Tag: Kilcorney N.S.
Kilcorney National School – Christmas
As we draw near to the end of our first term in school we would like to thank the parents and pupils of Kilcorney N.S. for their wonderful generosity and kindness shown to various charities. The school sent off over 40 shoeboxes in November. We also collected an enormous amount of hats, gloves, toiletries, etc. for the Simon Community and a total of €208 was collected following our Christmas Nativity (pictures below) for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. We wish you all a peaceful Christmas.
Kilcorney National School – Christmas Mass & Carols 2019
Christmas Cards from Kilcorney National School
Start of the School Year in Kilcorney
Kilcorney N.S. Enrolment
Kilcorney Jingle Bell Jog
Kilcorney National School Mass & Carols
Kilcorney N.S. Retirement 25/10/2018
Kilcorney NS Retirement Mass
Kilcorney Goes Red !
Kilcorney N.S. Junior Infants
Junior Infants that started in Kilcorney National School last week 😊 🧒🏻 🚸
National Bike Week
Last week the children from Kilcorney National School took part in National Bike Week Ireland. (photo by Geraldine Dennehy)
Kilcorney N.S. Clothes Collection
Kilcorney N.S. Clothes Collection
March 22nd
Please bring your previously loved clean clothes, linen, curtains, belts, handbags, shoes(paired) in large plastic sacks to the school on or before March 22nd.
No Duvets, Pillows, Cushions, Socks or underwear. Thank you.
The National Council for the Blind of Ireland will benefit from our collection through the resale and recycling of garments collected.
Kilcorney National School Enrolment 2018
Kilcorney National School Enrolment 2018
Enrolment Forms are now available.
They can be collected at the school.
Phone: 029 58380
Email: <email>
Kilcorney N.S – School Mass and Play
Kilcorney Jingle-Bell Jog 2018
Kilcorney N.S Shoeboxes
Pictured below are the shoe-boxes which Kilcorney National School children collected for this years Team Home Shoebox Appeal
Kilcorney Table Quiz
Kilcorney Development Association are holding a table quiz in aid of Kilcorney National School Parents Association on this Friday Night, November 10th, at Moll Carthy’s Bridge commencing at 8.30pm.
Please come along to support a good cause and have a good nights entertainment.
Bird Boxes Kilcorney National School
The winter is here and the pupils of Kilcorney National School made Bird Boxes so that they can feed the birds during the cold frosty days of winter. Lots of photos below:
[read more …] “Bird Boxes Kilcorney National School”
Setting Horse Chestnuts at Kilcorney N.S.
Here are a some pictures of the Junior Room Students at Kilcorney National School setting their Horse Chestnuts last week. More photos below [read more …] “Setting Horse Chestnuts at Kilcorney N.S.”
Kilcorney Salutes Sportsman Supreme Conor O’Callaghan in Advance of Sunday’s All-Ireland

John Coleman presents medals in Kilcorney N.S.
John Coleman presented medals in Kilcorney N.S. on Tuesday 20th June. The Kilcorney Girls’ and Boys’ team had a very exciting year in the Rural School Championships. The girls just missed out on victory, but played brilliantly against both Lismire and Meelin. The boys team defeated our near neighbours Lyre N.S. in a thrilling final. We thank John for bringing his wonderful collection of medals that he has won in many different sporting codes. Wishing all a happy and safe summer from Kilcorney N.S
[read more …] “John Coleman presents medals in Kilcorney N.S.”
Cake Sale in Kilcorney
Kilcorney N.S. Enrolment
Kilcorney Nativity Play – Christmas 2016
Kilcorney National School Nativity Play took place in Kilcorney Church in December 2016
Below are some photos by Geraldine Dennehy
See More images below: [read more …] “Kilcorney Nativity Play – Christmas 2016”
Jingle Bell Jog in Kilcorney
Kilcorney NS Christmas Mass and Carols
Kilcorney N.S. – Christmas Cards for Sale
Table Quiz
Kilcorney Development Association
will hold a table quiz
in aid of
Kilcorney National School Parents’ Association
in Moll Carthy’s Bridge Bar
on Friday, November 25th at 9pm.
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Great night assured.