“Radio Treasures” Tonight at 9.30 Features Our Visit to BTYSTE 2024 in Dublin

On this Tuesday – 16th Jan. 2024 … preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme from the  splendid Archival Show where the focus is on a repeat of Friends from Lisgoold, Co. Cork at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear after the Maureen Henry Show on Sunday night at 11pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.15 to 11.30pm on Cork Music Station.  Tonight we feature very special Interviews at 9.30pm recorded last Thursday at the BTYSTE 2024 in Dublin- all illustrated below.   Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number.   Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Robert, Emma and Luke from MCS with Minister Simon Harris at the BTYSTE 2024. We thank Luke for this special photo.
Teachers Jennifer and Francy pictured with Abbie, Tara and Emily.
It was a very real honour to record a brief Interview with the Co-founder  some 60 years ago of the BTYSTE – Dr. Tony Scott.
The wonderfully talented children from Derrinagree N.S. with their truly fascinating Project relating to the Dance of the Honey Bee.

Great to have met Delegates from Kenya at the BTYSTE 2024.
A superb Project from the excellent Students from Derry.

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