The sporting talent which exists in abundance in Kilcorney N.S. divides its loyalty between Millstreet and Dromtarriffe. This year the green and gold are walking tall.
On the morning of Tuesday, January 13th 2015, the pupils of Kilcorney N.S. waited with unquenchable excitement for the arrival of Mark Ellis and the two trophies (oh, by the way William was coming too). A heavy blanket of sparkling snow enveloped the usual green pastures of Kilcorney and all approaching roads were near impassable. Still it snowed – snow – snow – snow – snow.
Mark could face the best centre forwards in the country, and better them, but could he overcome the Tullig hill this morning? Would the new 151 make it!?
No work done this morning – no decimals, no fractions, no Aimsir Fháistineach, no phonics, no tables, no spellings.
Anxious faces pressed against the frosty windows; hot breath steaming up the glass. Like Ronnie Delaney in the ad long ago: “Will he bring it; will he show us? All the roads under surveillance as expectant pairs of eyes peered North and South. Still the snowflakes in their millions wafted gently onto the already heavy blanket.
Agus ansin:
With a mighty roar the lookout man perched high in the crow’s nest, let out a mighty roar. “Tá siad ag teacht! Tá siad ag teacht!”
He had arrived (and by the way, so had William). What a welcome he got and what a man he proved to be!
For over an hour Mark spoke to the pupils encouraging them in their hobbies, sports and studies. He signed sliotars, hurleys, jerseys, footballs and tracksuits. He nearly signed Kipper (our school madra!).
(William took tea and creamy buns. )
Just when Mark thought it might be over the question and answer session commenced.
Thick and fast the questions rained down on him:
-your favourite player?
-your toughest opponent?
-your favourite position?
-hurling or football?
-how many squats in a minute?
-how fast over 100 metres?
-will Nash make a good captain?
-tell about your diet
-when did you start hurling?
-how is college?
And more and more and more.
Mark was worn out
(William took tea and creamy buns).
Then the photographs – Mark, trophies, hurleys, footballs, pupils, Moms, Grandads, Dads, babies, neighbours and more and more.
Everyone was satisfied.
At last we offered Mark a cup of tea (all the creamy buns were gone!).
A sincere thank you to William O’Leary and Mark Ellis. We really enjoyed the visit.
Best of luck to William and Millstreet.
Best of luck to Mark in your future career
Staff & Pupils,
Kilcorney N.S.