Millstreet Pitch & Putt Club Three Ball Scramble Competition on Wednesday night. Draw at 6.45pm. Play commences at 7pm.
Day: May 17, 2022
“Radio Treasures” Live on Air This Tuesday 9.00 to 11.00pm Featuring American Guests

Live broadcasting on when “Radio Treasures” will be transmitted tonight Tuesday, 17th May 2022 from 9 to 11pm. Please note the new time of our Tuesday Show which previously began at 9.30pm. We shall, of course, feature lots of cheerful songs and some splendid music. And we shall share lots of interesting musings. We shall remember some wonderful people who went to their Eternal Reward in recent times. And we shall chat about the featured images below sourced from the Pictorial Archives of Millstreet Museum. Tap on the 18 images to enlarge. If you wish to make contact with our Tuesday Radio Show please message us on the Seán Radley Facebook page, email us on millstreetmuseum, text or WhatsApp us on 086 825 0074. Special features in tonight’s programme include: 1. An Interview with Camille and Maureen from America visiting the O’Mahony Family in Clara at 10pm relating to the tracing of roots. 2. James Wickham from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA reflecting on life in America over the past two years at 10.20pm. 3. Magnificent tin whistle tune played by children during Saturday’s First Holy Communion in Millstreet may be heard at 9.15pm. 4. At 9.30pm we shall listen to just one of the many splendid tunes recently recorded in Tullig in tribute to the late Pascal Froissart. Happy Listening! (S.R.)

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Looking for a reliable childminder
Looking for a reliable childminder to look after a 4 and 5 year old one or two evenings per week.
Must be in the Millstreet area and have own car as collection necessary.
If interested please contact 087 192 8857.
Millstreet Athletic Club
Second Anniversary – John Barry
Lackabawn, Millstreet, Co. Cork
Who Died on the 15th May 2020
A loving nature, a heart of gold, the very best this World could hold.
These are the memories you left behind.
Fondly remembered by your wife Ann, Son Dan, Daughter in Law Anne and Grandson Cathal.
Eily’s Report – 17th May
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde and welcome to my report.
The Month of Our Blessed Lady is moving on and the Holy Rosary is being recited at cross roadside Grottos and indeed at our own Tubrid Well regularly since the month began and will continue till the end. The annual Mass will be said at Tubrid Well on Friday May 27 at 7.30. Further to that Masses will be said at all of our Cemeteries during the month of June. Please keep an eye out for the dates. While on the subject, I’ve been asked to mention that the toilets at Tubrid Well are not open which is a great inconvenience to many who go to pray there.