BOI Business Customers Breakfast Meeting

2016-07-13 BOI Business Banking Breakfast - poster

Bank of Ireland Millstreet would like to invite all business customers in the Area to a Breakfast Meeting in the Wallis Arms on Wednesday the 13th of July at 8am.

We would greatly appreciate if you would confirm your attendance by Friday the 8th of July, so that we can confirm numbers for food.

Please contact Branch Manager Marguerite Lynch on 0872955021 or email <email> . All Welcome.


Speakers include

  • Linda Coughlan – BOI 365 Online
  • Niall Hayden- BOIPA
  • Keith Bracken- Global Markets- FX Pay Online
  • Rowan O’ Mahony- Premier Wealth Manager
  • Cormac McCann- Bank of Ireland Finance
  • Eilis Mannion- Regional Mortgage Manager

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