Having now ended our hugely successful GoFundMe Project we observe the attached image of Clara Mountain, Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland at the foot of which nestles Millstreet Town where our Museum and Community Website are very much part of everyday Millstreet life. It is, therefore, superbly uplifting to have witnessed such amazing generosity from so many wonderfully kind people and organisations at home and abroad who have supported our fundraising project. By 20th August 2020 a total of €6515.67 will have been transferred from the GoFundMe platform to our Museum Bank of Ireland Account. The total raised was €6,750 and fees of €234.33 were deducted. A million thanks to all our splendid Supporters and also to the GoFundMe Company for making such an excellent fundraising platform available. In addition the extra donations received by post and by hand will be included with the GoFundMe total when on Thursday, 20th August 2020 we shall publish on the Millstreet Website the overall Grand Total. Renewed heartfelt thanks to Everyone who has so generously supported our fundraising for Millstreet Museum and Millstreet Website. Míle Buíochas – Seán Radley, Curator, Millstreet Museum and Member of Millstreet Website Team.