstreet Parents Association on Facebook the link is