Excellent Arthritis Ireland Workshop Nears Conclusion in Millstreet

Some of the many participants who have been attending a truly excellent Arthritis Workshop at Millstreet Community School for the past five Thursdays.   The superb coordinators (seated third and fourth from left) Marie and Josephine from the Kingdom of Kerry have shared hugely helpful hints, suggestions, action plans and provided such an optimistic approach to the management of Arthritis.  The overall Workshop - one of many which occur throughout Ireland is under the auspices of Arthritis Ireland Foundation.   Very special word of thanks to Marie and Josephine and also to Margaret Crean of Millstreet who has motivated the establishment of the   most useful Workshop in Millstreet.   The Workshop concludes this coming Thursday.   Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Some of the many enthusiastic participants who have been attending a truly excellent Arthritis Workshop at Millstreet Community School for the past five Thursdays. The superb coordinators (seated third and fourth from left) Marie and Josephine from the Kingdom of Kerry have shared hugely helpful hints, suggestions, action plans and provided such an optimistic approach to the management of Arthritis. The overall Workshop – one of many which occur throughout Ireland – is under the auspices of Arthritis Ireland Foundation. Very special word of thanks to Marie and Josephine and also to Margaret Crean of Millstreet who has motivated the establishment of this most useful Workshop in Millstreet. The Workshop concludes this evening (Thursday). Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

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