Reen’s Pharmacy Shares Superb EJC2014 Memory from 26th July Parade

One of the wonderfully uplifting memories of this summer's EJC2014 in Millstreet appear on a new In-Shop Television Channel at Reen's Pharmacy in Main Street, Millstreet.  We thank Mairéad for sharing this splendid pictorial montage of such a very happy Parade of International (and local!) Jugglers through Millstreet Town in July.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
One of the wonderfully uplifting memories of this summer’s EJC2014 in Millstreet appears on a new In-Shop Television Channel at Reen’s Pharmacy in Main Street, Millstreet. We thank Mairéad for sharing this splendid pictorial montage of such a very happy Parade of International (and local!) Jugglers through Millstreet Town in July.  Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Tony Galvin Memorial Juvenile Match on this Saturday at 2.00 p.m. followed by Match in Memory of Keith Sheehan at 3.00 p.m. at Station Road, Millstreet

Many thanks to Colin Sheehan for this Poster.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Many thanks to Colin Sheehan for this Poster.  Click on the image to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Give Blood at the GAA Hall this Evening Irish Blood Transfusion Service will hold a Blood Donor clinic in The GAA Hall, Millstreet today Wednesday 27th August 2014 from 5pm- 8.30pm.
Blood Donation is essential to ensure Hospital Patients get the treatment they need. One Donation can save up to 3 Lives. Full details of all clinics and on Giving Blood can be found on or by telephoning (021) 4807400 or (1850) 731 137.

Jerry Presents Historic Items to Museum Which Evoke Wonderful Memories

Jerry Lehane of Ballydaly has always been so supportive of our work at Millstreet Museum.  Here we see Jerry's latest collection of historic items which he kindly presented on Tuesday, 26th August 2014 - itmes which evoke very special memories of a bygone era.  Thank you, Jerry.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Jerry Lehane of Ballydaly has always been so supportive of our work at Millstreet Museum. Here we see Jerry’s latest collection of historic items which he kindly presented on Tuesday, 26th August 2014 – itmes which evoke very special memories of a bygone era. Thank you, Jerry. Click on the image to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Patricia Guerin Expresses Thanks for Successful Coffee Morning Support

Patricia Guerin who recently coordinated a very successful Coffee Morning for three very worthy causes – Church Restoration Fund, COPE Foundation and Millstreet Day Care Centre – would like to thank most sincerely all those who helped, those who baked for the occasion and those who provided baking as well as the very many people who attended the very enjoyable and social event in Millstreet GAA Community Hall.   The amount collected to date has reached €1,055.00.   Patricia is very appreciative of such splendid support and had indicated that Mass will be offered for the intentions of All.    (S.R.)