Parish Newsletter – 23rd December 2012


Fourth Sunday of Advent – 23rd December, 2012

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.   Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  / Mobile  087-7752948

Email:  <email>


10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS:             Sheila McKelvey (nee Lehane) Lissaniska & Essex                      
[read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 23rd December 2012”

Santa to Visit Carriganima on Sunday

Santa is scheduled to visit Carriganima on Sunday, 23rd December 2012 at approximately 2.30 pm.

The much anticipated Christmas Draw is to take place at 10.30 pm also on Sunday at the Pub in Carriganima with superb music by Danny Creedon & Jerry McCarthy.

Danny Golden appears at the Pub on Wednesday, 26th December.

On Friday, 28th December – back by popular demand – “Spailpín”.

And on Saturday, 29th December – a Show not to be missed – the renowned and hugely popular “Madcaps” with lots of music and splendid comedy.

We wish all our Friends in Carriganima and surrounding areas every blessing at Christmas and throughout a Bright 2013!    

A feature on the recent Tractor Build in aid of Suicide Aware which recently took place in the Pub at Carriganima will follow shortly.    (S.R.)

Mushera Christmas Climb 2012 – in aid of Suicide Aware

2012-12-13 Aubane Christmas Climb - poster Social Club Annual Christmas Morning Climb takes place Tuesday 25th December at 10.30 am, meeting place at St John ‘s Well Car Park. The Climb this year is in Aid of Sucide Aware. Sponsorship cards available From Aubane Social Club Secretary John F. Kelleher (086 1942161). Please give it your best support as this is a very worthy charity…
[read more …] “Mushera Christmas Climb 2012 – in aid of Suicide Aware”

Council urges Festive Recycling

Cork County Council logoCounty Council is encouraging people to recycle waste at their nearest recycling centre in a bid to promote recycling this Christmas. A Council spokesperson stated: “With recycling so easy to do now, it is very important that everyone in Cork remembers to recycle as much of their waste as possible.”

Recycling centres across the county will reopen the Friday after Christmas. Cork County Council announced that sites at Bandon, Macroom, Youghal, Raffeen, Rossmore, Clonakilty, Derryconnell, Castletownbere, Mallow, Kanturk and Millstreet will close tomorrow, Saturday and Skibbereen site will close today, Friday. All sites will reopen on Friday, December 28th and Saturday, December 29th.

All sites will also be closed on Sunday, December 30th and Tuesday, January 1st, while Mallow, Millstreet and Kanturk will all close on Monday, December 31st

Launch of “Down the Lawn” at Corkery’s Bar on Friday Night

The official launch of "Down the Lawn"
The official launch of “Down the Lawn” (the history of Millstreet Town Park) at Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet on Friday, 21st December 2012.  (S.R.)

The excellent book sells at €10.00 with all the profits going to the Millstreet Branch of St. Vincent de Paul.    Here we share a selection of images from the occasion when many special memories were evoked and where a minute’s silence was observed in tribute to the late Brendan Kiely who [read more …] “Launch of “Down the Lawn” at Corkery’s Bar on Friday Night”

Death Notice: Fr. Cornelius JUSTICE O.C.S.O.

1984-12-13 52b Fr Cornelius Justice - Mount Melleray
Fr Cornelius Justice (December 1984)

The death has occurred on Friday, December 21, 2012 of Fr. Cornelius JUSTICE O.C.S.O. of Mount Melleray Abbey, Cappoquin, Waterford, and formerly of Minor Row, Millstreet, Co, Cork. On 21st December 2012, Peacefully Fr. Cornelius O.C.S.O. Deeply regretted by his loving nephews Donal, John, Conor and Robert Guerin, niece Lillian Guerin grand-nephews, grand-nieces, cousins, relatives, friends and his Monastic Community. May He Rest in Peace.
Concelebrated Mass on Sunday at 11.00am in Mount Melleray Abbey Church, Followed By Burial in the Community Cemetery.

Arrangements by Aidan Walsh & Sons Funeral Directors, Cappoquin.Tel.: 058-52788 / 087-2847831
[read more …] “Death Notice: Fr. Cornelius JUSTICE O.C.S.O.”