“Where the Road Takes Me” at 7pm on Sunday 12th July 2020 on C103

We thank Presenter, John Greene, for advance information regarding this Sunday evening’s programme.  (S.R.)

Having once been described as ‘the man in the shadows’,  he emerges from them this week, to speak to John Greene on Where the road takes me, and we discover that he has quite a lot to say for himself. 

Mid-ways through the four part series, we change from singer to songwriter and meet Johnny Duhan, author of iconic songs such as ‘The Voyage’ and ‘Don’t give up till it’s over’.

A writer of poetry, novels, essays on various subjects and people, a spiritualist and a keen fan of Johann Sebastian Bach, the former leader of 1960’s beat group ‘Grannies Intentions’, believes that his audiences diminished, once he announced he was a practicing Catholic. 

Apart from Joni Mitchell, Johnny Duhan doesn’t have a songwriting mentor.  He firmly believes that most big hit songs would never have made it, without the backing of ‘The Machine’ as he refers to it.  He also likens himself to Cervantes fictional character ‘Don Quixote’. 

The life and times, the beliefs and the songs of Johnny Duhan, Part 1, on Where the road takes me – this Sunday evening at 7 – on C103.

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