Due to the icy condition of Derrinagree Church car park and for the safety of everyone Mass has been cancelled in Derrinagree tonight, Sat. 11th Jan. 2025.
Tag: Mass
Mass in Memory of Danielle on Fri. 5th July at 7.30pm
Mass for Anthony Pepper on Friday, 27th Jan. at 7.30pm
Donna Cullinane McCormack shares the following message with us: “I am having the celebration of Mass for the Dad of my Friend Martina Kelleher Pepper in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Friday, 27th January 2023 at 7.30pm. Anthony Pepper went to his Eternal Reward recently. R.I.P.. Everyone is very welcome to attend the special Mass in memory of Anthony.
Mass at Tubrid Holy Well on Sat. 13th Nov. at 5pm
Live Broadcasts of Mass from Cork Music Station This Week
Cork Music Station will be broadcasting Mass from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on the following days and times this week:
On Tuesday (14th April 2020), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 10.00am (live).
Also on Sunday, 19th April at 11.30am (live).
Our “Radio Treasures Extra” programme will continue daily until 11am following the celebration of Mass by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.. (S.R.)
One may contact Cork Music Station by emailing
corkmusicstation @gmail.com

Next Mass Broadcast at 11am Thursday on Cork Music Station
Our next broadcast of the Celebration of Mass by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet is at 11:00 am on Thursday, 26th March 2020 on Cork Music Station. Tap on the images below to enlarge. (S.R.)
Television Streamed Mass Schedule from Rathmore Church

Join us from St. Joseph’s Church Rathmore for daily Mass through our Parish Television Streaming Service
Streamed Mass Schedule for the coming week
Saturday 21st March 7.00pm
Sunday 22nd 11.00am
Monday 23rd 7.00pm
Tuesday 24th 7.00pm
Wednesday 25th 7.00pm
Thursday 26th 7.00pm
Friday 27th 7.00pm
Saturday 28th 7.00pm
Sunday 29th 11.00am
How do I access this Mass? Just CLICK HERE or on the photo of the church above, and the live pictures from the church should come up. If that fails:
On Computer, iPad or Phone
Google Search MCN MEDIA KERRY Click the image of St Joseph’s Church, Rathmore
We thank Sharon Lane for this information. (S.R.)
Broadcast of Sunday Mass from St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet
For those who may not be able to access the Church Television live broadcast of the 11.30 am Mass on Sunday, 15th March 2020 in Millstreet we shall be transmitting an audio recording of that Mass at 1pm on Cork Music Station which one may access on Laptop, iPad or Phone by tapping on the following link: Cork Music Station . That recording is heard worldwide on our Internet Radio Channel. If this initial broadcast is successful we may (with permission) audio broadcast the Mass live in future transmissions. (S.R.)

The list of local broadcasts from local churches are:
Receiving Live Streaming of Mass from Rathmore
Sharon Lane shared the following:
From now, until Friday 20th March 2020, the regular Mass Schedule is set aside. No Public Mass will be said.
Join us for Mass through our Rathmore Parish Streaming Service (NOTE: BOHERBUE PARISH will soon also have this Service). To log in just tap on this highlighted link: Rathmore Parish Streaming Service
Rathmore Parish Streamed Mass Schedule:
Saturday 14th 7.00p.m
Sunday 15th 11.00am
Monday 16th 7.00p.m
St Patrick’s Day 11.00a.m
Wednesday 18th 7.00p.m
Thursday 19th 10.00am
Friday 20th 7.00p.m
How do I access this Mass ?
Computer, iPad or Phone.
Google Search: MCN MEDIA Rathmore Parish
Click the following link: St Josephs Church, Rathmore Live Webcam … MCN Media
We also thank Phil, Kit and David for the above information. (S.R.)
One may also receive Mass transmission on EWTN, Radio Maria Ireland and on RTÉ 1 Television.
Mass for Late Teresa Moynihan (née O’Herlihy) on 27th Dec. 2019

[read more …] “Mass for Late Teresa Moynihan (née O’Herlihy) on 27th Dec. 2019”
Fr Paddy Celebrating Mass at Tubrid
Pictured after a recent mass at Tubrid Well were Fr. Paddy Byrne, Noreen Dennehy, and Mary Reardon. Fr. Paddy was celebrating his 12th anniversary since his return from Nebraska, and he gave a beautiful account of his love of Tubrid Well.
Annual Mass at St Johns Well on this Monday Evening June 24th at 8pm
Mass will be celebrated at St John’s Well, Mushera, on this Monday 24th June at 8pm. Hopefully the weather will be fine on the Evening.
“A large crowd gathered for the annual outdoor Mass to mark the feast day of St John yesterday. A beautiful sunny evening make it so pleasant for everyone and the views were spectacular to match” [2u.ie]
[read more …] “Annual Mass at St Johns Well on this Monday Evening June 24th at 8pm”
Death Notice: Nora Tarrant, Derrinagree
The death has occurred of Nora Tarrant (née Roche, Carriganima), of Derrinagree. On June 20th 2019, unexpectedly, in The Bon Secours, Cork. Loving wife of David, dear mother of Nicholas, Martina (Buckley), Elaine (Reardon), Stephen and Fiona (Byrne), sister of the late Paddy, James, Peggy, Connie, Stephen, Maureen, Fr. Jack, Peter and Diarmuid, sister-in-law of the late Andy and John. Deeply regretted by her family, brother Liam, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, her 13 grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Reposing at Tarrant’s Funeral Home Millstreet (P51 XF86) on Friday evening from 5pm to 8pm. Reception into The Church Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Derrinagree (P51 K316) on Saturday for 12 noon Mass. Funeral afterwards to St. Mary’s Cemetery Millstreet. Family flowers only, please. ‘Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam’. [RIP] [f]
Annual Mass at St Johns Well next Monday Evening June 24th at 8pm
Mass will be celebrated at St John’s Well, Mushera, on next Monday Evening 24th June at 8pm. Hopefully the weather will be fine on the Evening.
Eily’s Report – 18th June
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my report.A very important meeting of our Bowling Club will be held at the Men’s Shed tonight starting at 7.30. The bowling club is organised by the Active Retired Group and members of the Men’s Shed. All are welcome to tonight’s meeting. Please give it your best support .Mass will be said at Drishane Cemetery this evening commencing at 7:30 pm. Mass in Cullen Cemetery on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. Mass at St. John’s Well June 24th at 8 pm.
A very successful two day pony show was held at the Green Glens Complex at the weekend. And from July 8 -14 inclusive we will see the return of the I.M.G.A Mounted Games Championships. As confirmed by their representative Conor O Leary in the following message –
“Mounted Games are again coming to Millstreet this year, this time with a larger competition than before. This time we will host the European Team Championships, from Sunday the 7th to Sunday the 14th of July, which will include over 350 riders from right across Europe, ranging in age from U12 to adult. The memories of Millstreet 2016 have created a huge expectation and excitement towards this years competition, and any competition abroad we go to all they talk about is coming to Millstreet.” The website for the competition can be found at https://imgaeuros2019.com/
Mass in St. Mary’s Cemetery Tonight
Tubrid Mass To Be Broadcast on Cork Music Station on Tuesday at 8pm

On this Tuesday evening for the very first time we shall be transmitting live on Cork Music Station the annual Examinations Mass being concelebrated at Tubrid Holy Well by Fr. Kevin Mulcahy and Fr. Paddy O’Byrne. The Broadcast begins at 7:50pm with Mass at 8:00pm. To tune in anywhere in the world just click Here

Cemetery Masses
In Kilcorney, Cemetery Masses will be celebrated at:
- Kilcorney graveyard on June 7th at 7.30pm, and at
- Old Kilcorney Graveyard on June 21st at 7.30pm.
Also, in Millstreet, the Cemetery Masses will be held at:
- St. Mary’s Cemetery on next Friday 7th June at 7.30p.m.
- Drishane Cemetery on Tuesday 18th June at 7.30p.m.
- Cullen Cemetery on Thursday 20th June at 7.30p.m.
… and St. John’s Well Mass is on Monday 24th June at 7.30p.m. [1]
Annual Tubrid Mass
The Annual Mass in Tubrid Well
takes place at 7.30p.m. this evening,
Friday May 31st 2019.
Death Notice: Stephen Buckley, Medfield, Mass., U.S.A.
May 09, 2019
Stephen Buckley of Medfield, MA passed away in his sleep on May 9th after a battle with cancer.
Steve is survived by Susan (Bliss) Buckley, his loving wife and partner of 47 years, his three children and four grandchildren: daughter Sarah Rodenhi of Medfield, her husband Kyle and their children Catherine and Owen; son Daniel Buckley, his wife Laura Luo and their daughter Saya; son Timothy Buckley of South Boston, his wife Kelsey (Ill) Buckley and their daughter Joanna. He is the brother of John S. Buckley, formerly of Westwood and Gerald Buckley of Duxbury; he was predeceased by his brother Kevin Buckley of West Roxbury. He is also the beloved uncle of many nieces and nephews.
Steve was born in Jamaica Plain, the third of four boys born to the late Stephen Buckley (Dooneen) and Catherine Long (Aubane), of Millstreet, County Cork, Ireland. Steve graduated from Boston Latin School before receiving degrees from Bowdoin College and Northeastern University. He spent his professional career as a partner at Ernst & Young for over 35 years, eventually leading the life science industry practice. [read more …] “Death Notice: Stephen Buckley, Medfield, Mass., U.S.A.”
Vivienne’s Month’s Mind Mass on Easter Monday
The Month’s Mind Mass for Vivienne Murphy will be celebrated in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Millstreet on Easter Monday, 22nd April 2019 at 7:00pm. All are very welcome.
Death Notice: Mary Gahan, Minor Row
The death has occurred of Mary Gahan, Minor Row, Millstreet. Retired N.S. teacher. Passed away peacefully at her residence, sadly missed by her cousins, friends and good neighbours.
Lying in repose in Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet, on Sunday evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Reception into St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet, on Monday for 12 noon Mass, burial afterwards in Drishane Cemetery. May She Rest in Peace. [rip] [read more …] “Death Notice: Mary Gahan, Minor Row”
Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run on Sunday last an outstanding Success
Millstreet Vintage Club would like to thank everyone who came along to the inaugural Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run on Sunday last with an astounding 71 fabulous Cars taking part in the Event,thanks to each and everyone for making the Trip to Millstreet,the Cars left Millstreet just after 12 noon and were led out by the Millstreet Pipe Band with whom Johnny Hickey was a Member of for many years,after the Cars left the Town they made there way up Tullig,on past Millstreet Country Park and on to Knocknakilla with the Event then making its way on to the Macroom/Millstreet Road where it crossed the Road and continued its way over the scenic Mullaghanish Road which brought all the Cars on to a Break at The Abbey Hotel in Ballyvourney for some refreshments,from here Cars moved on to the Clondrohid Road from where they continued on to Lisscarrigane and eventually made there way back on to the Macroom/Millstreet Road again near Carriganima and from here the Cars headed in the direction of Millstreet and then turned off left at Kilmeedy up past the Castle before heading for beautiful Ballagh and on into the Kingdom of Kerry with a Scenic Run over to Rathmore and then heading back on the Road to Millstreet from where they turned off left and passed up Johnny Hickeys Residence before heading out past the Railway Station and on over the Glebe before entering into the back of Drishane and going through its wonderful Grounds after which the Cars made there way back to the finish in Millstreet at around 4pm where everybody adjourned to the Wallis Arms Hotel for a welcome Meal.
Millstreet Vintage Club would like to thank all the People that helped out which helped make the Event a massive success,to all the Marshalls,Bike Marshalls,Registration/Sign On,Route Layout etc many many thanks for all your help,also we wish to thank Millstreet Pipe Band,An Garda Siochana,Wallis Arms Hotel,Abbey Hotel,The Duggan Family and Staff and Residents of Drishane,Photographers and Media People,finally many thanks to the Hickey Family for there support and for donating the Johnny Hickey Memorial Cup to Millstreet Vintage Club and Congratulations to the First ever winner of this most beautiful Cup Patrick O’Flynn for Best Car in his Volkwagen Beetle,a most worthy winner,we look forward to seeing you all again for the 2020 Johnny Hickey Memorial Spring Car Run.
We thank Matthew Twomey, Ray Corkery and Danny Lane for the Photos.
Millstreet CCÉ Play at St. Patrick’s Eve Mass
Maintaining a wonderful tradition at St. Patrick’s Church in Millstreet – Members of Millstreet CCÉ played a number of superb traditional airs at Mass on the Eve of St. Patrick’s Day 2019. The blessed shamrock was placed near the altar. Celebrant was Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir – The Blessings of St. Patrick to All. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Millstreet CCÉ Play at St. Patrick’s Eve Mass”
House of Prayer Monthly Meeting at Cloghoulabeg Millstreet
The monthly meeting at the House of Prayer in Cloghoulabeg, Millstreet was coordinated by Tom and Mairéad Dennehy with Mass on this occasion (Wednesday, 13th Feb. 2019) celebrated by Fr. Seán Tucker. Here we share six images from the special event. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)Here below we feature pictures from a previous meeting. [read more …] “House of Prayer Monthly Meeting at Cloghoulabeg Millstreet”
Remembering the late Con O’Sullivan of Carriganima
During the recent Funeral Mass of the late Con O’Sullivan of Carriganima Village who was known far and wide as a true gentleman, a wonderfully dedicated Postman supreme and one who fulfilled many hugely impressive roles – a magnificent tribute was delivered by members of Con’s Family. Here we share the beautiful feature which appeared in last week’s “Corkman” in the Clondrohid Notes. We thank Con’s Daughter, Mary (who so superbly supported Con especially in his later years within a very welcoming home setting) for also sharing a number of images showing Con in his renowned Postman’s role and also his great love and care of pet dogs. We extend our sincere sympathy to the entire O’Sullivan Family on the sad departure of Con to his Eternal Reward. R.I.P.. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] “Remembering the late Con O’Sullivan of Carriganima”
Acknowledgment – First Anniversary of Nono O’Keeffe
Acknowledgement and First Anniversary of Nora (Nono) O’KEEFFE, née Brosnan, Du Con Road, Millstreet, Co. Cork.
On the first anniversary of Nono’s sad passing (31st December 2017), Connie and family would like to express their sincere gratitude to all who sympathised with them on their loss. We wish to thank all those that attended the Removal, Funeral and Burial. Thank you to our relatives, friends and neighbours that brought food, sent flowers, Mass cards and messages of sympathy. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our sincere thanks and appreciation. A very special word of thanks to Fr Jack for his support throughout the year to Connie and the family and to our dedicated carers Eilish Culloty and Eileen Corkery “Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis” Nono’s First Anniversary mass will be in St Patricks Church Millstreet on Dec 29th at 6.30pm.
Sunday Mass at Carriganima Church Now at 9:45 a.m.
Kilcorney National School Mass & Carols
Presentation Day 2018 in Millstreet
A wonderful annual Millstreet tradition on Presentation Day (21st Nov. 2018) was superbly upheld today when the children from Presentation N.S. splendidly enhanced the liturgy of the 10:00 a.m. Mass with their truly exquisite singing and music. This was followed by the placement of a special wreath in the Cemetery of the Presentation Sisters near the Church Grounds where a special hymn in honour of Nano Nagle who founded the Presention Sisters Order was sung by the 34 sixth class pupils. Staff members from Millstreet Community School and Sr. Eileen of the Presentation Order also attended the annual celebration. Here we share some 23 images from the annual occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Presentation Day 2018 in Millstreet”