“Radio Treasures” Tonight from 10pm Visits Glenville for Christmas 2016

Thanks to DJ Supreme Breeda Piggott “Radio Treasures” is being broadcast tonight instead of the usual Tuesday slot but because of an internet technical problem last night Breeda is permitting tonight’s broadcast during her own superb Show.   Log into www.corkmusicstation.com to access the programme.  Our special interviews with Eilish O’Sullivan and Simon Nolan who recently featured on RTÉ’s Ray Darcy television Sat. night programme will be transmitted at 10:05 and this will be followed by a musical selection by our great DJ Friend, Pat Daly and we end our interview section with Barry Kennedy of the famous “Kade’s Kounty” venue in Glenville.   All are most welcome to tune in as we conclude our programme at 11:00 pm with some wonderful Christmas selections of music.  Happy Listening!  (S.R.)

Cork Music Station in Glenville. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Simon & Eilish with Michael Piggott.
Barry Kennedy of “Kade’s Kounty” Glenville.
Barry O’Halloran & William Fitzgerald at Glenville.

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