Millstreet Active Retired Artists Prepare Wonderful Art Exhibition

Preparing for this Wednesday’s Official Launch by Maura Walsh of IRD Duhallow of a superb Art Exhibition by the MARA Artists at Millstreet Library.   Artist supreme Mary Sheehan of Knocknagree (pictured on right in image below) is the inspiring Teacher to the enthusiastic and splendidly talented Group.   The official launch to which all are most welcome takes place at 7pm on Wednesday, 1st May 2019.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)======

The Art exhibition is featured in the Corkman, annd has some lovely photos of the ladies and friends also [HERE].

6 thoughts on “Millstreet Active Retired Artists Prepare Wonderful Art Exhibition”

  1. Just home from the exhibition tonight and OMG what a talanted bunch of ladies and thanks to Maura Walsh and of course Annabell O Sullivan for their speeches , they were very uplifting and the paintings themselves were so brilliant.

  2. Well Done Ladies. There is some fantastic master pieces Their. I am Particularly interested in The Piece that Mary Hickie Painted. I presume that’s Mary and her favorite son in Law in the Boat Me !!! I’d like to start the bidding at €500. Love Stuart, Sinead and all her grand children in Malahide . xxxx

  3. Stuart, as Mary’s only son I believe I have first dibs. Keep your grubby hands off the square too. 🙂

    Well done to everyone on the fabulous paintings. Looking forward to seeing at least one of them hung up next time we’re home.

    Love John, Nicola, Tom, Kate and Molly.

  4. Congratulations to all the ladies involved in last evenings art exhibition. Their talent knows no bounds. Their enthusiasm for the project was infectious and they can all be well proud of their beautiful paintings. Continued success to all. I must give a special mention to my neighbour Eansie. She never ceases to amaze me. She is a legend

  5. As Mary Hickie’s first born and most fabulous child I have to tell you that it’s me that’s in the boat with her in the painting! I’m doing the paddling while she admires the views on the water and she has already promised me that painting which I intend hanging in pride of place above the mantlepiece abs is you wish to but it off me I’ll consider offers over €10k?
    Love Aileen Matt Andie Aimee Millie zach and Harry

    1. Well Aileen Ye have given our famous lady a swelled head and its hard enough to live with her at the best of times. The Square wont be good enough for her atall now and the price of her paintings have gone sky high; even Matt cant afford them now!!!!!!! She is still coming home early from Dublin to attend my coffee/tea day so I am really honoured. Thanks your ladyship (Mary) and bring some of that 10K from Aileen as she wont make that kind of offer again Run while the iron is hot so to speak. Love to all, have a wonderful weekend.

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