First Anniversary and Acknowledgement, Daniel (Dan) O’Connell, Millstreet & Clonbanin

First Anniversary and Acknowledgement

Daniel (Dan) O’Connell

Millstreet & Clonbanin


 Aged 31 years

It is with deep sadness that Daniel’s family mark the first anniversary of his passing.

Daniel was taken from us suddenly on Tuesday 13th December 2022.

Heartfelt thanks to Elaine Flynn and Michael Cleary, the First Responders, Paramedics, Fire Services and all who worked so hard in trying to preserve Daniel’s life following the tragic road traffic collision. We are eternally grateful for all your help.

We offer our sincere gratitude to all those who attended Daniel’s removal and funeral. Some travelled long distances in very inclement weather conditions as a mark of respect for Daniel and to be with us, it is very much appreciated.  Also a huge thank you to all who offered condolences, sent mass cards, messages, letters, wreaths, brought gifts to the house and to all those who shared and acknowledged our grief.

We wish to express our deep appreciation to all who took part in Daniel’s funeral service. To Canon John Fitzgerald and Fr. Donal O’Riordan for celebrating a beautiful funeral Mass. To his friends that took mementos of his life to the alter, the readers, singers and musicians, Margaret O’Farrell and the Cronin Family (Daniel’s Cousins). To Sharon for arranging prayers and mass booklet and to sacristan Julie for all your help, it is very much appreciated.

A very special thanks to Tarrant’s Funeral Services Davy, Cora and Declan for their outstanding professionalism, help, advice and support at such a very difficult time.

Thanks to the management and staff of the Wallis Arms Hotel for a wonderful service following Daniel’s funeral and to Ursula and staff of the Clara Inn who accommodated us after.

We are most grateful to Daniel’s friends for sharing fond memories of Daniel, there was some lovely recall and it is a great help to us in the grieving process.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement of our sincere appreciation. Your kindness, compassion and support will always be remembered.  The holy sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Daniel’s First Anniversary Mass will take place in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet at 6.15pm on Saturday 16th December 2023

Deep in our hearts your memory is kept

To love, to cherish, and never forget.

Suaimhneas síoraí dá anam uasal

Peggy O’Sullivan – First Anniversary & Acknowledgement

First Anniversary & Acknowledgement Peggy O’Sullivan 

Claraghatlea, Millstreet.

Who died on December 29th 2021.

 On this her first anniversary, Peggy’s family would sincerely like to thank everyone who offered condolences, sent mass cards, attended the funeral and helped in any way.

Many thanks to her wonderful neighbours, friends and extended family and all who supported us. 

Thanks to Fr John Fitzgerald P.P., to Sharon and to Julie for their support.

To Davy Tarrant, Declan and Cora for their professionalism.

A special word of thanks to the matron, staff and doctors at Millstreet Community Hospital where she was so well cared for during the last few years of her life.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation. 

The Holy sacrifice of The Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Saturday Dec. 31st at 6.30pm in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet.

May she rest in peace.

Codladh sámh.

Cristín O’Connor – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Cristín Ní Chonchubhair

Cristín O’Connor

North Esk and Shanaknock, Millstreet

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

Lovingly remembered by her partner Des, her boys Donnacha and Liam, and all her Family and Friends.   Sincere thanks to all who helped her, and us, through her illness and death.  Míle buíochas.


Dr. Pat Casey – First Anniversary & Acknowledgement

CASEY, Dr. Pat (Millstreet, Co. Cork) died February 18, 2021. On his first anniversary, Nora and family wish to thank and acknowledge everyone who sympathised with them on the very sad loss of Pat. Our sincere gratitude to all who sent Mass cards, Novenas, sympathy cards and letters, those who phoned us, who placed condolences on RIP and attended the live streaming of Pat’s funeral mass. Thanks to our friends who have been and continue to be so kind and helpful during this sad time. We wish to also thank Pat’s medical colleagues for their great friendship and support throughout the years. We were so appreciative of the wonderful staff at the Mater Private Cork and Cork University Hospital and thank them for their exceptional care of Pat during his short illness. We thank Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. for his friendship, support, funeral mass and prayers at the cemetery. Thanks to Tarrants Funeral Directors, to Cora and to Sharon in the Parish Office  who provided support to us during that time. Finally, to all our very kind neighbours, friends and patients of Pat’s Practice who came out in Millstreet on the day of Pat’s funeral to say goodbye; your support was very greatly appreciated. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Kathleen O’Sullivan, Ballydaly – First Anniversary & Acknowledgement

On the First Anniversary of our mother’s passing, we her family wish to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those who sympathised and supported us on our sad loss.

During her 10 year illness, Mammy was helped by so many great people . A special thanks to all the Public Health Nurses, especially  Elaine Reardon, Áine O’Riordan and Chris O’ Donoghue, Occupational Therapist, Doctors from Tullig Medical Center and the wonderful home helps, Eileen Coakley, Eileen Murphy, Margaret Cronin, Bebe White, and our neighbour Sheila McSweeney which gave us the opportunity to keep Mammy at home as long as was possible.

Her final years were spent in Millstreet Community Hospital in great comfort thanks to the tremendous care and respect she received from Margaret Collins and her staff.

Our thanks to those who sent Mass and Sympathy cards, floral tributes and those who wrote messages of condolence on .

We would like to express our appreciation for the support and kindness of our neighbours, friends and relatives and all who lined the roadside, those who came and waited outside the funeral home and the Church and everyone who joined the funeral Mass online.

We would like to acknowledge the great work carried out by Davy Tarrant and his staff. They always ensure that everything goes smoothly for a grieving family during what is a very stressful and and sad time and for this we are truly thankful.

We would like to give a special mention to Fr. Jack Fitzgerald.  Fr.  Jack called to Gortavehy for many years and that meant a lot to all the family.  We would like to thank him especially for doing such a beautiful Mass.   It gave us great consolation to have her honoured in such a lovely way.  We would also like to thank Sharon and Julie, Jerry Doody and all who contributed to making the Mass so special.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this as a token of our sincere gratitude.

Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday 23rd January at 11.30am in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet.

Eileen Moynihan, Ballydaly – First Anniversary & Acknowledgement

Eileen Moynihan

Ballydaly, Millstreet

Passed away on 26th January 2021.

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

As we lovingly remember Eileen on her first anniversary, we her family would like to express our sincere gratitude and heartful thanks to those who helped and supported us with our sad loss in such difficult times. We wish to thank all those who offered condolences, sent Mass cards, flower tributes, phoned and sent us beautiful letters, Eileen’s kind neighbours and friends who lined the road to bid Eileen a final farewell. A special thanks to the staff of the Bon Secours Care Village who cared for Eileen in the last three and half years of her life. We are very grateful for the care she received. We would like to thank Fr John Fitzgerald, Fr Seán Tucker and Fr Paddy O’Byrne for performing such beautiful and thoughtful ceremonies. We would also like to thank Mr. Jerry Doody for his beautiful singing at Eileen’s requiem Mass, Ms. Sharon Lane for being there to help and guide us. We would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Davy Tarrant, Funeral directors and his colleagues for their kindness and professionalism.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest gratitude.

The holy sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Eileen’s first anniversary Mass will be held in Millstreet Church on Sunday 23rd January at 11:30am.

Breeda Tarrant – First Anniversary & Acknowledgement

It has been a year since our mother passed away. We would like to thank everyone for their kind wishes and Mass cards during this time. Thanks to Davy Tarrant and Staff, Fr. Jack Fitzgerald and Dr. Mark Henderson who were a great help to us at this difficult time. Also a big thank you to our friends and neighbours who have been a great support to us throughout the year.

                                                              The Tarrant family

Ursula Manley – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

The Square, Millstreet & The Highlands, Glountane, Cork
Died: December 8th 2020
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

On Ursula’s First Anniversary, Clara, Freda, Maura & Denis Manley and families would like to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all of those who helped and supported us during Mammy’s funeral.
A special thanks to Mammy’s home helps, Joan Cremin and Maria Murphy and the many others who cared for her over the course of 9 years.
A very special thanks to the paramedics from Kanturk, the Millstreet Gardaí and South Doc who attended to Mammy at home and did everything they could to bring her back. And thanks to Tadhg who got the defibrillator from the Town Park.
Although we longed for you to return, God’s call for you was far too strong to leave you come back.
A thank you to the District Nurses (Maureen & crew), Dr Christine, Dr Norton and staff, Dr Steve and Betty Dillon and the many others who assisted in her care over the years. And, to both Millstreet and Kanturk Day Care Centres where she spent so much time in her later years.
Thanks to everyone who brought food & flowers to the house, sent Mass cards and letters, and took the time to ring and send messages (text and We were so happy that she was at home so, as a family, we could have her close by as we said our final goodbyes.
Special thanks also to undertaker Michael Drew and staff for their kindness and for their wonderful personal touch. And to Cora for calling every day to check in on Mammy while she was at home.
Thank you to Fr Billy Radley for celebrating such a lovely Mass in such challenging Covid times and to Joan O’Donoghue the sacristan. To Sharon Lane, who put in such hard work behind the scenes, organised the Mass and so much more, we really appreciate it.
Also in relation to the mass and burial, we would like to thank Jerry Doody for singing in the church and his beautiful song at the graveyard, Hannah Mary Tarrant for the music and Seán Radley for recording both.
Thanks to everyone who came to the graveyard and lined the streets as she made her way through town for the last time. And to Kall & Dyyne for providing excellent food following the burial.
It would be impossible to mention everyone individually, but our appreciation goes out to all involved at every stage. A Mass has been offered for your intentions.

Ursula’s First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Friday 10th December at 7:30pm. [death notice]

Peggy Thornton, Drishanebeg, Millstreet – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary


Drishanebeg, Millstreet

Died: December 6th 2020

Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

On Peggy’s first anniversary, we her children, together with our families and her brother Dennie Mulcahy, wish to acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude for the sympathy and kindness shown to us during our time of sadness and bereavement.

The many kind messages of condolence and cards we received, have been a source of great comfort to us and are truly appreciated.

Special thanks to the entire community of Millstreet who supported Mam in her declining years…from the very helpful staff in shops and the Post Office to those who helped her extract her car from tight parking spots!

Many thanks to our wonderful neighbours, relatives and friends who supported us during Mam’s illness and throughout the past year and to those who came to say farewell as the funeral cortege travelled on its way.

Our heartfelt thanks to Nora O’ Halloran and Mary O’ Sullivan, Dysert, two incredibly kind ladies, who were pillars of support for Mam and Dad over their last years and have become our great friends.

Our sincere gratitude to Mam’s wonderful home carers, Margaret O’Leary and Margaret Buckley who ensured that she wanted for nothing.

How fortunate we were that Liza Castro joined our family to help care for Mam at home. Her very capable, thoughtful and good-humoured way was better than any medicine!

We would like to extend our thanks to Dr. Breda O’ Sullivan, Dr. Michael Casey, the SouthDoc team, Ambulance Crews,  all in Reen’s Pharmacy, the staff of Mallow General Hospital and Cork University Hospital for their care of Mam.

We are deeply indebted to our Public Health nurse Elaine Reardon, to Bina and the Marymount Hospice support team and to the ‘Daffodil’ nurses for their remarkable kindness and care during Mam’s illness and final days.  We really appreciated their guidance as we accompanied Mam on her final journey.  A special word of thanks to our friend and neighbour Anne O’ Hare, who was always there to support us at any hour.

Sincere appreciation to Rev. Fr. Jim Kenneally P.P. for his lovely visits to Mam and for celebrating her funeral Mass. His online Masses meant so much to her during Covid lockdown.    

Our grateful thanks to Sharon and Julie for their guidance and understanding.

To Davy, Cora and all at Tarrant Undertakers, we are most grateful for their professional and personal touch.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our thanks and appreciation.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.

Peggy’s First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated and live-streamed on Sunday, 5th December at 11.30 a.m. from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.


Denis Murphy, Gurranecarney, Carriganima – First Anniversary and Acknowledgement

In loving memory of DENIS (DENNY) MURPHY, Gurranecarney, Carriganima, Macroom, Co Cork. Sadly taken on the 26th of October 2020.
As we continue to struggle through this most unimaginable grief, we remember Denny with so much love. I, Denny’s wife and best friend Caitríona, his adored daughters Gráinne and Ríona, his brother Stevie, sisters Noreen, Mary, Anne and their extended families, wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to all those who sympathised with us at the time of Denny’s untimely passing.
Due to covid health restrictions we were unable to meet with family, friends and neighbours but we were incredibly moved by the letters, Mass cards, online condolences and phone calls we received. We would particularly like to express our appreciation to our family, friends and neighbours who lined the route of the funeral cortege on Denny’s final journey. This thoughtful gesture offered untold support to us and was deeply appreciated.
Thank you to Fr Francis Manning and Fr Jack Fitzgerald for all their prayers and support. To Sharon Lane and Julie Bradley sacristans, and to Annmarie O’Riordan and Anthony for the beautiful singing and music during the Mass. Thanks also to those who organised and attended the virtual rosaries and prayers online, these were greatly appreciated.
A special thank you to Davy Tarrant, Cora and the staff of Tarrant’s Funeral Directors for their kindness, sensitivity and professionalism with the funeral arrangements, without which we would not have been able to give Denny the funeral he deserved.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our gratitude and appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.  
I Smaointe agus i bpaidreacha do chlann i gcónaí.