Day: November 27, 2009
Millstreet choir preparing for choral concert

The Big Concert this week will be in our parish Church on Sunday November 29th in aid of the Church restoration Fund.entitled “Sounds of Advent.” Our own Parish choir will open the two hour show, and they will be followed by the Kerry Choral Society.
Kilcorney and Dromtarriffe News
Kilcorney notes from this weeks Corkman newspaper are available to read, as is a special article on Dromtarriffe Juvenille GAA, which is having its medals presentation this week.
Get off yer Backsides!
While having a few of the black ones the pub last week I got to talking to a young lad of about thirty that was in for a similar hit, and who was giving out about the state of the council, leaning on their shovels, arriving for work late, extended tea breaks, and any other bit of idling they could get up to. Sure, people were talking about the council on the radio all day as well so it was fine to do it.
Now God bless them if those lads can get away with it, and I know that shoveling is a tough job cos God knows I’ve spent enough time doing it myself, but surely they themselves realise that if they don’t pull up their breeches they themselves will be joining the dole queues as have some of their compatriots already due to this damn recession thing that’s apparently going on at the moment.