Celebrating the Centenary of The Truce of 1921 on Sunday 11th July 2021

The Truce
We thank the Members of the Clonbanin Ambush Centenary Commemoration Committee for the following feature:  “On Sunday 11th July 2021 at 12.00 mid day the National flag will be raised at full mast at our Clonbanin Ambush Centenary Monument in the Church Car Park at Derrinagree to commemorate the Truce and say a prayer for all the Volunteers that fought in the War of Independence. This is not an official commemoration but just our way of saying thanks to the men and women that have given us what we have today. If there is anyone in the Duhallow and the surrounding areas, be it Cork North, South, East, West, County Kerry or Limerick, that have medals belonging to a family member that took part in the fight for freedom, this is the time to wear them with pride, this is the time to let people know, you remember those family members that sacrificed so much for our freedom, and what better way to do it than to stand proudly, wear and display those medals, that were awarded to those men and women for their bravery, blood, sweat and tears in their sacrifices for that freedom. Sadly not all of those medals survived because in other times when one of the Volunteers died their medals were honorably and proudly pinned on their bodies and buried with them. So there are a lot of people who would dearly love to be in a position to wear the medals of their heroes, but sadly they haven’t got them. So please spare an hour on Sunday 11th of July 2021 to honour and participate in what is the last Centenary Commemoration in this part of the Country. None of us will ever again get the chance.”

Today is the Exact Centenary of the Clonbanin Ambush

We thank Donal Kelleher for sharing images of the very impressive new Monument situated in the Church Car Park of Derrinagree Church remembering the Clonbanin Ambush of 1921 which on this Friday, 5th March 2021 is the exact Centenary of the historic event.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

New Clonbanin Ambush 1921-2021 Monument at Derrinagree Church Car Park.

[read more …] “Today is the Exact Centenary of the Clonbanin Ambush”

“Clonbanin Ambush Centenary 1921 – 2021” Book Now Also Available at Millstreet Post Office and at Guerin’s Shop in Ballydaly

Donal Kelleher indicates that the “Clonbanin Ambush Centenary 1921 -2021”  Book is now also available at Millstreet Post Office and Guerin’s Shop, Ballydaly.

Tap on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)