Mary Agnes Murphy – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

                   Mary Agnes Murphy

                     Rathduane, Rathmore

                        Acknowledgement and First Anniversary

                     May 16th 2021

As we lovingly remember Mary Agnes on her First Anniversary, we her family would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who helped and supported us with our sad loss . We wish to thank all those who offered condolences, sent Mass cards, floral tributes, phoned, Mary’s kind neighbours and friends who lined the road to bid Mary a final farewell.

 A special thanks to the wonderful staff of Millstreet Hospital who cared for Mary in the last two years of her life. We are very grateful for the care she received. We sincerely appreciate the great care she received from all her home help. We want to especially thank Peg Carroll and Bebe White for the outstanding care they gave to Mary over many years. We want to also thank the staff of the  Canon O’Donovan Daycare Centre for the kindness and attention they gave over a long time.

 We would like to thank Fr John Fitzgerald and Fr Tucker for performing such beautiful and thoughtful ceremonies. We would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Davy Tarrant Funeral directors and his colleagues for their kindness and professionalism. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as an expression of our deepest gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.  Mary’s  First Anniversary Mass will be held in Cullen Church on Sunday 22nd May.

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