Our four special features tonight are as follows: 9.30pm – “The Ireland Way” Visitor celebrates Millstreet’s Royal Welcome at the Dennehy Family home in “Knockdrish” at Drishane Road. At 9.35pm we revisit the recent Model Toy Show where we meet members of Cork Model Aero Club
And we also meet with John Murphy who fabricated the amazing model of a Liebherr Crane. At 10pm we pay our fifth visit to Knockalougha Rambling House. At 10.30pm we chat about the wonderfully positive reaction to the two-hour Millstreet feature on Radio Kerry with Frank and Siubhán Lewis of Killarney the podcast link of which will be uploaded tomorrow (Wednesday). On this Tuesday – 31st Oct. 2023 … preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme from the splendid Archival Show where the focus is on Araglin, Co. Cork at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear after the Maureen Henry Show on Sunday night at 11pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.15 to 11.30pm on Cork Music Station. Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number. (S.R.) And of course we have all our regular features. Tap on the images to enlarge. Happy Listening. (S.R.)

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