Birds of Ice in Kilcorney

Birds of Ice, by the edge of the river at Kilcorney Heights
"Birds of Ice", by the edge of the river at Kilcorney Heights

The art of nature … at first glance the ice looks like doves beside the river, and then you wonder how did that form?

Natures art comes at a price though. The freeze is still with us but it is not as cold as it has been in previous nights. Rain/sleet fell early yesterday morning and froze solid, covering everything in half an inch of solid ice. Everything ground to a halt and early morning commuters were left with treacherous road conditions with many of them turning around and staying at home for the day. While in town all day, walkers were better off walking on the roads because the footpaths had not been salted and were just plain dangerous.

The picture taken by Nellie Healy appeared on the Irish Independent website in a gallery entitled The Big Freeze

Bad Weather Continues

These calves didn't like the look of the watery breakfast in store for them.
These calves didn't like the look of the watery breakfast in store for them!

The last two weeks weather has been really terrible. Daily flooding seems to be the order of the day at the moment, because all ground is saturated to the last. Hopefully the rest of the winter will dry out a little, and let life get back to some sort of normality.