Day: March 29, 2022
New Taster Course in Healthcare
Eily’s Report – 29th March
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde and welcome to my report.
Welcome back summer time along with the spell of lovely weather it has turned the latter part of our day into something both useful and enjoyable. People who are here from other climes where the annual time-change is not observed are to say the least very impressed. Not so much in the morning, but at stopping time in the evening when they finish their day’s work indoors. They are almost in disbelief, that it is still so bright and at what can be achieved by putting the clocks forward one hour. How it can make such a vast difference to their evenings as well as the saving of electricity and so on. Being used to it all our lives, it is something which we take for granted and it is only when we see others remarking on its advantages that we sit up and take another look and say yes they’re right, it is a good idea.
Coffee morning held in Dromtarriffe Parish Hall on Sunday 13th March