Baby Jacob has his First Operation

Little baby Jacob has gone through the first operation for his condition anophthalmos and his mother Wiola has written about it on his website:

A few days ago Jacob had his first operation in Germany. It was an emotional experience for us. We were very worried when they were taking him into the operating theatre. I was thinking: he is still so little, how will he take a general anaesthetic?
During the operation, Jacob got his first expanders, which from now on will be stimulating orbital growth. Thanks to a few operations like this one Jacob will be able to receive his ocular prostheses.
When after the operation we were called into the recovery room, I found myself looking at the huge IV catheter inserted into his tiny hand. I was wondering why it is so in this world that children are born sick and …

You can read the full article here. Also, ff you haven’t done so already, there are still tickets available for the extra concert in Drishane on December 6th in aid of Little Jacob.