This window was in the old church. It consists of two sections which coalesce to form one scene – the Ordination of a priest. The window is in remembrance of Rev. Jerome Harding who died on 16 Nov. 1876, aged only 28 years. He was curate in Cahirciveen but his people were from Millstreet. His remains were brought to Millstreet for burial and it was a massive funeral. The inscription at the foot of the window reads: “in memoriam reverendi jeremiae harding: obiit die novembris decimasexta mdccclxxvi” (“In memory of Rev. Jerome Harding; he died 16th Nov. 1876”).
The top of the window shows Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Two angels on top hold two inscriptions “Veni creator spiritus; mentes tuorum visita”. Two other angels at the foot of the window carry the following two lines of this Latin hymn for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: “Imple superna gratia; quae tu creasti pectora”. (“Creator-Spirit, all-Divine, Come, visit every soul of Thine; And fill with Thy celestial flame, The hearts which Thou Thyself did frame.”). The crossed keys shown below the angel, symbolizes the power of forgiveness of sin given to the priest at Ordination and the crossed fish opposite it symbolize Eucharistic power. The first letters of the Greek word for fish (“Ichthus”) stood for a Greek phrase “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour” – a secret symbol used by the early Christians to communicate with each other during persecutions. The chalice and host, as well as the two cruets, shown below also symbolize the Eucharist. The deacon who is about to be ordained a priest is wearing the stole over his left shoulder. The Bishop is holding his hand over his head reciting the prayer of consecration and the other priests are also holding out their hands joining him in that prayer.
by Msgr. M. Manning, P.P., V.G.

His family were from the house to the right of Tagney’s shop (on Main Street, Millstreet)
TODO: add notes on Jerome from Hardings of Millstreet to here
I will be in Millstreet April 25/26, 2023. Is the old church still standing so that I may see these beautiful windows in person? I will be looking for the buildings and roads where the Hardings lived and travelled prior to their emigration to the US. Super excited to be there, and it’s a somewhat emotional journey.
Regarding Rev. Jeremiah Harding, note above : His family were from the house to the right of Tagney’s shop (on Main Street, Millstreet)
What number Main Street would that be? What were his parents’ names?