Retirement Mass and Reception for Hannah Kelleher, Principal, Cullen N.S. on Friday 19th Oct. 2018 Beginning at 7pm

Mass will be celebrated in Cullen Church on Friday, 19th October at 7:00pm to bid a fond farewell to Hannah Kelleher, Principal, Cullen N.S.. The children of the school are busy practising their songs and readings for this Mass. Parents, current pupils, past pupils and members of the community and beyond are all most welcome to attend. 
After Mass, all are invited to attend celebrations in the Community Centre. Music will be provided by past-pupils of Mrs. Kelleher, pupils who would have formed part of the School Band at some stage.  These musicians are encouraged to bring their instrument of choice on the night, to be part of this momentous occasion.
We extend sincere congratulations to Hannah who has contributed so inspiringly to the education of so many young people in such a dedicated manner over many fruitful and uplifting years.    We all wish Hannah a very Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling Retirement.  Click on the images to enlarge.(S.R.)