Eily’s Report – 20th August

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.

A very import meeting of the Community Council will be held at the Wallis Arms Hotel tonight. To continue with their plans for Countrywide Heritage Day on September 20.  All interested parties please attend. Meeting starts at 8 pm.

When the Millstreet Summer Horse Show is over it’s a sign that the year is moving on in earnest. The end of summer school holidays is drawing near and the ‘back to school’ drive is on to buy school uniforms and all the other gear that goes with this great annual  occurrence. Family holidays also become a memory and spirits can take a little dive if we allow it to happen. But life is always full of people to meet and things to do.

Having put our biggest ever Summer Horse Show behind us in the past week, the Wheel of Millstreet still keeps on turning as we welcome the International Horse Show Trials this week starting on Thursday.  As I said our Summer Horse Show was the biggest ever, with a twenty per increase in entries over past years. Competitions went on from early morning to well into the night and there was something for everyone. Even discos at the end of the day. The all-weather courses coped well with the heavy rains which thankfully  happened mostly at night-time. And the extra stabling  met the challenge of the  extra demand. Following in the wake of the mighty Dublin Show its great to hear  how Millstreet compares so favourably to the event in the capital. Its well known now for its relaxed atmosphere, free audience entry, personal attention, attention to detail and lots more. The indoor Arena was packed each night where the crowds enjoyed the various competitions in comfort and intimacy. New friends and connections were made in the closeness of the excitement and the banter.  Stuff that can only be found in Millstreet and rural Ireland.

A fast cleanup and the scene will be ready for the opening on Thursday with the mighty planes of Drishane coming into play. The extent of the venue is in the region of five miles comprising of many courses, each identifiable by its star status. Such as four star, five star, etc. The entire jig-saw that is the Drishane venue was coming together beautifully when I went along for a little sneak preview on Monday. In the quiet of the afternoon the vastness of the place has to be seen to be appreciated. Distant glimpses exposing colourful fences almost hiding away until you drive along and find yet another wide expanse. The age old castle and manicured ponds and lawns completing the picture. I had to pinch myself to see if I was in the real world. But I was. Again I want to compliment the Duggan Family the  great success of last weeks show and wish them God’s Blessing and every success with this forthcoming event from August 21 to 28.

As always admission is free throughout and all are welcome.

Millstreet Vintage Club held a most successful Tractor Run on Sunday in Memory of the Late Johnnie Hickey founder of the Millstreet Club. Their trek took them from the Start in Aubane Community Centre to join the Ballnagree Vintage and Family Fun Day, And a great time was had by all.

Out in Carriganima they will hold their Fun Run and Walk on September 7th Put it on your diary.

Our young Set Dancers have to be congratulated on coming second at the All IrelandFleadh in Drogheda, and we have a Knocknagree man Ben Murphy represent Ireland in the Cycling Youth Tour in Austria next week. As well as a young fisher man also representing us abroad. Please look up our website for details of all these important items. Our website is updated every day by our vigilant crew. They all work on a voluntary basis but some contributions are welcome to meeting the running costs.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Sunday night . Numbers drawn were.  9,11,19,26 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Mary O’Connor, Coolikerane, The Seller was Margaret Burke and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went Erin and Mig Lawlor, Liscahane, €20 each to Paddy Roche, Drishane, Caroline Heelen, Michelle and Buddy c/o The Camogie Club. Caroline and Stephen Heelen, Cullen, Noelle O’Sullivan, Clondrohid, Barry and Evan, Kilcorney, Gerry O’Sullivan, Liscahane, Hickey and O’Mahony Family, Kilmeedy, Caroline and Mary Desmond Clondrohid.  Jackpot for next week €3,000, the draw at The Bridge Bar on Sunday night.

The Months Mind Mass for the late Anne Keane will be said on Saturday morning August 24th at 10.00 am.

Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet Church (In the Blessed Sacrament Chapel) every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10.30 am to 10.30 pm .  In Cullen on Thursdays from 10 am to 7, and in Ballydaly on Saturdays from 10.30 to 12.30. Please be reminded that a box with slips of paper are provided at the end of the church where you can write your request, no need to sign your name, put the slip into the box.  This box of requests will be put in the Adoration Room where your request will be included in the prayers of all who pray there. Trust in the Lord.

With the onset of longer evenings,please be on the lookout for some hobbies and pastimes or groups for you to join ,which will bring you into contact with other people and new interests in the months ahead.

Agus sinn a bhfuil a chairde, slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir

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