Kieran Provides Very Interesting Information on Steam Train

Here we view the very fine recording of Ita Fitzgerald's image of Saturday's return of "The Emerald Isle Explorer" Steam Train to Millstreet Station where we were privileged to meet with Kieran Wyse whom we interviewed for LTV2 Millstreet and who later emailed superb information which we share below. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
Here we view the very fine recording of Ita Fitzgerald‘s images of Saturday’s return of “The Emerald Isle Explorer” Steam Train to Millstreet Station where we were privileged to meet with Kieran Wyse whom we interviewed for LTV2 Millstreet and who later emailed superb information which we share below. Click on the pictures to enlarge.  (S.R.)

2Ita Fitzgerald's Return Train Pictures 2016 -6003Ita Fitzgerald's Return Train Pictures 2016 -600And here is the splendid information which Kieran very kindly has shared with us.  We are also very grateful to Donncha Cronin for alerting us to the Steam Event itself and for providing such accurate timetable facts. [read more …] “Kieran Provides Very Interesting Information on Steam Train”

Duncan Robetrson – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Duncan Robertson, Ballydaly Upper - for acknowledgementDUNCAN ROBERTSON
Ballydaly Upper

Acknowledgement & First Anniversary
Died 19th June 2015

In loving memory of my wonderful husband Duncan – “Time slips by & life goes on, but from our hearts you are Never gone.”

Thanks to all our relatives,  neighbours & friends for the cards, letters & messages of sympathy. Grateful thanks to all at Tarrants Funeral Home and everyone who attended Duncan’s funeral and cremation ceremonies.

Always loved, never forgotten – your loving wife Tricia, Family and Friends.

“The Emerald Isle Explorer” Steam Train in Millstreet on Saturday

On Saturday morning (18th June 2016) quite a number of families arrived at Millstreet Railway Station to catch a fleeting glance of “The Emerald Isle Explorer” Steam Train as it passed by on its way to Killarney.   Passengers comprised mainly of real rail enthusiasts on a Steam Train holiday.  Thankfully the weather was ideal to view the historic visit.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)16Emerald Isle Explorer Steam Train in Millstreet 2016 -600

17Emerald Isle Explorer Steam Train in Millstreet 2016 -6006Emerald Isle Explorer Steam Train in Millstreet 2016 -600

On its return journey from Killarney just after 5pm on Saturday passing Millstreet Railway Station.
On its return journey from Killarney just after 5pm on Saturday passing Millstreet Railway Station.

Let’s now observe some more pictures from the very interesting and historic event.  [read more …] ““The Emerald Isle Explorer” Steam Train in Millstreet on Saturday”