Sincere thanks, Áine, for the truly magnificent dedication and splendid commitment you have so enthusiastically demonstrated over the past five years as our Local Fine Gael T.D. in the tremendous promotion of Millstreet, its environs and well beyond. Your heartfelt interest and most helpful approach have been so very evident in all that you have achieved as Government Representative. We have been so blessed to have had such an efficiently operated Local Office on our Main Street with wonderfully obliging Staff Members. We know that someone of your calibre, genuine interest and leadership qualities will continue to inspire our great nation and our very own community in the years ahead. Míle, míle buíochas, Áine. We also congratulate Michael Creed, Michael Moynihan and Aindrias Moynihan on their recent election to Dáil Éireann. (S.R.)
Day: February 28, 2016
Millstreet Community Text Alert System Now in Operation in the Area
Millstreet Community Text Alert System is now in operation in the area. Any suspicious sightings of persons / vehicles are to be reported to Macroom Gardaí 026-20590 (24hr).
Everyone is requested to store this number in their personal mobile phone. If you wish to join this system please contact Pat 087 2435855, Marie 087 2802529 or Joseph 0872823646.
We thank Marie Twomey for this very important notice. (S.R.)
General Assembly of the Twinning Committee in Brittany

The General Assembly of the Twinning Committee took place in the Community Council Hall last Friday on February 26th. About twenty people were present to listen to the words of the president Yves ALLAIN. He redrew year 2015 with the stay of our Irish cousins at the beginning of September. A very good week which still strengthened the links between our two municipalities. The Bagad and the group ” Drôles de Dames “ wish to join to the next journey to Millstreet in 2017 or 2018.
The meeting was closed with a video projection of the week of exchange and of course a little drink!
Very Best Wishes –
Daniel and Nelly IGIGABEL
Seed Bomb Workshops at Millstreet Library
Magnificent Sunset Scene Captured by Fr. James This Evening

“I took this pic earlier while out for my Sunday afternoon walk.
I just hit it lucky before the clouds rolled in from the west.
A few minutes later and the moment was gone!” Many thanks, Fr. James McSweeney who is Chaplain at Bantry Community College – for the exquisite image. Note Drishane Castle and the snow covered mountains. Click on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.)
LTV2 Millstreet Programme 274 is Now Online
LTV2 Millstreet Programme 274 Now Online we hope you enjoy our latest Programme