Millstreet Regional Report No. 1247

This week's Millstreet Local Lotto Results.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
This week’s Millstreet Local Lotto Results. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)

Regional Report No. 1247

by Seán Radley deputising for Eily Buckley

Wednesday, 17th Dec. 2014

Greetings, dear Listeners, from Millstreet on this the 17th December 2014.    Deputising for Eily Buckley this is Regional Report No. 1247.  And in our Millstreet Parish headlines this week we hear about a number of annual events, we learn about a 118 year old lady, we discover the arrival of Santa by boat in Carriganima…and there’s more, much more.

The Annual Mass at Millstreet Credit Union Centre took place on Tuesday at 8.00p.m. while on this Wednesday night at 7.30 Millstreet Reach Out Cancer Support Group will hold a Mass in St. Patrick’s Church.  Millstreet G.A.A. will hold its Annual Christmas walk on St. Stephen’s Day with Registration between 11 & 11.30a.m. at the GAA Hall on the day itself.  And Aubane Community Club will hold its annual Mushera Climb on Christmas morning – this year in aid of Aubane Community Alert.  

On our Millstreet website during the week we heard (thanks to Michael’s research) about a lady of the name of Mrs. Ellen O’Mullane who once lived in Gneeves in the parish of Millstreet and lived in full health to the absolutely extraordinary age of 118 years having been born in 1783. 

The magnificent seven ladies who form the dedicated Coordinating Committee of Cullen Community Centre were delighted to witness on Saturday night the official opening by Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. of the newly renovated Hall.  

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LTV2 Millstreet’s Christmas Programme is presently being prepared and will appear online on the Millstreet website.

A Cake Sale to raise money for travel costs of six 5th year Students from MCS going to Lourdes at Easter with IHCPT will take place on Saturday after 6.30p.m. Mass in Parish Centre.  And the School’s recent “Donna Mia” Musical was enormously popular during its three night performances.

Widely available locally, the 2015 Millstreet Calendar is proving hugely popular as is the recently launched “Together” audio CD featuring Millstreet Community Singers.

This week’s Local Lotto which is now in excess of €16,000.00 was not won at the Sunday night Draw.  The complete results appear in photographic form on our Millstreet website.  And for all daily updates of Millstreet Parish happenings please refer to .

Santa is scheduled to arrive by boat (!) at The Pub in Carriganima on this Sunday, 21st December 2014 at 3pm.

On Monday, 15th Dec. 2014 in St. Nicholas’ Church, Kilcorney the children of Kilcorney N.S. hugely impressed the large congregation with their superb presentation of the Nativity Play where the very greatest care was taken of the “Baby Jesus” by the excellent “Mary”. Fr. Winter expressed his sincere thanks to the Principal (Con Meade) and dedicated Staff for such splendid preparation making the presentation so very successful.

A most impressive cheque of €3,500.00 was presented to COPE Foundation, Cork on Monday night at Dromtariffe Community Centre by the Dromtariffe Parents & Friends of COPE Foundation.

Committee Members and Supporters of Cork North West Branch of MS Ireland attended their Christmas Get Together in Charleville Park Hotel on Sunday 14th Dec. 2014. Next year marks the 30th Anniversary of the founding of this Branch.

At Derrinagree N.S. today a superb Exhibition of the wonderfully creative Christmas Decorations made by the very talented children was held in the school.  Over the past six weeks members of the Dromtariffe Actively Retired Group guided the children for some three hours each week in the very enjoyable Creative Workshop in Sewing and Knitting.   A presentation also took place to the Millstreet Branch of Vincent de Paul of a great collection of useful items mainly food gifts.   All details on the Millstreet website.

And finally our Thought for Reflection:  “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted!”  Every good wish, dear Listeners, in your many Christmas preparations.

Deputising for Eily Buckley this is Seán Radley for c103 in Millstreet.

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