Acknowledgement: Eileen O’Mahony, Kilmeedy, Millstreet – R.I.P.

Eileen O'Mahony, R.I. P.
   Eileen O’Mahony


Eileen O’Mahony, Kilmeedy, Millstreet. RIP

(31-7-1922 to 17-02-2015)

Maura, Seán, Ann and families, wish to sincerely thank all who sympathised with us, on the death of our mother Eileen. We are grateful to and wish to thank people who were involved in Eileen’s care especially her GP’s Dr. Pat and Dr. Michael Casey, Elaine O’Riordan PHN, the Home Care Assistants, Reen’s Pharmacy, Margaret Leader, Marymount Hospice, HSE, Medical, Nursing and Support staff in Millstreet and Áras Mhuire Community Nursing units along with our extended family, good neighbours and friends. We were privileged Mom was assisted to remain in her own home for as long as her declining health allowed, a tribute to the care and attention she received from so many good and kind people, but in particular we acknowledge Sheila’s sound practical support and assistance which enabled Mom in her frailer years to enjoy life, in her own home among those she loved.

We thank everyone who visited Mom or kept in contact by phone, wrote cards or letters. She loved the visits and the contact. We thank sincerely, Canon John Fitzgerald  for his support with home visits to Mom, which she greatly appreciated, and for being there for her wake, leading the funeral Mass and burial in St Mary’s Cemetery.

Our sincere appreciation to all who supported us at the time of her death, the staff of GUH and Aras Mhuire, our kind neighbours and friends, extended family, David Tarrant Funeral Director and his staff, those who prepared Eileen’s final resting place, Sr. Peter who led the Rosary, those who attended her wake, funeral Mass and burial, Derry and Rosie Healy whose music enhanced the liturgy, Julie Brady Sacristan, Seán Radley for his support and everyone who sent a card, called to our home, helped with food, sent flowers or made donations to the Irish Heart Foundation.

 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for all your intentions.

Eileen’s first anniversary Mass will be offered at 6:30pm, Saturday 13th February 2016 at St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.

Forever in our hearts, may her gentle soul rest in peace.

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